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Congressman Murtha Calls for Immediate Withdrawal


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The new Ohio Rep, Jean Schmidt ( R ) completely stepped in it. She said "Cowards cut and run; Marines never do," and got a blistering response from the other side of the aisle. Then she realized she basically called Murtha a coward and most of the country that has touned against the war cowards and came back to the microphone about 5 minutes later and very meekly stated, "I remove my comments from the record."


Nice that you can take a Mulligan when you put your foot in your mouth in Congrass. :D

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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It was either that or be censured. However, don't think that ad won't run next year.


Ohio is a very fair game place for Dems next year. And she very narrowly beat Paul Hackett - an Iraq war vet who is now running to unseat Senator Mike DeWine, a Republican.


As ugly as what's happening in the halls of Congress these days, it's a good thing to see the opposition grow a sack.

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Vice President Cheney on Murtha


The President and I cannot prevent certain politicians from losing their memory, or their backbone

In all fairness, wasn’t this quote from Cheney’s Wednesday speech, trash talking back at everyone in general in Congress who dares question the administration? Before John Murtha’s call for immediate withdrawal?


Frankly, I like how Rep. Murtha fired back with: "I like guys who've never been there that criticize us who've been there. I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and send people to war and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done."


Take that Dick “Five deferments ‘cause we had better things to do during the Vietnam War” Cheney.

Edited by Mercy!
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Good to see that Fox News is getting respectable people to back up the War in Iraq.


Well, listen, the American people better wake up, Bill, because I can tell you unequivocally -- and this is not -- this is not an opinion. This will absolutely be proven to be fact.


If the Democrats come into power in the United States and re-employ their vision of defense for this country, we will have 9-1-1s unabated. That's not maybe. We know what took place in the past. And I still don't understand exactly what it is that the Americans expect President Bush to do any different than he's already done, Bill.

--Wayne Simmons Former CIA Operative



Also as Drudge pointed out this isn't really the first time Murtha has said something bad about the War

Friday, May 7, 2004


"We cannot prevail in this war as it is going today," Murtha said yesterday at a news conference with House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. Murtha said the incidents of prisoner abuse in Iraq were a symptom of a problem in which U.S. troops in Iraq are undermanned, inadequately equipped and poorly trained.


"We either have to mobilize or we have to get out," Murtha said, adding that he supported increasing U.S. troop strength rather than pulling out.


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Frankly, I like how Rep. Murtha fired back with: "I like guys who've never been there that criticize us who've been there. I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and send people to war and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done."

Just because he's 'been there', doesn't mean he knows better than anyone else. So because he has 'been there', does that make his opinions beyond criticism? While his character should be, his opinion should be fair game. According to that logic, you can't be the CIC unless you have 'been there'.


What the f***? Murtha gives reason after reason after reason to pursue a redeployment within a reasonable yet rapid time period, and includes provisions to guarantee some military presence still exists in the area and diplomacy be pursued where military occupation has not. And in a move of sopreme arrogance because they control procedure, the pubes substitute two sentances of bulls*** and put it to a vote


Sort of like how the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq contains 23 'reasons' for the attack, but it always gets distilled to the WMD. You can thank sound bite news clips for that one. Although you are right, it was a bonehead move.


In a democracy, if that is who they vote in, don't we have to accept that?

It is not who they vote in that will be the problem, it is what terrorist group(s) will try to take over FROM the elected people once we DO leave. Yes, if they elect bad people, that is there choice. Us Americans do it all the time.

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By the way, if the GOPers with too much time on their hands ever get that Flag Desecration Amendment through, would Rep. Jean Schmidt's dress count as a chargeable offense?




"Yesterday I stood at Arlington National Cemetery attending the funeral of a young marine in my district. He believed in what we were doing is the right thing and had the courage to lay his life on the line to do it. A few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp, Ohio Representative from the 88th district in the House of Representatives. He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message, that cowards cut and run, Marines never do. Danny and the rest of America and the world want the assurance from this body – that we will see this through."
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    Ms. Schmidt: Mr. Speaker, my remarks were not directed at any member of the House and I did not intend to suggest that they applied to any member. Most especially the distinguished gentleman from Pennsylvania. I therefore ask for unanimous consent that my words be withdrawn.


