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Green Day's Bigotry


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If I released an album called "Bullet in Billy Joe" I would be villified.



I'm not going to get into a huge debate and ruin the new, cuddlery PA image, but I just needed everyone to know that these yahoos are no better or worse than KKK members or Al Queida members.



just so y'all know. friggin' disparity.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 05:56 AM)
If I released an album called "Bullet in Billy Joe" I would be villified.

I'm not going to get into a huge debate and ruin the new, cuddlery PA image, but I just needed everyone to know that these yahoos are no better or worse than KKK members or Al Queida members.

just so y'all know. friggin' disparity.


PA, while I respect the sentiment, comparing a living human with the Bible, isn't quite accurate. I'm not defending Green Day, but I believe my God can handle the criticism. Even respected theologians differ in interpretations, so these yahoos have a different interpretation.


So I say Good Riddance, I hope they have the time of their lives . . .


and so it begins :D

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 06:58 AM)
PA, while I respect the sentiment, comparing a living human with the Bible, isn't quite accurate. I'm not defending Green Day, but I believe my God can handle the criticism. Even respected theologians differ in interpretations, so these yahoos have a different interpretation.


So I say Good Riddance, I hope they have the time of their lives . . .


and so it begins  :D

I know I'm probably a Nimrod and a Basket Case, and I may be in the Minority, but I don't see this as any kind of Warning of impending Misery, and while Billie Joe may be a Walking Contradiction, it's not like he's 2000 Light Years Away or anything. He seems to be Having A Blast and while he may seem Jaded or even seem to be a Jackass or a Chump, In The End he's probably just an American Idiot and he probably even goes to Church On Sunday.



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Shipwrecked on an Island


Two men were shipwrecked near an island. When they landed ashore, one of them began screaming and yelling, "We're going to die! We're going to die! There's no food! No water! We're going to die!"


The second man leaned calmly against a palm tree.


When the first man saw how calm his friend was, he went crazy and shouted, "Don't you understand?! We're going to die!!"Undisturbed, the second man replied, "You don't understand, I make $100,000 a week."


Dumbfounded, the first man looked at him and asked, "What difference does that make?!? We're on an island with no food and no water! We're going to DIE!!!"


The second man answered, "You just don't get it. I make $100,000 a week and I tithe ten percent on that $100,000 a week. Wherever I am, my pastor will be sure to find me!"

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"cuddlery". . . :huh :D


I also apprciate your anger, but the stahement that "these yahoos are no better or worse than KKK members or Al Queida members" is hyperbole. KKK members or Al Queida members have been driven to terorize amd kill by their beliefs. Green Day is making records.


The DK's Frankenchrist caused a big uproar and a lot of oitrage when it came out, too. And it sold a lot of albums. Controversy sells, for better or worse. But as long as your opinions remain words and not deeds, they are Constitutionally protected, as they should be.



EDIT to add: Of course the insertion (he he) of H.R. Giger's "Penis Landscape" artwork into the sleeve helped spark a lot of the controversy in the case of Frankenchrist.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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That's all the controversy was over. A shop owner sold it to a kid, and the kids parents found it. Biafra's story of the raid into his house on his second spoken word album is friggin' hysterical.


I also don't think the comparison to the KKK or Al Qaeda (whatever) is accurate. Heck, I wouldn't even compare the KKK to Al Kaida or even Ore Ida. The KKK is a shadow of what it may have once upon a time have been. The Al Don Quixote gang are actually kind of scary. Green Day just kind of sucks. :D

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so Eminem can't say words like "f*****", but Green Day can refer to anyone who voted for GWB as a "redneck" and "idiot america".


what pisses me off so much is that Green Day have some how become rock icons and so cerebral.


I don't understand the agenda at all. It's so pick and choose.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 05:56 AM)
If I released an album called "Bullet in Billy Joe" I would be villified.

I'm not going to get into a huge debate and ruin the new, cuddlery PA image, but I just needed everyone to know that these yahoos are no better or worse than KKK members or Al Queida members.

just so y'all know. friggin' disparity.


Oh, I forgot how white Chirstians have been so violently persecuted over the years. Jesus, go cry a f***ing ocean if you're finding a beef with a quasi punk band, a genre that typifies rebellion and saying things that push the envelope. And if you find no disparity between the words f***** and redneck, you need to shut up for a while until somehow snaps your head on right.

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I'm sorry, I was just surprised when I wasn't able to write a certain word, but could say "nazi ass chicken f***ing b****"...


I understand the respect aspect. I don't ever intended to call someone that name, it just struck me as odd. that's all.

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QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 11:48 AM)
Oh, I forgot how white Chirstians have been so violently persecuted over the years. Jesus, go cry a f***ing ocean if you're finding a beef with a quasi punk band, a genre that typifies rebellion and saying things that push the envelope. And if you find no disparity between the words f***** and redneck, you need to shut up for a while until somehow snaps your head on right.


I think that any word standing alone is simply a word. It's obvious that GD's usage of the word "Redneck" isn't the same kind of tongue in cheek that Jeff Foxworthy uses it as. If you can't see that, then you can follow your own instructions above.


Once again Cerbaho opens his mouth too quickly. It's sad that you hate christians so much, so blindly.

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Ancient History. :sleep Everybody knows that Billy Joe already jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge.


As far as Billie Joe and his band mates being the same as mass murderers: that’s just silly.


(Actually, I thought he was talking about the Piano Man, too)

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 11:49 AM)
I'm sorry, I was just surprised when I wasn't able to write a certain word, but could say "nazi ass chicken f***ing b****"...


I understand the respect aspect. I don't ever intended to call someone that name, it just struck me as odd. that's all.




Oh.. that's for me. I wanted to be sure folks could call me by my slang name.. ;)

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 11:53 AM)
A little odd, yes, but I bet if you used the "N" word it will also be deleted out. A "Nazi" is an actual title, the words that are booted are words used to offend on a personal basis.


well, my apologies to the chicken f***ers out there then :lol: you apparently aren't in the same protected catagory as others are...




that being sad, I'm done with this thread. I don't like where it's going, and I'm sorry if I took it there.


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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 11:55 AM)
Ancient History. :sleep  Everybody knows that Billy Joe already jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge.


As far as Billie Joe and his band mates being the same as mass murderers:  that’s just silly.


(Actually, I thought he was talking about the Piano Man, too)



hey cherry picker... I see you're lonely again.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 12:49 PM)
I'm sorry, I was just surprised when I wasn't able to write a certain word, but could say "nazi ass chicken f***ing b****"...


I understand the respect aspect. I don't ever intended to call someone that name, it just struck me as odd. that's all.


I dont understand where you are going with this. You are comparing putting a bullet in a book, to putting a bullet in a person. Then you are saying that it isnt right that Eminem cant say "f***ing f**" when Billy Joe is saying "Redneck" and "Idiot America". The KKK, Al Queda, and Green Day? These are arent comparisons, they arent even remotely connected.


Have you heard the album? Do you know if there are actual references to putting a bullet in the bible?

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so Eminem can't say words like "f*****", but Green Day can refer to anyone who voted for GWB as a "redneck" and "idiot america" .........

That’s just not right, is it? But you need to do more than just preach to the choir here if you want to bring about meaningful change.


I suggest you do like Sister Rossetta did when Pat Boone crossed over to the Dark Side. Get involved! Put up a web site to get the Word out.


Pat Boone is an Instrument of the Devil

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