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Terror attacks hit Jordan hotels


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QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Nov 12, 2005 -> 03:35 PM)
If I remember correctly, when my brother (Israel Forever) criticized (radical) Islam, he was soundly criticized on these Forums.


The times they are a-changin'!

No, that's not why he was criticized. It was the manner of which the expressions were made.

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Ya gotta admit, he was ganged up on quite a bit.


In his ground-breaking book The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington lists scores of conflicts caused by Moslems: Bosnia, Kosovo, Turks vs. Greeks, Turks vs. Armenians, Chechens vs. Russia, Ingush vs. Ossetians, Bangladeshi Moslems vs. Buddhists, Myanmar Moslems vs. Buddhists, Indonesian and Malaysian Moslems vs. ethnic Chinese, Thai Moslems vs. their Buddhist government, Moslem East Timor government represses Catholic Indonesians, Chad and Kenya, and Tanzanian Moslems attack Christian groups in Nigeria.




In addition, many current conflicts have been initiated and maintained by Moslem forces: Afghanistani Taliban and al-Qaeda, Mauritanian slavery, Sudanese slavery, Sudan's 19-year civil war, Ivory Coast's recent revolt, Nigeria's 10-year war, Algeria's 10-year war, Ethiopia vs. Eritrea, Iraqis vs. Kurds, 8 years of the Iran-Iraq War, then Kuwait, Lebanon’s 27-year occupation by Syria, Lebanon’s 12-year occupation by the PLO, The PLO's war against Jordan (1967-70), Pakistan vs. India in Kashmir, Indonesia (with Bali the latest manifestation), Arabs vs. Jews in Israel, jihad in Philippines, Islamists in Daghestan, Uighur in China, Islamic extremists in Uzbekistan, Ditto in Pakistan, Thailand's Moslem insurrection, Chechnya and Arab/Moslem involvement in Beslan, Syrian training grounds for terrorists of all creeds, colors, Iraq "insurgency" (Syrian, Iranian and Saudi terrorists), and al-Qaeda in Somalia.




According to Huntington, Moslems participated in 26 of 50 ethno-political conflicts in 1993 alone. In that year, the New York Times identified 48 locations in which a total of 59 ethnic conflicts occurred. Half of these were Moslems fighting Moslems, and most of the rest were Moslems fighting non-Moslems (NY Times, 2/7/93, pp. 1 & 14, per Huntington). Similar independent analysis quoted by Huntington for that same year shows that between two-thirds and three-quarters of all the conflicts in the world were Moslems against Moslems, or Moslems against non-Moslems.




Compilations of data for ensuing years also revealed that during the early 1990s, Moslems were engaged in more inter-group violence than any other group.

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QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Nov 12, 2005 -> 11:58 AM)
Point well taken, however, he didn't "go nuts" until he was provoked to do so.


If by "go nuts" you mean send threatening messages and emails to people, then yes you are right. Sorry we take threats of bodily harm seriously here.

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QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:23 PM)
Yeah...he tends to take it personally when people make anti-semitic, anti-Zionist and/or anti-Israel remarks.

Well, color me slow on the uptake. I had no idea you were Izzy's kin, Steve.


And no anti-semitism remarks here. As a mater of fact, just this past weekend I was defending the name change of the fish Epinephelus itajara from Jewfish to Goliath Grouper in a conversation with some fellow biologsts.


They thought it would be going too far, however, to change the common name of Haemulon flavolineatum from the French Grunt to the Freedom Grunt. . .


Socialist Frog-loving Bastards!



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QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 08:23 PM)
Yeah...he tends to take it personally when people make anti-semitic, anti-Zionist and/or anti-Israel remarks.

Hmmm. That might be a problem. You can never take anything on a message board "personal"... green or something.

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Well, color me slow on the uptake.  I had no idea you were Izzy's kin, Steve.


And no anti-semitism remarks here.  As a mater of fact, just this past weekend I was defending the name change of the fish Epinephelus itajara from Jewfish to Goliath Grouper in a conversation with some fellow biologsts.


They thought it would be going too far, however, to change the common name of Haemulon flavolineatum from the French Grunt to the Freedom Grunt. . .


Socialist Frog-loving Bastards!





Too funny!!!





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