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U.N. finds hman rights violations!


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U.N. Panel Concerned About N. Korea Abuse

Nov 17 8:04 PM US/Eastern

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Associated Press Writer






A divided U.N. General Assembly committee approved a resolution Thursday expressing "serious concern" about reports of widespread human rights violations in North Korea.


The vote on the resolution, sponsored by the European Union, was 84 in favor, 22 against, and 62 abstentions, a reflection of the deep split in the world body over the broad issue of human rights and the narrower one of how to tackle abuses.


It is expected to be sent to the General Assembly for a final vote.


The resolution sparked heated debate in the assembly committee that deals with social and humanitarian issues, partly because it was the first time that a resolution on human rights in North Korea was introduced in the General Assembly.


Britain's U.N. Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry, who introduced the resolution on behalf of the EU, noted that in the past such resolutions were put before the Human Rights Commission in Geneva. But he said this year, because of the lack of improvement in North Korea's human rights record, the EU asked the General Assembly to take up the issue.


The resolution, which has 40 co-sponsors, expresses "serious concern" about the "continuing reports of systemic, widespread and grave violations of human rights" in North Korea, including torture, public executions, imposing the death penalty for political reasons and extensive use of forced labor.


It also cited the treatment of North Koreans who are repatriated from other countries, saying they face internment, torture and other punishments, including the death penalty.


The resolution also expressed "serious concern" over North Korea's refusal to allow a U.N. human rights investigator into the country.


Following the EU's introduction of the resolution, North Korea last week ordered non-governmental European aid groups to leave the country. The order covers at least 11 of the 12 foreign non- governmental organizations in the isolated North, which has struggled for a decade with severe food shortages. The groups affected are running health, sanitation, forestry and other programs.


Jones Parry said it would be "very regrettable" if the groups were forced to leave.


The order for the NGOs to wind up operations by Dec. 31 comes as the World Food Program is scrambling to preserve its access to North Korea following a government request for the U.N. agency to end its food aid program this year and switch to economic development assistance.


The resolution expresses "deep concern at the precarious humanitarian situation in the country, in particular the prevalence of infant malnutrition, which still affects the physical and mental development of a significant percentage of children."


It urges North Korea to ensure unimpeded access to all parts of the country for humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and U.N. agencies, especially the World Food Program.


Before Thursday's vote, North Korea's representative rejected the draft, accusing the EU and the United States of misusing human rights issues for political purposes against small and weak developing countries. The diplomat said the resolution was based on false information and was evidence that the EU was trying to interfere in North Korea's internal affairs and promote regime change.


Pyongyang's opposition was backed by 21 other countries including Russia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Myanmar, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.


Many objected to the General Assembly targeting individual countries with resolutions about human rights violations. That is a key issue in the ongoing efforts to revamp the U.N. human rights machinery.

OK, some points:

- This is the FIRST time ever a resolution on human rights in North Korea has been introduced. The FIRST time? What have these people been smoking all these years!

- North Korea's representative rejected the draft, accusing the EU and the United States of misusing human rights issues for political purposes.

- Pyongyang's opposition was backed by 21 other countries including Russia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Myanmar, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. OK, now I expect Cuba and Venezuela to just take the opposite side of us on anything, but Egypt, Russia and several others?

- Many objected to the General Assembly targeting individual countries with resolutions about human rights violations. I guess all the resolutions targeting Isreal don't count, since they don't recognize Isreal as a country? Or, unless they target the eeeevil United States. That's ok, too.


Is it time to blow up the UN yet and start over?

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