    The Speaker Pro Tempore: Without objection. The gentlelady's words will be withdrawn.


From the AP:


    Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., charged across the chamber's center aisle screaming that it was an uncalled for personal attack. "You guys are pathetic. Pathetic," yelled Rep. Marty Meehan, D-Mass.



what you didn't see in that video

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I suppose the next act of political genius ( :) ) on the part of the GOP Congress will be when one or another of the meatheads calls General Casey a coward because he's officially put forward a plan to "cut and run".


I guess it's OK if he's not a Marine. ;)




WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The top U.S. commander in Iraq has submitted a plan to the Pentagon for withdrawing troops in Iraq, according to a senior defense official.


Gen. George Casey submitted the plan to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. It includes numerous options and recommends that brigades -- usually made up of about 2,000 soldiers each -- begin pulling out of Iraq early next year. 

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 05:26 AM)
I suppose the next act of political genius ( :) ) on the part of the GOP Congress will be when one or another of the meatheads calls General Casey a coward because he's officially put forward a plan to "cut and run".


I guess it's OK if he's not a Marine. ;)



Ok, to be fair, the plans were already being started. You know this, so let's not politicize it like these pubes in Washington. :)

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 05:58 AM)
Ok, to be fair, the plans were already being started.  You know this, so let's not politicize it like these pubes in Washington.  :)

Of course the plans were already started, if they are now in Rummy's hands.


For that matter, obviously Murtha did not wake up Thurday morning and decide out of the blue to call for a drawdown to commence. He's been thinking about all the options as well.


But for GWB to right now be adamantly saying 'No! No! No!' to any thoughts of moving toward a troop drawdown while a Democratic Rep and the ranking military officer on the ground in Iraq are at the same time saying 'this isn't working, lets adjust, move on and eventually out' . . . we'll that tells you who is really out of touch.


But really, so what if the General's proposed plan took two weeks or two months to come together. The fact remains that he is advising a plan that amounts to the "cut and run" after December elections that was publicly derided Thursday by the White House and yesterday by the GOP Congress. Should they not feel teh same about this newly offered plan?


As far as timing and many people on both sides wondering how prudent Murtha was on Thursday, it appeears now that he couldn't have timed it better. The White House now cannot lay legitimate claim to ownership of the 'new direction' when they inevitably come to the conclusion that they are on a path to nowhere.

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Gosh, all this talk about "pubes" is causing me to have flash backs to the Clarence Thomas hearings, and to have to visualize again and again how my beloved Coca Cola product was desecrated.


Also, I went out and rented Long Dong Silver as a result of those hearings. But, of course, that was only in the interests of furthering my life-long continuing education.

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 12:13 PM)
Gosh, all this talk about "pubes" is causing me to have flash backs to the Clarence Thomas hearings, and to have to visualize again and again how my beloved Coca Cola product was desecrated.


Also, I went out and rented Long Dong Silver as a result of those hearings.  But, of course, that was only in the interests of furthering my life-long continuing education.

Knowledge is power....


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I am really digging this topic. Good, healthy discussion


I was home last night and was watching CSPAN when the whole argument was going on (I've got nothing better to do! lol) and I couldnt believe how... poisionous the words were in the House. I think it stemmed from Thursday when they went late into the night to do a budget vote (which almost failed) and the speeches then were very bitter


But I think this was sort of therapeutic. This speeches that is, not the spin. I really hate the spin that is going on. Just listen to what what the politicians say, not what some analyst of politics says. Anyway, I say that because you could just tell there was this big build up of anger..on both sides. And it just blew up Friday.


Now they are on recess. Everyone can take a deep breath. Come back in December and maybe...just maybe get a bipartsian commission or committe together and dicuss things. Hash out idea and really formulate a plan on what to do with Iraq


I think what is missing from the debate in the media and on websites and such is the position of people like me. Those who really did not want to go into Iraq, but since we did wanted us to win. When the Republicans attacked John Kerry last year about the 'he voted for the war, but is against the war', thats when I knew I was voted for Bush. Because I could relate to Kerry in that way.


