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No matter what your thoughts are on all the political stuff, no matter what we are doing today...


Please give pause, and remember those that give us the freedoms we enjoy today.


THANK YOU to all those who have sacrificed and paid the ultimate price for what we enjoy today.


THANK YOU to all those who have served our country, who are serving our country, and who will serve our country.


We are so blessed and seem to often forget how we got here.


On this Veteran's Day, let's not forget.



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One of the ways I support our active military is to be vigilant and demand the use of our military as a last chance solution, when to do nothing would be far worse. The young men and women we send to battle deserve that from the US population. To just blindly wave flags and cheer as they go off to battle, because we trust our President, is a cop out. I support our Troops enough to be concerned about what hill they may die on.


So Kap, even unintentionally, you seem to infer that anti-war is anti-military. Nothing can be further from the truth with me. I care enough about our servicemen and women to protest ill advised, and unjust wars. If, as a US citizen, I (we elect the leaders so it is our responsibility) send them off to battle, it will damn certainly be worth dying for. Isn't that really supporting the Troop?


I respect those that have worn the uniform with pride, that have served with honor and dignity. Each member, regardless of role, has my unending gratitude for serving this country. And please, pause to remember that for many in our forces, this is their adopted country. Mexico has sent many of their young people to die on the battlefield for the United States, and they die Mexican citizens. We don't even automatically recognize them with US citizenship posthumously. It is a calling that few truly have, and we are lucky our nation has produced the greatest warriors this planet has ever seen.


If you have a chance, visit Arlington. It is impossible to stand there and not be moved. Perhaps moved to fly a flag and cheer those heading to battle, each and every time. Perhaps moved to assure we never need to break ground there again.



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:cheers to the soldiers who have faught, and still fight, out of belief in a just cause, who strive to do the right thing, and who fight to maintain their humanity and compassion while being called to duty to do a job that is by definition lacking in both.




Bertrand Russell on WW1, on the anniversary of the Armistice of that war that took the lives of 9 million soldiers:


"All this madness, all this rage, all this flaming death of our civilization and our hopes, has been brought about because a set of official gentlemen, living luxurious lives, mostly stupid, and all without imagination or heart, have chosen that it should occur rather than that any one of them should suffer some infinitesimal rebuff to his country's pride."

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I’ll think of veterans like triple-amputee Max Cleland, smeared by Republicans in a 2002 election. http://www.veteransforpeace.org/Max_Cleland_070303.htm


I’ll think of John McCain, tortured for years in captivity, and now speaking out against this administration’s theory and practice of prisoner torture, who was smeared in the 2000 South Carolina primary by Bush allies. http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial...smear_campaign/


I’ll think of John Kerry, who actually served in combat and was smeared in the 2004 election, versus you-know-who.



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Way to make this political. The whole point was to NOT make it that way. Much appreciated.


I don't care who or what anyone's POLITICAL slant/thoughts are on this today. I only wanted to express my gratitude to those who have served, not turn this thread into the bickering cesspool we usually end up in. If you want to politicize this, take it some where else (another thread).


And, I would appreciate any comments about this to be in private from here, and not continued in this thread, because this is NOT what this is about.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 04:59 PM)
I disagree Kap, what a surprise.


It's a shame that any Veteran that doesn't toe the party line is so ostracized. I thought the smearing of the Purple Heart, to attack Kerry, was the saddest thing imaginable. This thread is about respecting Veterans, and calling attention to those Veterans that were not respected, does that. It is a great reminder that our soldiers are not all cut from the same ideological cloth. It is a great reminder that not all soldiers remain hawks. War changes people, we hear that all the time. Too often for political, personal, or party gains, we lose the respect we should have for the uniform, the traditions, and the service.


How does remembering their initial sacrifice, and their sacrifice in the political wars, not respect that?


You seem destined to start s*** in this thread and I'm not sure why.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 04:11 PM)
You seem destined to start s*** in this thread and I'm not sure why.


Dittos :headbang Maybe next time we could just have three or four standard greetings and people could just pick one and then we would have the thread that the starter demands. We would not want actual discussions on how Veterans are treated when we could just click on a few smileys




:usa :usa :usa :usa :usa


:cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers


I feel so much better supporting Troops this way. Now I'll go buy a magnet and really show support, Stupid me going to a VFW memorial.

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I have half a notion to split the thread, and leave the "thanks" without the political BS, and then split the rest into those who "want to b**** and argue politics of our soldiers."


Yes, it was your right to post the s*** you did - and no, it doesn't make you any less "patriotic" - I'm a little more mature then that - although others have already judged you that way.


But the thread wasn't about hijacking the content for political purposes until you made it that way. And, you couldn't leave it alone. You had to keep pushing the issue. It shows some character. :rolly

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