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Mayor declares 'Julie Andrews Day' in Chicago


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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:26 PM)
Her role in the Sound of Music is legendary as the film is shown yearly & still remains a big event.  She should be honored for that.


Having seen Chicken Little with my kids, the Pig is gay.  They don't know that, but I do.  Why?  Because I've heard the Streisand reference so many times that's the first thing that comes to mind. 


But to this day I still don't understand the connection!  What if you are straight & happen to like some of her movies & her albums?



Chicken Little scared the s*** out of my 2+ year old son. f*** Disney for releasing that damn film as a "G", masking it as a happy, cutesy, silly little romp, and then turning it into an all out Horror film complete with razor sharp implemented robots seemingly killing all of the towns inhabitants. If you plan to take your littlest ones to this film, be warned that it turns REAL ugly an hour into it. Yes, it clears it up, but a little kid will not know the difference.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:41 PM)
I'm sure that's some inside ESPN board reference between you old farts, eh?  :D


All we need now is a show tunes sing-a-long to the soundtrack of West Side Story....



when you're an ESPN board alumni...you're an ESPN board alumni to the end. From your first posting flame...to you last banning day!

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 01:45 PM)
All we need now is a show tunes sing-a-long to the soundtrack of West Side Story....

when you're an ESPN board alumni...you're an ESPN board alumni to the end. From your first posting flame...to you last banning day!


Very good. :cheers

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  Kid Gleason said:
Chicken Little scared the s*** out of my 2+ year old son. f*** Disney for releasing that damn film as a "G", masking it as a happy, cutesy, silly little romp, and then turning it into an all out Horror film complete with razor sharp implemented robots seemingly killing all of the towns inhabitants. If you plan to take your littlest ones to this film, be warned that it turns REAL ugly an hour into it. Yes, it clears it up, but a little kid will not know the difference.


I agree with you. When he hit the ball & scored the in park home run I said what a great movie. Then all of sudden it was like WTF? The rest of the way I kept thinking of the Jimmy Neutron movie.


WTF: What the Freak .. conservatives try to avoid excessive profanity despite the primitive nature of liberals to feel the need to supersize it.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 01:45 PM)
Chicken Little scared the s*** out of my 2+ year old son. f*** Disney for releasing that damn film as a "G", masking it as a happy, cutesy, silly little romp, and then turning it into an all out Horror film complete with razor sharp implemented robots seemingly killing all of the towns inhabitants. If you plan to take your littlest ones to this film, be warned that it turns REAL ugly an hour into it. Yes, it clears it up, but a little kid will not know the difference.


Is the G7 rating available to the motion picture industry the way it is for video games and TV shows. If so, I agree it should be G7. If not, they probably had no chice than to go G, since it clearly didn't warrant a PG-13.


Oh, yeah, sorry about your kid being scarred for life. But with you as Dad, that was probably inevitable. :P

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The signature is simple: There is no such thing as political correctness.


I'll do my thing, you do yours & as evolution intended whichever is best will outlast the rest. If I offend you .. tough. Evolution says nature intends for the weakest amongst us to perish. If you offend me .. I'll rip you a new one. The strongest are meant to survive.


You might claim that someone who chooses to smoke, drink, eat fatty foods, or engage in other excesses might not outlive you. But evolution teaches us that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. So don't tell me what I can't consume in my body.


Of course to combat our excessive & greedy natures we need religion.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:55 PM)
Is the G7 rating available to the motion picture industry the way it is for video games and TV shows.  If so, I agree it should be G7.  If not, they probably had no chice than to go G, since it clearly didn't warrant a PG-13.


Oh, yeah, sorry about your kid being scarred for life.  But with you as Dad, that was probably inevitable.  :P


aH, ha, ha, ha...


Have you seen the movie? Trust me, once the carnage starts, that film deserved a PG. It only got a G due to Disney and their pull. Any other studio would have been slapped with a PG, no if's and's or butt's about it.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:34 PM)
aH, ha, ha, ha...


Have you seen the movie? Trust me, once the carnage starts, that film deserved a PG. It only got a G due to Disney and their pull. Any other studio would have been slapped with a PG, no if's and's or butt's about it.


I don't agree.


I did see the movie, in Disney 3-D on the opening weekend. I'm a nerd that way.


But I took my kids at least.


They are 6 and 7 so no worries about age appropriate content for me with this one, but i do worry about it all the time. My kids are huge Star Wars nuts, but I won't let them see Ep III until they are older. They tell me about how many of their friends have seen it and whatnot, but there is a movie that deserves the PG-13 rating.


Incredibles got a PG rating and it was much deserved. We took the kids, but had the 'only a movie' talk with them beforehand.


the difference between incredibles and Chicken Little was that Chicken Little did not have gratuitouus or graphic violence, and the characters were anthropomorphized animals and not humans. The difference is important, as i will let my kids watch Wyle E. Cyote fall off a cliff but I won't let them watch something with the same fate befalling a person.


Chicken little got loud, intense, and boisterous – possibly too much so for a 2-yr old. But it fell short of needing a PG rating.

