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Nip/Tuck S3 Ep11


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QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 03:48 PM)
Unless his dad is Sean or Bobolit, you are wrong.


Until next week, we don't know. It just seems to me that all the main characters (Sean, Christian, Julia, Matt, Liz, Quentin, etc.) have all been ruled out. The Carver is supposedly someone were kind of familiar with, and Christian's mom says that he supposedly looks exactly like his dad. We're obviously familiar with Christian, so if he and his dad look alike it could be possible. The Carver is a sadistic rapist, as was Christian's father, plus he was never caught back then. It all adds up IMO.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 03:53 PM)
Until next week, we don't know. It just seems to me that all the main characters (Sean, Christian, Julia, Matt, Liz, Quentin, etc.) have all been ruled out. The Carver is supposedly someone were kind of familiar with, and Christian's mom says that he supposedly looks exactly like his dad. We're obviously familiar with Christian, so if he and his dad look alike it could be possible. The Carver is a sadistic rapist, as was Christian's father, plus he was never caught back then. It all adds up IMO.


The Carver is a main cast member. Since Christian's dad has never been introduced, it can't be him.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 03:55 PM)
The Carver is a main cast member. Since Christian's dad has never been introduced, it can't be him.


Actually, rumor has it that Ryan Murphy supposedly said this, but I can't find that actual quote anywhere nor have I ever seen it substantiated. All I know is this:




* Series creator Ryan Murphy has said that The Carver will be "somebody we know," and added that "It's always a horrible cheat when it's someone like a neighbor who you met once, and they're the killer [1]."

* Series creator Ryan Murphy has said that The Carver could be a male or female.

* In the same interview Murphy refers to The Carver as "he" (though in English, using a masculine pronoun to describe a person when the gender isn't given is considered proper): "It's an interesting character because what he's doing is really no different than what plastic surgeons are doing. They are both carving and butchering people."


And Merril Bobolit (sp?) is far from a main character.

Edited by whitesoxfan13
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QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 03:59 PM)
Actually, rumor has it that Ryan Murphy supposedly said this, but I can't find that actual quote anywhere nor have I ever seen it substantiated. All I know is this:



And Merril Bobolit (sp?) is far from a main character.


Rumor has it... he's quoted. :huh:


Re: Bobolit, fair enough.. but he's someone a fan of the show knows, and with a concrete axe to grind with Christian & Kimber. Far from Christian's father.. who's never been introduced.


Book that. :rolly

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QUOTE(MurcieOne @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 03:28 PM)
we are the murder she wrote of Soxtalk... the miami vice, the nightrider, the baywatch nights... we solve cases baby... its what we do.



I have to say.. it's going to kind of suck when this is over. This is the most I have been involved in a storyline since The Soprano's season 3..

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That's the EW interview, and there's nothing about it being a main character. It's just "someone we know." Well, we know who Christian's dad is (at least a little). However, his dad probably isn't the carver, but I think it'd be an awesome twist if it was.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:12 PM)


That's the EW interview, and there's nothing about it being a main character. It's just "someone we know." Well, we know who Christian's dad is (at least a little). However, his dad probably isn't the carver, but I think it'd be an awesome twist if it was.




We do.. really..? Who is he? When was he introduced? Who plays him..?? :headshake



It's a cast member.. he isn't a cast member.



I used the phrase "main character", not Ryan Murphy. :stick

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QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:15 PM)
We do.. really..? Who is he? When was he introduced? Who plays him..??  :headshake


In my view, the Carver being "somebody we know" can be interpreted in two ways:


1. An at least somewhat major character that we see regularly.




2. The Carver is a character that we know exists, and not just some random guy we've never heard of before. Hence, he's "someone than we know (of)."


Both interpretations are acceptable, IMO. And if the quote is intended to be interpreted in the second way, which I think it is, than Christian's dad is certainly a possibility.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:23 PM)
Yet the creator of the show and all the actors interviewed claim differently..




Please elaborate. What exactly did Ryan Murphy or any of the actors claim that would rule out the possibility of someone like Christian's father? And, remember, it's not necessarily a main character, just someone we know.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:26 PM)
Please elaborate. What exactly did Ryan Murphy or any of the actors claim that would rule out the possibility of someone like Christian's father? And, remember, it's not necessarily a main character, just someone we know.




It's a cast member. They have been clear about that since the Carver storyline was introduced as season 3's main line. I'm sorry if you can't comprehend that... I've done all I can to help you with it. I'm done.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:29 PM)
It's a cast member. They have been clear about that since the Carver storyline was introduced as season 3's main line. I'm sorry if you can't comprehend that... I've done all I can to help you with it. I'm done.


First of all, there's no need to be condescending.


Second of all, first you stated that it couldn't be C's father because it needed to be a main character. Now you have suddenly changed it to it having to be an actual cast member (i.e. actor). You have not been "trying to tell me that all along."


Thirdly, I have said that it's probably not C's father just that I would think it'd be cool. My earlier "book it" statement was tounge-in-cheek.


Lastly, it's pointless to argue over this. We'll just wait and see next week.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 04:38 PM)
First of all, there's no need to be condescending.


Second of all, first you stated that it couldn't be C's father because it needed to be a main character. Now you have suddenly changed it to it having to be an actual cast member (i.e. actor). You have not been "trying to tell me that all along."

Thirdly, I have said that it's probably not C's father just that I would think it'd be cool. My earlier "book it" statement was tounge-in-cheek.


Lastly, it's pointless to argue over this. We'll just wait and see next week.


First, apparently I did.


Second, I did say main, and I corrected myself. And I did not say the bold text above so don't put words in my mouth.


Third, don't hurt yourself.