What I havent seen, in clear concrete deatils, is a plan on how succeed. John Kerry had a speech a few weeks ago I saw on CSPAN that started to see a plan. And this Murtha deal was another plan that sort of looks good. You hear the Republicans saying for 3 years 'The Democrats have no plan' Well guess what, you guys really havent had a plan for things either. You were just in power and decided to plop a whole bunch of troops in Iraq and just wing it from there


Anyway, Im rambling now. I just hope the White House, the Senate, and the House and the Pentagon gets all the ducks in a row, get a good strategy together, and tells us about it

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QUOTE(Benchwarmerjim @ Nov 20, 2005 -> 02:16 AM)
I am really digging this topic. Good, healthy discussion


I was home last night and was watching CSPAN when the whole argument was going on (I've got nothing better to do! lol) and I couldnt believe how... poisionous the words were in the House. I think it stemmed from Thursday when they went late into the night to do a budget vote (which almost failed) and the speeches then were very bitter


But I think this was sort of therapeutic. This speeches that is, not the spin. I really hate the spin that is going on. Just listen to what what the politicians say, not what some analyst of politics says. Anyway, I say that because you could just tell there was this big build up of anger..on both sides. And it just blew up Friday.


Now they are on recess. Everyone can take a deep breath. Come back in December and maybe...just maybe get a bipartsian commission or committe together and dicuss things. Hash out idea and really formulate a plan on what to do with Iraq


I think what is missing from the debate in the media and on websites and such is the position of people like me. Those who really did not want to go into Iraq, but since we did wanted us to win. When the Republicans attacked John Kerry last year about the 'he voted for the war, but is against the war', thats when I knew I was voted for Bush. Because I could relate to Kerry in that way.


What I havent seen, in clear concrete deatils, is a plan on how succeed. John Kerry had a speech a few weeks ago I saw on CSPAN that started to see a plan. And this Murtha deal was another plan that sort of looks good. You hear the Republicans saying for 3 years 'The Democrats have no plan' Well guess what, you guys really havent had a plan for things either. You were just in power and decided to plop a whole bunch of troops in Iraq and just wing it from there


Anyway, Im rambling now. I just hope the White House, the Senate, and the House and the Pentagon gets all the ducks in a row, get a good strategy together, and tells us about it

I don't think anyone has a "plan" because we've never faced this kind of enemy. All I hear is a bunch of people, both sides of the argument, running around spouting s*** about the issues on both sides about whether or not we should be there, and no one can offer a solution. THAT is the problem.

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In sort of related news:


Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice helped to negotiate a deal between Israeli and Palestinian authorities regarding Gaza border crossings. This is a milestone for the administration - in that its finally actually getting into the down and dirty work of multilateral diplomatic negotiation. Something it has seemingly resisted for several years. Good to see the administration doing the right thing here.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Nov 20, 2005 -> 10:05 AM)
In sort of related news:


Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice helped to negotiate a deal between Israeli and Palestinian authorities regarding Gaza border crossings. This is a milestone for the administration - in that its finally actually getting into the down and dirty work of multilateral diplomatic negotiation. Something it has seemingly resisted for several years. Good to see the administration doing the right thing here.


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Dear Jim,


This is our moment of truth. You and I have to make it absolutely clear that we won't stand for Republican "Swift Boat" style attacks on Jack Murtha.


Yesterday, an extraordinary congressman, former Marine Drill Sergeant and decorated Vietnam veteran, spoke out on the war in Iraq. He didn't come to that moment lightly. He spoke his mind and spoke his heart out of love for his country and support for our troops. No sooner had the words left his lips than the vicious assault on his character and patriotism began.


Today, in a statement on the Senate floor, in interviews with the national media, and in this message to you, I am seeking out every opportunity to defend a brave American hero that the Republican attack machine has set their sights on.


