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ESPN Shuts Down Customer Service Line


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Audio can be heard there. This guy is an ass who said that he didn't know a damn thing about the man and then went ahead with a bunch of claims. He accused Eddie and other wrestlers of steroid use. Cowherd said, "who cares that he died" and that Guerrero's death was not "newsworthy." He also started speculation on the "unknown causes" of his death.


What a f***ing dick. ESPN had to take down their customer service line because they got flooded with calls about this asshole.


And for those that don't know, Eddie Guerrero was found dead earlier this week from apparent heart attack/heart failure but they aren't certain. He was 38.

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When I moonlighted at a radiostation, one of the jobs I had was sitting in the station and making sure that a few syndicated show ran correctly and didnt go off the air. One of the shows was "Piledriver", a rock and wrestling show that really was funny, and showcased alot of rock. You would not believe the phone response we would get for this show, everyone was calling in trying to get on the show, but it was syndicated(ie. pre-recorded) so they couldnt get on. There are alot of wrestling fans out there, regardless of the stigma that follows them around that they are all roiders and that the sport is fake, and they will defend their sport like no other. I used to have a kid call me and pretend to be the Rock. Cowherd must have been going exclusively for shock value, because what he said was tremendously insensitive and uninformed.

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You know..today's wrestling fan knows wrestling is pre-determined and set-up (unless your 7 or under), and wrestling fans still watch the show for various reasons.

i'm sure there are wrestlers on 'roids and Eddie has had documented 'demons' in his past..mainly alcohol, but give anyone who 'competes' at that level his or her due. you can fake wrestling but you can't fake gravity.

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First off, I think Cowherd is a typical sports talk-show idiot.

There must be a farm where they grow these dopes, they're all basically the same guy with the same voice and the same opinion.


No matter what Eddie Guerrero did for a living, by all accounts the only person he ever damaged was himself, so why Cowherd felt the need to dismiss a man's death with the phrase "who cares that he died" is a mystery to me. If it's not newsworthy, then ignore it, jackass. Insulting a dead man for no reason other than what his job was is incredibly callous and disgraceful.


And I guess their customer service line found out "who cares", didn't they?


To me, the worst part about this Cowherd episode is that his bosses are probably going to look at the situation and think "Wow, did Colin ever get the phones to light up! There's a BUZZZZZZ out there about him now!!!!"

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 01:13 PM)
To me, the worst part about this Cowherd episode is that his bosses are probably going to look at the situation and think "Wow, did Colin ever get the phones to light up! There's a BUZZZZZZ out there about him now!!!!"


unfortunately, Radio sees any sort of attention as good attention. Cowherd probably will make a half-assed apology and move on to ripping another person post mortem.

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ESPN sent an apology to a wrestling fansite, www.pro-wrestling.com


"While some comments attributed to Colin Cowherd were taken out of context and are innacurate, we do apologize for a statement implying that Eddie Guerrero's death was steroid-related."


ESPN couldnt even completely apologize

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 08:06 AM)
ESPN sent an apology to a wrestling fansite, www.pro-wrestling.com


"While some comments attributed to Colin Cowherd were taken out of context and are innacurate, we do apologize for a statement implying that Eddie Guerrero's death was steroid-related."


ESPN couldnt even completely apologize

Half-assed like everything else they do.


Which part of "his death isn't newsworthy" or "who cares that he died" was taken out of context???


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