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When Foxy was suddenly vaporized, that wasn't violent? When Chicken, Pig, Abby, and Fish are running through the corn field while the giant robot was slicing things apart with razor blades spinning you didn't think "my this is a little violent"? Cute little animals being blasted by aliens isn't traumatic for a not even 3 year old yet? The commercials don't play up the alien destruction at all. It looked like it would be a silly little movie, with an alien invasion. It can be done well for little kids, but Disney didn't do that at all. At one point your sitting there thrilled the little guy won the game, and then all of a sudden Foxy and the Mayor are being blasted out of site after the robots destroy everything. Trust me, considering the movies I watch, and the fact that I was a contributer to some pretty intense magazines and websites (I have written stuff for Chas. Balun's DEEP RED and a website called SEX GORE MUTANTS) I am well familiar with the intense Mondo side of film making. I do own movies such as CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, so I ain't no "prude" about this stuff. Chicken Little was marketed poorly, and I am hardly alone on that stance. If they weren't going to get a PG, then they surely should have advertised it as it is. People are walking out of the theater with their kids in tow once the carnage hits. 6 or 7? Sure, but around my son's age it's extremely traumatic stuff. There was a reason his face was suddenly buried in my jacket and he was crying, and it wasn't s***ty popcorn.


Oh, and aside from the first appearance of the robot in The Incredibles, my son LOVES That movie.

Edited by Kid Gleason
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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:56 PM)
Oh, and aside from the first appearance of the robot in The Incredibles, my son LOVES That movie.


But it is VERY violent. Lost of henchmen crashing in their flying cars, getting blown up etc., with the unspoken subtext being that there are casualties not shown on the screen. And what about Syndrome being sucked into a jet engine – or any of the hero demises in the "no capes, darling" montage?


Or Mr. Incredible finding the remains of Gazer Beam and the other missing Supers in the cave? Heck, the premise of the film is that the bad guy is KILLING OFF ALL THE SUPERS!


Take a minute and compare the content of those scenes (in a film your 2+ year old is comfortable with) to anything in Chicken Little, and tell me what is more violent. C'mon, seriously.


The Chicken Little cornfield scene – intense yes. But only corn plants actually got cut up in it. The seeming sisintigrations of the characters – intens yes, but they don't hold a candle to being sucked up by a jet engine.


I agree the film was intense for young viewers. I disagree that it was any kind of "Disney pull" that got the film a G and not a PG. Did a Pixa-produced film not have as much clout and hence Incredibles' PG rating? I doubt it. Rather, it was the more intense and REALISTICALLY VIOLENT of the two films, and was rated appropriately.

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I have a problem with the movie Shark Tale. I think it's message is subversive. "I can't stand living a lie" "why won't you accept me for who I am". These things are ok on one level, but manipulative on another. Not everyone believes these things are universal. A shark that just doesn't fit in with other sharks, so he dresses up like a dolphin. I know "it's just a cartoon", but that's why I have a problem with it. We put adult messages in cartoons and our kids are just left with confusion. From working at blockbuster and seeing parents rent these "cartoons" for young children makes me very upset.


anyway, just my 2 cents.

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But I am not really arguing the rating of The Incredibles, I am arguing that Chicken Deserved a harsher rating. They both include some pretty violent stuff, no matter how you look at it. Nothing in Incredibles is really scary. There's two different things going on here. One is scary and one is violent.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:27 PM)
I have a problem with the movie Shark Tale. I think it's message is subversive. "I can't stand living a lie" "why won't you accept me for who I am". These things are ok on one level, but manipulative on another. Not everyone believes these things are universal. A shark that just doesn't fit in with other sharks, so he dresses up like a dolphin. I know "it's just a cartoon", but that's why I have a problem with it. We put adult messages in cartoons and our kids are just left with confusion. From working at blockbuster and seeing parents rent these "cartoons" for young children makes me very upset.


anyway, just my 2 cents.


Shark Tales just sucked.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 03:27 PM)
I have a problem with the movie Shark Tale. I think it's message is subversive. "I can't stand living a lie" "why won't you accept me for who I am". These things are ok on one level, but manipulative on another. Not everyone believes these things are universal. A shark that just doesn't fit in with other sharks, so he dresses up like a dolphin. I know "it's just a cartoon", but that's why I have a problem with it. We put adult messages in cartoons and our kids are just left with confusion. From working at blockbuster and seeing parents rent these "cartoons" for young children makes me very upset.


anyway, just my 2 cents.


At least were are kind of back on theme in this thread. :D


Shark Tale, the Schreck films, etc., are good examples of films with a lot of adult themes and parents have to do their homework and decide if the film is appropriate for their kids. I don'y think the films are intentionally subversive in any way. The are just trying to tickle the funny bones of adult audience members as well as kids. Our household does not go in for a lot of potty humor, so movies like Schreck push things a little. But for the most part, the films creators do a very good job of making sure the adult-themed bits fly cleanly ovver the heads of the kids (potty humor notwithstanding) and hit their adult targets.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 03:32 PM)
There's two different things going on here. One is scary and one is violent.


Maybe that is it then. Scary moments come and go in films as in daily life. Usually, there is resolution and a sigh of relief. I worry that the violent imagery and themes have more staying power and potentially more severe consequences in the minds of kids.

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