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Texas Bans Gay Marriage


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Gay-marriage issue:

The government should get out of marriage altogether. Whether a community decides to recognize your marriage & offer you perks for it should be up to the community. It shoudn't be a federal or state mandate.


The marriage tax credit? Do away with it. It's was past it's date of retirement. The vast majority of childless marriages are two income households. Why do they need a tax credit?


Instead of the marriage tax credit, double up the credit for claiming a dependant in the household.


As for insurance .. well you know my stance on that. Do away with blood & marriage relations being the basis for who is & is not coverable. Friends should be able to insure one another.


Intelligent Design issue:

I have thought long & hard on this issue & believe it should not be considered taboo to separate that which remains a mystery from that which is considered a sound scientific theory.


What remains a mystery is whether are Universe is the result of chaos

converging into order or a creator. There are many people who can argue both sides of that debate including myself. There is no right answer & there is no mathematical basis to choose one over the other. In the end what you belief is predominantly based on faith. What you choose to believe. No government or educational body should create a position that denegrades or exalts either side.


So where this debate should be leading is that school's have an obligation to inform students at what mysteries & questions remain in science with respect to biology. It's fine to mention God, aliens or what not but inform children that such topics are not covered in the biology class. Such topics will simply be treated as mysteries & nothing more.


There is nothing wrong with pointing out the weaknesses in evolution & recent scientific findings relating to them.

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