I urge you to do the same. Whether you agree or disagree with Jack Murtha is irrelevant. These despicable attacks on Jack Murtha's patriotism and courage must be met with an enormous public outcry. Call your local talk radio show, write a letter to the editor, phone your members of Congress - join me in acting now to reject these "Swift Boat" style attacks on Jack Murtha.


It disgusts me that a bunch of guys who have never put on the uniform of their country have aimed their venom at a marine who served America heroically in Vietnam and has been serving heroically in Congress ever since. No matter what J.D. Hayworth says, there is no sterner stuff than the backbone and courage that defines Jack Murtha's character and conscience.


Dennis Hastert -- the Speaker of the House who never served -- accused Jack Murtha of being a coward. Well let me tell you, Jack Murtha wasn't a coward when he put himself in harm's way for his country in Vietnam and earned two purple hearts -- he was a patriot then, and he is a patriot today. Jack Murtha's courage in combat earned him a Bronze Star, and his voice should be heard, not silenced by those who still today cut and run from the truth.


Instead of letting his cronies run their mouths, the President for once should stop his allies from doing to Jack Murtha what he set them loose to do to John McCain in South Carolina and Max Cleland in Georgia.


The President should finally find the courage to debate the real issue instead of destroying anyone who speaks truth to power as they see it. It's time for Americans to stand up, fight back, and make it clear it's unacceptable to do this to any leader of any party anywhere in our country.


I urge you to join today in a massive public outcry that rejects the attempt to demonize and destroy anyone who dares to disagree with George W. Bush's aimless "stay for as long as it takes" policy on Iraq.


Please act now. Call and email your elected officials. Flood talk radio with calls rejecting these vicious smear tactics. Send a letter to the editor. Express your outrage about the tired old Rovian "Swift Boat" style attacks on Jack Murtha.




John Kerry

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Nov 20, 2005 -> 06:24 PM)
:huh  :huh  :huh  :huh  :huh

Hey they they gotta pay for their own stamps...er wait. :P


And in ref. to Murtha getting slimed:

Several Republicans who were on the House floor said afterward that Ms. Schmidt did not appear to know she was referring to a much-decorated veteran. "The poor lady didn't know Jack Murtha was a Marine - she really just ran into a hornet's nest," said Representative Jack Kingston of Georgia. Representative David Dreier of California said, "Very clearly, she did not know that Jack Murtha was a Marine."


Shorter description: "What she lacks in tact, she makes up for in being a complete moron."


I'm sure the two of us can agree that what she did was f***ing moronic.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 07:04 AM)
What no references on here to Bush praising Murtha and his service?  I am shocked


What, not just posting Bush praising Murtha, but taking a shot at everyone else, I'm shocked


From the Wichita Star


The president has been vowing for months to stay the course in Iraq. But as support for the war has waned at home, his approval ratings have plummeted to new lows in public opinion polls, and the White House has launched a no-holds-barred, campaign-style counterattack against critics of the war.


One of those critics, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., who had supported the war at the onset, changed direction last week and urged a quick withdrawal of U.S. forces. He said that the president's Iraq policy is flawed and "wrapped in illusion," and that U.S. troops have done all they can do there.


Immediately, White House press secretary Scott McClellan fired back in a terse statement, lumping Murtha - a decorated veteran long supportive of the military - together with movie maker Michael Moore and the "extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party."


On Sunday, though, the president was pointedly conciliatory, praising Murtha's service as a Marine and congressman who had come to a decision to call for withdrawing the troops in a "careful and thoughtful way."


Murtha's just wrong, Bush told reporters traveling with him on his weeklong tour of Asia.


Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Murtha said it was now "up to us in Congress" to change directions in Iraq.


"I've got an outpouring of people crying on the phone, looking for a solution to this very difficult problem," he said, urging the president to "get a few of us to the White House and talk to us about this very difficult problem, which the whole nation wants to solve with a bipartisan manner."


Bush also said the debate "does not have to be a partisan issue," citing Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut as one of the "fine Democrats" who "share the view that we must prevail in Iraq."

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