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Mayor declares 'Julie Andrews Day' in Chicago


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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:43 PM)
Maybe that is it then.  Scary moments come and go in films as in daily life.  Usually, there is resolution and a sigh of relief.  I worry that the violent imagery and themes have more staying power and potentially more severe consequences in the minds of kids.


It's tough, isn't it? The kid gets violent stuff no matter what he watches, stuff like Tom & Jerry is still REALLY violent, even by today's standards. I try to limit what he watches in those ways. It was just with CHICKEN, it came from out of nowhere.


Tell ya what though, there is no way that kid is going to be allowed to watch The Sound Of Music! He already wears high heels from time to time, I don't want to push him all the way into flamery!!!

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:27 PM)
I have a problem with the movie Shark Tale. I think it's message is subversive. "I can't stand living a lie" "why won't you accept me for who I am". These things are ok on one level, but manipulative on another. Not everyone believes these things are universal. A shark that just doesn't fit in with other sharks, so he dresses up like a dolphin. I know "it's just a cartoon", but that's why I have a problem with it. We put adult messages in cartoons and our kids are just left with confusion. From working at blockbuster and seeing parents rent these "cartoons" for young children makes me very upset.


anyway, just my 2 cents.


Oh you mean, Sebastion, the vegetarian, whale washing dolphin..with the cute little scarf and spray bottle that can't get the nonconforming father to accept him for who he is so he can stop living a lie.


There's no message in there

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:10 PM)
Seriously, can someone answer why is liking Streisand considered a gay reference in a film?  Please share this insider joke with the rest of us.

Go to the gay bar and play the Streisand song in the jukebox. You'll figure it out soon enough.


As my friend told me last night. "It's your heritage!"

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 03:27 PM)
I have a problem with the movie Shark Tale. I think it's message is subversive. "I can't stand living a lie" "why won't you accept me for who I am". These things are ok on one level, but manipulative on another. Not everyone believes these things are universal. A shark that just doesn't fit in with other sharks, so he dresses up like a dolphin. I know "it's just a cartoon", but that's why I have a problem with it. We put adult messages in cartoons and our kids are just left with confusion. From working at blockbuster and seeing parents rent these "cartoons" for young children makes me very upset.


anyway, just my 2 cents.


Why is acceptance such a problem?

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 05:40 PM)
Wow!  This joint is jumping!  It was kinda lonely here last night.  Just me and Rex knockin’ back a few.  I return now and, uh, I’m almost speechless.  Who knew there were so many kindred spirits? :D


See, you're amongst friends . . . ;)

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  3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 said:
Pssh, you want equal rights and then you exclude heterosexuals. Gay Games, showing gay pride with gear and parades, hypocrites! ;)

Honey, you can join our team any time. What sport do you play? And what's your dress size?


I've got those membership cards around here somewhere. I'll make one up for you with your photo, just like ours: post-2785-1132023793.gif

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So like myself .. none of you really know why it's Streisand. Logically it makes no sense. To the best of my knowledge all of her movies feature heterosexual relations, she's married I think to Brolin (a man's man as they say), & I never even heard a song of hers that suggests anything but a hetero relation. So I just don't get the tie-in.


Did it grow out of something transexual? Men wishing they were her? There are some very freaky people in this world if that's the case.

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