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Democrats Should Admit Their Mistakes


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Democrats Should Admit Their Mistakes

Edwards Leads In Saying He Was Wrong

Helen Thomas, Hearst White House columnist


POSTED: 10:36 am EST November 17, 2005


John Edwards, the former Democratic nominee for vice president, has made a courageous admission: "I was wrong," he said, and made "a mistake" in voting for the war in Iraq when he was a senator from North Carolina.


Edwards wrote his mea culpa in an op-ed article for The Washington Post on Nov. 13.


Now, let's hear it from those other Democrats and, possibly, brave Republicans who are willing to admit that they, too, had been misled into war.


That may be asking too much of members of the Democratic Leadership Council, who often toss in their political lot with the Republicans. It's hard to distinguish some of them from the GOP when it comes to the Iraq war.


Meanwhile, an astounding statement has come from Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., chairman of the Senate intelligence committee and a strong administration supporter. Referring to the lessons of the flawed WMD intelligence, Robert said on Fox News that "a lot of us would really stop and think a moment before we would ever vote for war or to go and take military action" on the basis of intelligence.


"We don't accept this intelligence at face value anymore," he added.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 24, 2005 -> 08:08 AM)
Let's just totally get rid of the CIA then.  Seriously.  WTF are we spending money on it for if "we can't believe any of it anymore"?


I guess we could just make the same mistake again. Or we could take a more critical thought process, and not just accept whatever they are saying. There could be a middle ground between dismantling and considering them infallible. Especially before we begin a course that will kill thousands of people.


But hey, that's just me. I get squeemish about killing people.

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QUOTE(juddling @ Nov 24, 2005 -> 06:46 AM)
why apologize if they were lied to????  if they were so brazenly misled then they shouldn't feel sorry for believing the 'intel' set before them.  Maybe apologize for being gullible but not for the war

They could apologize for taking the President at his word when he said he had not yet made the decision to go to war in October 2002, that he would not rush into war, and that the resolution being passed by Congress did not mean that war was inevitable.


Or they could apologize for not listening to people like me, who said exactly what happened - Iraq was WMD disarmed, if we got inspectors in they would prove it, and Bush would wind up invading anyway if the resolution was passed before the inspectors went in.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 24, 2005 -> 07:41 PM)
They could apologize for taking the President at his word when he said he had not  yet made the decision to go to war in October 2002, that he would not rush into war, and that the resolution being passed by Congress did not mean that war was inevitable.


Or they could apologize for not listening to people like me, who said exactly what happened - Iraq was WMD disarmed, if we got inspectors in they would prove it, and Bush would wind up invading anyway if the resolution was passed before the inspectors went in.

Since you are such the know it all, maybe you should run for President.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 24, 2005 -> 01:02 PM)
Since you are such the know it all, maybe you should run for President.

I don't know it all...I just know enough not to trust any politician who basically says "trust me, we need to go to war with a country but I just can't prove it to you."

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 25, 2005 -> 04:22 AM)
I don't know it all...I just know enough not to trust any politician who basically says "trust me, we need to go to war with a country but I just can't prove it to you."

Now that I agree with. On any political front.


And Tex, Rush is an asshole, pretty much just like the "mainstream media".

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 25, 2005 -> 08:12 AM)
Now that I agree with.  On any political front.


And Tex, Rush is an asshole, pretty much just like the "mainstream media".


Rush's character he portrays on the radio and on TV is that of a pompous ass. I am fairly certain he is not like that in real life. But I would rather listen to you everyday than him.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 25, 2005 -> 09:52 AM)
Rush's character he portrays on the radio and on TV is that of a pompous ass. I am fairly certain he is not like that in real life. But I would rather listen to you everyday than him.


After reading SL&P, I usually need to listen to Rush for an hour to deprogram myself.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 25, 2005 -> 10:09 AM)
After reading SL&P, I usually need to listen to Rush for an hour to deprogram myself.


or vice versa :D


The only other character in history that was right more than Rush to their followers was Jesus.


Rush has created the most successful character ever. :notworthy

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