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Mine was quick and (oh so Cliche') was on Valentines Day. I worked at a Flower Shoppe, and my co-worker also made jewelry as a side hobby. I ordered all of the pieces to the ring(stone, clasp, ring) and he put it together for me for about 1/4 of the cost of getting one at a store. He finished putting the ring together about 4 hours before I was set to propose.


Anyhow, i got off of work, and got one of her favorite flowers( a yellow rose, she doesnt like red roses) and tied the ring to the bottom of it with a long strand of ribbon, and shoved the ring up my sleeve. I went home and she was getting ready to go to work, and I walked up to her and said "Happy Valentines day" and gave her the rose, she smiled and took it from me and the ring pulled out of my sleeve and just hung there for a while. She looked at it and said "what is that?", I dropped to my knee and proposed, in the bathroom of our s***ty rental house.


Sure, it wasnt the eiffel tower in Paris, or at any of the various beautiful state parks in Southern Illinois, or even the first place we met(the pizza resteraunt we both worked at), but the sheer surprise on her face was worth it. She honestly had no idea what I was up to. And she was even happier with her ring, which was a large chip of her birthstone(Yellow Topaz) set next to a row of inset diamonds.


Originality always hits big with spouses, unless they are uber-superficial.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:24 PM)
Mine was quick and (oh so Cliche') was on Valentines Day.  I worked at a Flower Shoppe, and my co-worker also made jewelry as a side hobby.  I ordered all of the pieces to the ring(stone, clasp, ring) and he put it together for me for about 1/4 of the cost of getting one at a store.  He finished putting the ring together about 4 hours before I was set to propose.


Anyhow, i got off of work, and got one of her favorite flowers( a yellow rose, she doesnt like red roses) and tied the ring to the bottom of it with a long strand of ribbon, and shoved the ring up my sleeve.  I went home and she was getting ready to go to work, and I walked up to her and said "Happy Valentines day" and gave her the rose, she smiled and took it from me and the ring pulled out of my sleeve and just hung there for a while.  She looked at it and said "what is that?", I dropped to my knee and proposed, in the bathroom of our s***ty rental house. 


Sure, it wasnt the eiffel tower in Paris, or at any of the various beautiful state parks in Southern Illinois, or even the first place we met(the pizza resteraunt we both worked at), but the sheer surprise on her face was worth it.  She honestly had no idea what I was up to.  And she was even happier with her ring, which was a large chip of her birthstone(Yellow Topaz) set next to a row of inset diamonds. 


Originality always hits big with spouses, unless they are uber-superficial.



Thanks kyyle. That was great. I give it a 10 for originality. :)

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:24 PM)
Mine was quick and (oh so Cliche') was on Valentines Day.  I worked at a Flower Shoppe, and my co-worker also made jewelry as a side hobby.  I ordered all of the pieces to the ring(stone, clasp, ring) and he put it together for me for about 1/4 of the cost of getting one at a store.  He finished putting the ring together about 4 hours before I was set to propose.


Anyhow, i got off of work, and got one of her favorite flowers( a yellow rose, she doesnt like red roses) and tied the ring to the bottom of it with a long strand of ribbon, and shoved the ring up my sleeve.  I went home and she was getting ready to go to work, and I walked up to her and said "Happy Valentines day" and gave her the rose, she smiled and took it from me and the ring pulled out of my sleeve and just hung there for a while.  She looked at it and said "what is that?", I dropped to my knee and proposed, in the bathroom of our s***ty rental house. 


Sure, it wasnt the eiffel tower in Paris, or at any of the various beautiful state parks in Southern Illinois, or even the first place we met(the pizza resteraunt we both worked at), but the sheer surprise on her face was worth it.  She honestly had no idea what I was up to.  And she was even happier with her ring, which was a large chip of her birthstone(Yellow Topaz) set next to a row of inset diamonds. 


Originality always hits big with spouses, unless they are uber-superficial.


So she kept the ring and said no? Man, that sucks.

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Well it was on sweetest day. So my plan was she would be thinking this was just somethign I was doing for that. She came over to my house and opened the front door to find a big balloon with a note and a pin attached to the string saying 'Pop'. Inside the balloon, I had put a note that said "Happy Sweetest Day...continue popping!!" I had 10 balloons with notes in them...leading up the stairs and ending at my bedroom door. the last note read...."For all these reasons and so many more...." Then she opened the door and I was on one knee with a balloon attached to the ring box. I asked her...she said yes, tears started flowing......I pulled a string to the balloon drop I had rigged up over my door. The balloons fell and we are living happily ever after. :wub:


I taped the whole proposal part as well. Before she got there, I recorded all the balloons and came up the stairs and said what was going to happen and hopefully the next thing on this tape will be her saying yes. Then I set the camcorder on my dresser to capture the proposal.


