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Qutes OT Month Dec 05

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE(thedoctor @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 10:44 AM)
(Paul Byrd) also kind of looks like a vulcan. this makes sense. if spock were a pitcher, i could see him throwing junk.




I dont know why this struck me as funny, But I cant stop laughing at it. I think Scotty must have a 12 to 6 curveball ;)

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The Critic's response to Kap's claim:



(kapkomet @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 08:46 AM)


I get that all the time. 


Fortunately, all I have to do is say the building name I work at, and mysteriously, I don't get bothered anymore. 



QUOTE(The Critic @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 11:06 AM)

"AHEM....do the GOLDEN ARCHES mean anything to you, SIR?????" 





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Hammerhead johnson in the "Gammons says Thomas to A's going to happen", regarding the possibilities of Frank Thomas healing his foot and playing next year.


QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Dec 7, 2005 -> 09:55 AM)
Are you 6'5 and approaching 300 pounds?  :D


It's reassuring if you're a major fatass or something along those lines.  No offense if you are indeed a major fatass.


:lolhitting :lolhitting

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Dec 7, 2005 -> 02:56 PM)
Hammerhead johnson in the "Gammons says Thomas to A's going to happen",

:lolhitting  :lolhitting


Hey now, at least include the whole string! I tried to paste it all in, but it's a pain in the a**, so just read the five or six posts starting with...



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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 06:55 PM)
いかに言うか。 um, muligan please???  (muligan UM か。)


Anyone that put that much effort into a post should be immortalized with a POTM


Note: Weird enough, my Firefox spell checker actually offered suggestions for the Japanese characters LOL

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 10:34 PM)
Anyone that put that much effort into a post should be immortalized with a POTM


Note: Weird enough, my Firefox spell checker actually offered suggestions for the Japanese characters LOL


I can't see any special characters - just a bunch of boxes. :crying

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Dec 14, 2005 -> 10:48 AM)
Ive been nominated! 


I'm verclempt.  Talk amongst yahselves.  The Holy Roman Empire.  Was it Holy, was it Roman, was it an Empire?  Talk. 


Thanks nuke :)

I was about to nominate you myself.


Nuke got here first. :cheers

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The final sign of the apocalypse is here upon us.



I give LowerCaseRepublican a nomination for post of the month and a few of these here :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy for this beauty right here.


I don't post a whole lot in PHT mainly because of threads like "The Evil Kenny Williams" and the numerous ones in the past. Every move KW made was lambasted & if he didn't make a move he was lambasted. It was like him walking on water and then getting yelled at for not swimming.


From our future HOF catcher Miguel Olivo being traded to get our mediocre starter Freddy Garcia...to whining that all KW got was Blum during the midseason trade deadline...to the recent doom and gloom about El Duque getting traded for Vazquez...


I am getting so sick of it, I could puke geysers of blood out of my eyes. For f***'s sake, they just won the goddamn World Series. Methinks KW has some idea about what he is doing. He's made excellent moves.


While it angers me a little bit that Duque left, I just remembered his forays as a starter earlier last season. If I

wanted to see four balls that often, I'd be out renting XXX gay porn.


Rowand leaving was bad but you can't make an omlete without breaking a few eggs. With a hurt Frank Thomas being a liability & Kong being a FA, KW had to shore up some much needed power in the lineup. The fact that Thome then went and assisted us in getting Kong (and much needed protection in the lineup) only makes our lineup that much more devastating -- plus how funny is it that we screwed the Angels out of two major power bats? laugh.gif Not to mention the fact that the minors are stocked with outfielders coming out the yin yang so Rowand is replaceable.


I think Vazquez will find his form. Look at the job that Cooper has done with players that have the raw, untapped potential & getting them to perform well (Garland, The Count, etc.)


So please people...think before posting because I (and I'm sure tons of others) don't appreciate the doom and gloom. Crack open a beer, realize the Sox won the Series, drink and then realize that -- despite the whining, we've got another season ahead of us in a few months because with some of the bile being thrown around here, I almost thought I missed all 162 games of the '06 season.



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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Dec 21, 2005 -> 06:57 PM)
The Walton family represents the ultimate in greed and it makes me sick.  f*** them and their greed.  I'll buy my milk elsewhere.


QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 21, 2005 -> 08:12 PM)
We understand.  But just be careful out there.



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2 gems by Rock....


QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 22, 2005 -> 11:21 AM)
from NSBB


another flubbies fan gives his take on a fair deal





extra Bullpen arm

low level prospect







A little cash


QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 22, 2005 -> 11:38 AM)
oh, if you think that was awesome, this one is better


If this deal became:


Red Sox get- Murton and Pie


Orioles get-Cedeno and Prior


Cubs get- Ramirez and Tejada


Then I might consider it, only because.....











would make the mets lineup look like the royals'.


We could give Hill a shot in the rotation and Guzman a shot in the summer, ending up with:








Matt Murton projected homeruns over 580 ABs? 35.

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In the "When are the Sox going to the White House?" thread:


QUOTE(easyw @ Dec 22, 2005 -> 10:40 PM)
I hope they never go. The Sox are the anti-Bush team.


They beat the LA Angeles in the ALCS. The Angels are the team of Orange County, a notable hot bed of right wing extremism.


Then, in the World Series, they beat the Houston Astros, the team that represents big Texas oil money and corporate crooks (like Enron). To drive home this point, one of the biggest bastards of them all was in the stands rooting the stros on - Bush Sr!


The Sox represent the old school Democratic Chicago political machine!


Its funny that Ozzie and the trophy visited Chavez before Bush.. that must really burn Bush up, really get under his skin.




And it's not even in green. :lolhitting

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From the GOP Only thread in Filibuster


QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Dec 31, 2005 -> 04:45 PM)
lol as of now the Left has 85 replies to our 14. Oh well.



QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 1, 2006 -> 02:20 AM)
That's ok.  These aren't votes.

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