Last.. who's arguing? We were having an intelligent conversation until you decided to come in and stick your tongue in your cheek...


I'm sure the discussion will go on without you.

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Okay, whatever. :D No hard feelings.


Anyway, here's why I think Christian's father could be a possibilty. Like I said, he probably isn't, but he's far more probable that all the people suggesting Sean, Christian, Julia, or Matt IMO. I think Bobolit is the best bets (Quentin would be #1 for me, but he gets attacked next week). Again, if what Steff says is true about one of the actors saying that it's an actual cast member, then Christian's dad definitely isn't the Carver. But humor me:


-Christian's dad is a pyschopath.

-Christian's dad rapes people.

-Christian's dad was never caught.

and (possibily most importantly) the storyline surrounding him never really wrapped up.


Like I said, it's almost certainly wrong, but I'm just throwing stuff out there for the sake of throwing stuff out there. If it has been revealed that it will be a cast member, then I am misinformed.


On an unrelated note, what happened to Anne Heche's character and that boy? Did they get killed by that one guy or was Sean just dreaming? If they didn't get killed, why did they leave to go into the WPP without Sean?


ETA: Check this out at TV Guide.com:


Question: Do you have any idea who the Carver is on Nip/Tuck?  — Sue


Ausiello: I'm beginning to suspect it may be a character we have never met, but at the same time, someone who looks rather familiar.


According to Christian's mom, he looks remarkably like his father.


So I might be and probably am wrong, but my pick goes to C's rapist dad.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 07:37 PM)
It'll be crazy if it turns out to be Sean.

If it's Sean, the show is over.


I just think Merril Bobolit is just so perfect.


If the Carver turns out to be someone off the wall and they have to stretch to tie all the evidence together (especially the condom found at the scene of the Rhea Reynolds murder) I'm gonna be pissed off. The killer has to have motive and be understandable, no cheap way out, I've invested way too much time into this show to have there be so many loose ends in the finale.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 06:17 PM)
If it's Sean, the show is over.


I just think Merril Bobolit is just so perfect.


If the Carver turns out to be someone off the wall and they have to stretch to tie all the evidence together (especially the condom found at the scene of the Rhea Reynolds murder) I'm gonna be pissed off. The killer has to have motive and be understandable, no cheap way out, I've invested way too much time into this show to have there be so many loose ends in the finale.

I'm with you. I don't want for it to be Sean or Christian and I don't think it would. Bobolit makes perfect sense to me.


One question, what happened to the transvestite (I forget her name). I remember when Matt and her finally ended it and her son committed suicide, but did she die. If she didn't (remember she's still a man in a sense), than thats the only other person I could see it being (if it was going to be someone who has played a big role in the show at one point in time).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 08:28 PM)
I'm with you.  I don't want for it to be Sean or Christian and I don't think it would.  Bobolit makes perfect sense to me. 


One question, what happened to the transvestite (I forget her name).  I remember when Matt and her finally ended it and her son committed suicide, but did she die.  If she didn't (remember she's still a man in a sense), than thats the only other person I could see it being (if it was going to be someone who has played a big role in the show at one point in time).

I believe Ava left the country for Paris but after he son killed himself she may have stayed and decided to take out her anger on society.


I think Ava is a pretty realistic choice, simply because it seems that would be the type of thing the writers would do. IMO it doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense to make the Carver her but I would never rule it out.


What ever happened to the knife that Adrian (her son) used to kill himself with? Could she be using that exact same knife to carve her victims?


I'm sure there's some sort of timetable that could possibly eliminate her as a suspect but I'm far too tire to go back and look on the DVDs or even think about it fully.

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Agree if Sean or Christian is the Carver, the series is over, and they already have season 4 filming scheduled so I'd say that's a slim to none chance. Ava went to Paris, but she is in the cast list for the 1st hour of the show next week. As is the tranny that Matt beat the s*** out of 4 episodes ago, which makes no sense to me at all.


Jason, Ava did have her.. "member".. removed so if she's the carver, she's using a toy to rape... which makes no sense since a condom was found to be used and noted on at least 1 crime scene other they Rhea's murder. Several theories say it's a team and that it's Ava and her ex (Alec Baldwin's role).. which I suppose could work.. but there is no motive for the early crimes if that's so since the Carver showed up before Ava was introduced, but that would explain the condom use I suppose. And Kalapse.. I don't recall the knife related to Adrian's death. Good catch I didn't even think of. And as for the Rhea murder.. that condom was claimed to have Christian's DNA in it... but they never confirmed it other then Kit trying to bully Christian into confessing - which didn't work since he was released after Kit was attacked while he was in jail... but that's another loose end that really hasn't been tied up.


Also.. the girl that Matt hit and killed in season 1.. she's also in the cast list (as a ghost..?). I think the preview when Matt is seen yelling "don't shoot" is when the cops come to arrest him for that because his friend ratted him out.


Anne Heche and the son's role was just plain stupid. According to the episode notes on the official site they simply left. But since they came into the picture long after the Carver I don't see any tie. That was a dumb storyline, IMO.


I'm hoping it's Bobolit. Just because I want to see him back badly - even if it's just to catch and fry his ass. In his final episode when he was all doped up and he cut Christian's face, then started cutting himself.. that was some crazy s***. And he was the perfect actor to do it.


As a side note... in reading the official site preview.. they say the Carver will be revealed.. not caught. I assume that will be the cliffhanger. It's going to be a good one, that's for sure.

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Anne Heche's character was just flat out annoying. I don't care if she just left all of a sudden and we get no closer, I just don't ever want to see her again.


On Bobolit, I totally agree. I love the character even though I hate him. The character is just so interesting no matter how f***ed up and evil he is. He just makes so much sense as the Carver too.

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