I did get more and more nervous with each pop of the balloon...It was like a countdown to the end of my single life and I trembled with each pop.....:) and those dam balloons for the balloon drop. I had to blow all those up myself. I spent the whole day blowing up baloons...it's amazing I had any breath left to actual pop the question. Anyway it all worked out.


The hardest part was asking her parents...


Good Luck PA!!!!!!!

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 01:00 PM)
I've already talked to Miss PA's Dad about my plans, but that was hard enough...

Dude she ain't even Miss PA yet....don't go jumping the gun!!


Here's my little story...not that ya asked....


My wife's parents lived by O'hare and I was going on a golf vacation with a few friends...so I was parking at my wife's house and she was gonna drive me to the airport. Well I went over there early cause I knew her parents were home. My wife wasn't going to get home till about 12:30. So I get there at like 12:00 and they let me in and I'm like....ummm....yeah... uh.....so there was like no traffic at all. Then there was some small talk with her mom and dad about my trip and then her dad is like I'm going to work in the garage. I'm sitting there thinking: oh s***....how do I even start this conversation...no wait, let me think...don't leave..s*** - f*** - dam....what do I do....too late....her dad goes to the garage. I'm thinking of aborting the whole mission. So here I am, sweating and watching the clock tick and knowing my wife will be coming home and I can't miss this chance. So I get up and tell my mother in law, I'm going to go in the garage and help.


My father in law is a man of few words and he is from Italy, so he kinda speaks broken english. So I go out there...nervous as all hell...I mean how do you even start this conversation...It's not like we dated for 5 years and her parents knew it was coming. We dated for 10 months and I hardly ever really talk to the guy cause he never talks. We just say 'Hi' 'How's it going' and the like. So he's looking at me like what the heck you doing out here...and Im just like...duh...uh....well, there's a reason I came early today...and then I explained everything and asked for his blessing. He was like.......Eh...if you guys are happy, I am happy.


Whew...so that was that. Then I'm like we should go in and tell Sue. He's like ok. So I go in there and give her mom the same spiel and she goes "ALREADY??" Right about there I start getting that real hot feeling, like your insides are about to explode and I'm like....gulp...yeah. We love each other and I know this is right. She's like I hope she's not rushing you, cause her cousin is getting married and she is probably getting anxious.....I'm like no no not at all. I know we both feel the same way...blah blah blah...She's like...well congratulations then.


I'm like here's the catch...you can't tell her, cause I'm not going to propose to her until next week when I get back. They're like ok ok. So my wife comes home and what's the first thing her mom says "Sooooo....we just got some big news" I was like oh s***...now what ...I don't have the ring with me...I can't propose right now...what's the matter with this woman, I just told her 5 minutes ago its a secret. Well lucky my wife was carrying a bag to her room so she kinda wasn't really paying attention and didn't catch exactly what her mom said and her dad broke in and was like...uh uh vacation....we were talking about Ben's vacation. Most likely he did that cause he saw I turned white in utter astonishment. My wife came back in and was like yeah what about his vacation...and her mom was like we were just saying that it's nice to be able to go on a little golf vacation....and my wife was like...yeah yeah my boyfriend lives the life of luxury...blah blah blah and we got onto a new topic.....Talk about close calls though

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 03:13 PM)
Miss PA = Unmarried = PA Unhappy

Mrs PA = Married = PA Happy

dont do it!!!!!!!!


Whenever I think of such things, I just take a look at the divorce rate, that is one thing I dont believe in.


Good luck to you, getting passed the father is the hard part!!

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:15 PM)
dont do it!!!!!!!! 


Whenever I think of such things, I just take a look at the divorce rate, that is one thing I dont believe in.


Good luck to you, getting passed the father is the hard part!!


Her dad is great (as is my dad)



it's the moms we have to contend with. :bang :chair

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Valentine's Day, 1989. Wife and I are living together in Bridgeview, I worked in Lisle and she worked in Matteson. I had planned to leave work early that day and propose to her at her office. It snowed that day. Alot. So, I leave a bit early. I go outside, and there is a car stalled in front of mine in the lot. After about 20 minutes of not finding out whos car it is, I get about 20 of the guys from work to come out and we push the car out of the way. It helped that there was snow on the ground!. I go to the flower place a mile down the road where I had reserved a dozen roses, and it is crowed, of course. I finally get there, they can't find my flowers. I start to get a bit agitated, and finally they find them, so I leave, now way behind schedule. I go to the lot, someone double-parked on me! I go screaming into the shop and some guy sensing that i was in near panic moved his car for me. Off I go to Matteson! And down comes the snow!!!! Slower and slower traffic moves, closer to her quitting time we get. It is now 4pm (she leaves at 4:30), and I am pulling into the parking lot of her work, and I see her leaving the lot going home. I just stare at her leaving, thinking "Oh crap!" Actually, other words filled my brain, but you get the picture. Anyway, I turn back around just in time to turn my wheel to avoid hitting several cars, turn around, and chase her down on I-80 and I-294. This was before cell phones, so I finally managed to get her to pull over, and I proposed on the shoulder of I-294. I supposed I should be lucky I saw her leave, as her work let her go at 3:30, and she called my work to say she was leaving early. My co-worker told her that she couldn't leave, she had flowers being delivered, so she waited until they kicked her out at 4.


