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Dammit, will it ever stop?

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 02:07 PM)
The minute we get excited about Grossman (OUT)

The minute we get excited about Bradley (OUT)

The minute we get excited about Benson (OUT... probably for more than just this year)


This sucks... let's go Adrian Peterson.


I think your solution is pretty clear, stop getting excited.

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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 06:00 PM)
John Clayton was just on the ESPN Radio national show and said what a poster said a few posts above, it's far less serious than everyone thought, Benson was seen walking around in the lockerroom without crutches or any assistance.


good to hear. it looked f***ing nasty.


for those who watched the game, Benson was popping some heads. im just glad that he might be alright, and that the bears won.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 07:07 PM)
The minute we get excited about Grossman (OUT)

The minute we get excited about Bradley (OUT)

The minute we get excited about Benson (OUT... probably for more than just this year)


This sucks... let's go Adrian Peterson.


Talk about jumping the gun..... the only way that would of happen if he had a Culpepper like tear... which is kind of rare to tear all 3 like Daunte did.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 08:38 PM)
Talk about jumping the gun..... the only way that would of happen if he had a Culpepper like tear... which is kind of rare to tear all 3 like Daunte did.


I've seen two I can recall off the top of my head. Culpepper's 2 weeks ago and McGahee's from 2002. Both looked just disturbing as hell. What's probably more disturbing is that I have a picture of McGahee's on my computer. I remember seeing it at the time and just having my stomach do a somersault. I mean, it's just like the normal knee goes from | to >(if you can see what I'm talking about)...McGahee's knee is like this


Just horrific.


I think what's even worse is that I'm a semi-Vikings fan and a pretty hardcore Bills fan. :lol:

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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 03:00 PM)
John Clayton was just on the ESPN Radio national show and said what a poster said a few posts above, it's far less serious than everyone thought, Benson was seen walking around in the lockerroom without crutches or any assistance.

I was looking at the injury and it looked more like the type of movement that would cause a strain (not that I know anything, just based on watching all the different injuries via highlights the past couple years).


At 1st I was really worried and it looked nasty, but it looked like everything was structurally alright and he was actually able to get some weight on it.


I'm guessing its a 2-3 week thing. Luckily Jones and Peterson will be able to get a steady dose next week. The only thing that sucks was that Benson has having a really solid game, but Peterson came in and handled things.

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QUOTE(poorme @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 05:48 PM)
i hope to hell he's ok. he's shown some flashes. i assume thomas jones will be gone next year.

He's signed at a very affordable rate and will be back again next year. No reason not to. Plus you need to have depth and when you plan on playing smash mouth football its key to have not just one good back, but a couple and the Bears have that. In fact you could argue they have one very good back (Jones), one potentially great back (Benson) and one solid back (Peterson). But I may be over-rating all of them, cause I really think the oline deserves a lot of the credit (they rarely get the credit when an RB does good, but they always get the flack when an RB struggles).


This year the Bears line has been one of the better ones in the league.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 05:05 PM)
He's signed at a very affordable rate and will be back again next year.  No reason not to.  Plus you need to have depth and when you plan on playing smash mouth football its key to have not just one good back, but a couple and the Bears have that.  In fact you could argue they have one very good back (Jones), one potentially great back (Benson) and one solid back (Peterson).  But I may be over-rating all of them, cause I really think the oline deserves a lot of the credit (they rarely get the credit when an RB does good, but they always get the flack when an RB struggles). 


This year the Bears line has been one of the better ones in the league.

Isn't Jones signed to about a 4 year $10M deal? Seems pretty damn good, considering the current marketplace and demands for RB's and their contracts.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 11:03 PM)
Maybe the Bears would have less injuries if they weren't busy knocking each other out!  News reports tonight say that Kreutz punched Fred Miller in the jaw, and that's how he injured himself.

Ahhh man.





If Kreutz wasn't a Pro Bowler, he deserved to be benched by Lovie.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 04:03 AM)
Maybe the Bears would have less injuries if they weren't busy knocking each other out!  News reports tonight say that Kreutz punched Fred Miller in the jaw, and that's how he injured himself.


Im guessing there is a lot more to the story than Kreutz just punched him....

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 12:03 AM)
As would I. Kreutz has been the leader of this team for the last 4, 5 years. I have also not heard a thing about this "punch"

I think I saw the Tribune and Sun-Times report it. Maybe Miller ain't really "fitting - in" if you catch my drift.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 08:10 AM)
I think I saw the Tribune and Sun-Times report it. Maybe Miller ain't really "fitting - in" if you catch my drift.


Punch confirmed, reasons for punch not confirmed




Kreutz is a fiery guy. This doesnt surprise me in the least, it seems like if there is ever a scrum on the field, he is in the middle of it. I also wonder what Miller did to cause Kreutz to swing.

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Kreutz seems to be the type of player to take bad performance personally as he's been really the only mainstay/anchor in our offense for a long time. Fred Miller didn't look very good and was making dumb mistakes and I'm sure it had something to do with Miller missing an assignment or something to that extent, especially since the O-Line's play is reflected on Kreutz a lot. I know I'm just speculating, but I have no problem with Kreutz putting someone in their place. Did anyone else hear that report (I think it was during the 49ers game) that said that Kreutz has made a more positive impact on Orton according to Orton and taught him more than any other coach he's ever had? I think that's pretty amazing.

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QUOTE(jenksd @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:06 AM)
Kreutz seems to be the type of player to take bad performance personally as he's been really the only mainstay/anchor in our offense for a long time. Fred Miller didn't look very good and was making dumb mistakes and I'm sure it had something to do with Miller missing an assignment or something to that extent, especially since the O-Line's play is reflected on Kreutz a lot. I know I'm just speculating, but I have no problem with Kreutz putting someone in their place.  Did anyone else hear that report (I think it was during the 49ers game) that said that Kreutz has made a more positive impact on Orton according to Orton and taught him more than any other coach he's ever had? I think that's pretty amazing.


I love Kreutz, but I have a big problem if putting someone in their place involves injuring them and causing them to miss games. Thats bulls***.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 09:52 PM)
That being said Miller is the one who apologized to everyone including Kreutz so idonno.


That's exactly right.


Kreutz is the leader of this team for a reason. How can you take issue with him? If you're acting like an asshole, he'll let you know about it.

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QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 11:57 PM)
That's exactly right.


Kreutz is the leader of this team for a reason.  How can you take issue with him?  If you're acting like an asshole, he'll let you know about it.


But the thing is Miller seems like such a good guy..... He has that huge donation thing he does in Tennesse and than instead of saying Olin punched him he tried to say he fell in his house, trying to protect his teamate even after being punched in the face.

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