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Just dread opening the paper to the sports section..? :huh:


I had way too much going on in the back yard yesterday so I purposly did not watch or listen to the game, and kept the tv off this morning. I was in the car a good 15 minutes before I opened it and looked. And I just had to laugh. It's getting to be the norm. I feel my left arm tingle when they do win these days :rolleyes: This sucks.

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Just dread opening the paper to the sports section..?  :huh:


I had way too much going on in the back yard yesterday so I purposly did not watch or listen to the game, and kept the tv off this morning. I was in the car a good 15 minutes before I opened it and looked. And I just had to laugh. It's getting to be the norm. I feel my left arm tingle when they do win these days  :rolleyes: This sucks.

I used to get that way. Somehow, I have been able to realize its just a game and I just take a win or loss in stride. What DOES frustrate me is the sox coming into season after season, with a team not built to compete for a world series ring. Ya know, pitching, DEFENSE, FUNDAMENTALS, SPEED.........that kind of stuff.

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I saw the first two innings Friday and Saturday that was all. I read the Times and spoke to somebody that told me the defense cost us and the Twin defense helped them win. Going into the seies I was hoping they played well and didn't care about wins and losses, it is still to early. If they play well they'll win. The next two weeks are huge. After this point our schedules will be comparable and then we can look at things. Early on the Twins caught the Yankees when they were hot, we got Seattle and Oakland. Now we get some winnable games and need to do something.


Also, I think Buerhle's agent needs to rethink his situation as each start is costing him huge $$$$'s. I feel bad for him but it may lead us to signing Colon long-term and I like this. I really like Colon.

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I was psyched by the Orioles series. I was so busy that I was totally unaware of the results of the first two games of the Twins series (good thing!). I go here to check things out and get the real bad news. The Sox are winning on Sunday and somebody (I forget who) says watch them lose 3-2 which they did.

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I care more in April. I want to see them get a great start and create some interest in this town. The last three years I've lost interest pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong, I still watch games and go to games. It's just not number one on my list anymore.


When they lose in April I'm miserable. But now, I just have to laugh. :lol: If I don't - I'll give myself an ulcer.

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Man, I wish I could open the paper and see Sox news. I have to rummage around the 'net, watch the m-fing games on mlb.com and when they totally suck, I have no one around to share the pain. Of course I can listen to Milo Hamilton announce the ASStros. s*** it gives me Cub nightmares listening to him.

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