Just be prepared for anything to happen, and good luck.

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This might sound strange coming from me since I think most people need to pull the stick otta their ass and have fun, but IMO, weddding proposals are not an appropriate time for any kind of elaborate 'production'.

We had a trip planned to Ft. Lauderdale months in advance anyway, so I figured it might be nice to do it then. Took her to Don Schula's steak house, then for a walk to a secluded part of the beach and just asked her. The tricky part was keeping her from finding the ring for 3 days.


So, take her home, sit her down, get on one knee, look into her eyes and ask her.

Now I'm all for getting silly at engagement announcement parties. :drink :cheers

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 09:51 PM)
This might sound strange coming from me since I think most people need to pull the stick otta their ass and have fun, but IMO, weddding proposals are not an appropriate time for any kind of  elaborate 'production'. 

We had a trip planned to Ft. Lauderdale months in advance anyway, so I figured it might be nice to do it then.  Took her to Don Schula's steak house, then for a walk to a secluded part of the beach and just asked her.  The tricky part was keeping her from finding the ring for 3 days.


So, take her home, sit her down, get on one knee, look into her eyes and ask her.

Now I'm all for getting silly at engagement announcement parties.    :drink    :cheers


Well even if you don't want to get elaborate...ya should have some kind of a plan. My friend who lived with me years ago was gonna propose to his girlfriend....and I was like... Do you know what you're going to say or what you're going to do? and he's like nah...I'll just come up with something. Now I knew his girlfriend pretty good. Since he lived with me...so did she basically and she was a romantic and pretty much never got her way.

If she wanted to go out for a nice dinner...they'd order pizza.

If she wanted to go to the movies...they'd rent one.

If she wanted to make love, he'd put on porn.

If she wanted to go see the lights downtown, he'd take her to the light section at home depot.


ok ok so I made up the last two :) but you get the drift. Anyway, I kinda kept telling him...dude just think about what ya want to say....make it special....it's a big moment for you guys.. BLAH BLAH BLAH...he just took at as...hey I bought the ring thats special enough.


Well he ended up proposing in my garage. They were getting in the car to go to a party and he said hey I think ya dropped this. Will you marry me?


Shock value?? Yeah I guess.....but you know everyone asks - How did he do it? and she gets to say: um...in Ben's garage...


Los Medias...you were on a secluded beach in Fort Lauderdale...so maybe you think you didn't have an elaborate plan...but that was a pretty special and romantic proposal. Most girls...not all, but most like to think you put a little effort into something so important. JMO of course.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Nov 18, 2005 -> 09:25 AM)
Well even if you don't want to get elaborate...ya should have some kind of a plan.  My friend who lived with me years ago was gonna propose to his girlfriend....and I was like... Do you know what you're going to say or what you're going to do?  and he's like nah...I'll just come up with something.  Now I knew his girlfriend pretty good.  Since he lived with me...so did she basically and she was a romantic and pretty much never got her way. 

If she wanted to go out for a nice dinner...they'd order pizza.

If she wanted to go to the movies...they'd rent one.

If she wanted to make love, he'd put on porn.

If she wanted to go see the lights downtown, he'd take her to the light section at home depot.


ok ok so I made up the last two  :) but you get the drift.  Anyway, I kinda kept telling him...dude just think about what ya want to say....make it special....it's a big moment for you guys..  BLAH BLAH BLAH...he just took at as...hey I bought the ring thats special enough.


Well he ended up proposing in my garage.  They were getting in the car to go to a party and he said hey I think ya dropped this.  Will you marry me? 


Shock value??  Yeah I guess.....but you know everyone asks - How did he do it? and she gets to say: um...in Ben's garage...


Los Medias...you were on a secluded beach in Fort Lauderdale...so maybe you think you didn't have an elaborate plan...but that was a pretty special and romantic proposal.  Most girls...not all, but most like to think you put a little effort into something so important.  JMO of course.



Hahahaha, a garage, that's awesome!

I guess I meant some guys I know have gone the whole nine yards, like it's an episode of Punk'd. I always wonder if those guys feel like if they don't put on a big show, she'll say no. :huh

To each his own.

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