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Packers assistant coach's son commits suicide


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Roman, you really don't seem like a bad kid at all. In fact, there are some things about you that I find commendable. But, you are so way off base about many things that as you go through life and experience the trauma that life sends your way, you will most certainly change your tune. Your outlook on things is hampered by your lack of life trials and tribulations. This is not your fault, and in fact, is a blessing as far as you are concerned.


Suicide can be, is not always, a selfish act. Your loved ones are left behind to deal with "why's" and "what could I have done" type of questions that invariably go through the mind of every person that cared about the suicide "victim". Those questions will never be answered. Those loved ones will deal with the guilt and doubt every day. In most cases for the rest of their lives.


And to say that you will never have the thought of suicide cross your mind.... When you are a father, if you have to walk into a morgue and identify you dead son or daughter, the thought will cross your mind, I promise. I pray that you never have to go through such an experience, but you might. That's what I'm talking about when I say life's trials and tribulations.

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  in steffs defense tho, if someone kills themselves to "get back" at someone, that is truly selfish.  Like cwsox said, there are times that the person just cant deal, and sees no other option.  They want the pain to stop. Personally, I have never been to that point, but i can sure as hell see how someone with chronic pain or total lack of hope would consider it.  Steff, please dont link all suicides to your experiences, because its just not fair.

Bmr.. I know circumstances are never the same. But it is my opinion that no matter what the pain, issues, or whatever, suicide is never the answer. It's morally wrong, a sin, (and please let's not get started on the religious part) and depending on what you believe, is a one way ticket to hell.


I respect your opinion. But I stand by mine in thinking that all of it is selfish.

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Its their choice. If I know about, Ill try everything to stop them. I would physically restrain him but it doesnt always work. But its their choice. If anyone ever commits suicide, I wont feel robbed, Ill just feel sad. Very sad. Nothing else. Just total sadness...

Oh Lord.. I can not wait until that bubble you live in bursts.

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  in steffs defense tho, if someone kills themselves to "get back" at someone, that is truly selfish.  Like cwsox said, there are times that the person just cant deal, and sees no other option.  They want the pain to stop. Personally, I have never been to that point, but i can sure as hell see how someone with chronic pain or total lack of hope would consider it.  Steff, please dont link all suicides to your experiences, because its just not fair.

Bmr.. I know circumstances are never the same. But it is my opinion that no matter what the pain, issues, or whatever, suicide is never the answer. It's morally wrong, a sin, (and please let's not get started on the religious part) and depending on what you believe, is a one way ticket to hell.


I respect your opinion. But I stand by mine in thinking that all of it is selfish.

Yes it is always wrong. I agree. I just dont agree that its always selfish.

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Brando i agree.  I think every human adult has at least considered it once.......

Not important really but I disagree with that, I haven't considered ending my life myself. I am not emotionally void or whetever, I just never, ever came close to feeling that s***ty, maybe I'm too young yet? This is making a generalization about everyone, based on you experiances, something Steph was attacked for by many in her posts on this topic. I think saying suicide is selfish is mostly accurate, because the pain it causes to others is very real. Suicide is many other things aswell, and another accurate discription is that it is quite selfless, it's a way out the pain will stop ect. I am not well informed on the subject and I don't think I'm making much sense so I'll stop now.

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Brando i agree.  I think every human adult has at least considered it once.......

Not important really but I disagree with that, I haven't considered ending my life myself. I am not emotionally void or whetever, I just never, ever came close to feeling that s***ty, maybe I'm too young yet? This is making a generalization about everyone, based on you experiances, something Steph was attacked for by many in her posts on this topic. I think saying suicide is selfish is mostly accurate, because the pain it causes to others is very real. Suicide is many other things aswell, and another accurate discription is that it is quite selfless, it's a way out the pain will stop ect. I am not well informed on the subject and I don't think I'm making much sense so I'll stop now.

Ive considered it the way witesoxfan described. Id never do it but Ive thought about it...

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Aw, how bad was the accident? Everybody okay?


/threadjack  :lol:

Everyone is OK. Just f'd up the front end of my car. Insurance companies and rental car places are almost as stupid and ignorant as my favorite poster here. ;)

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Brando i agree.  I think every human adult has at least considered it once.......

Not important really but I disagree with that, I haven't considered ending my life myself. I am not emotionally void or whetever, I just never, ever came close to feeling that s***ty, maybe I'm too young yet? This is making a generalization about everyone, based on you experiances, something Steph was attacked for by many in her posts on this topic. I think saying suicide is selfish is mostly accurate, because the pain it causes to others is very real. Suicide is many other things aswell, and another accurate discription is that it is quite selfless, it's a way out the pain will stop ect. I am not well informed on the subject and I don't think I'm making much sense so I'll stop now.

Ive considered it the way witesoxfan described. Id never do it but Ive thought about it...

Whoops... there's that directional wind change again.

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i think unless you have been to the brink and back, you can't call someone selfish for committing suicide.


when you are deeply depressed of course you are going to think of yourself first. the reason you are depressed in the first place is that you feel the world has let you down. if you were making decisions based on the consequences for other people, then you wouldn't be so depressed, because you would care about other people, and feel like they cared about you.


what you need to understand is that people who are suicidal view the world in a totally different way than the average person, and often it is not their fault. things happen, circumstances arise that they have no control over, and it is not always easy to pick yourself up and fight again.

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i think unless you have been to the brink and back, you can't call someone selfish for committing suicide.


when you are deeply depressed of course you are going to think of yourself first. the reason you are depressed in the first place is that you feel the world has let you down. if you were making decisions based on the consequences for other people, then you wouldn't be so depressed, because you would care about other people, and feel like they cared about you.


what you need to understand is that people who are suicidal view the world in a totally different way than the average person, and often it is not their fault. things happen, circumstances arise that they have no control over, and it is not always easy to pick yourself up and fight again.

well written -

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i think unless you have been to the brink and back, you can't call someone selfish for committing suicide.


when you are deeply depressed of course you are going to think of yourself first. the reason you are depressed in the first place is that you feel the world has let you down. if you were making decisions based on the consequences for other people, then you wouldn't be so depressed, because you would care about other people, and feel like they cared about you.


what you need to understand is that people who are suicidal view the world in a totally different way than the average person, and often it is not their fault. things happen, circumstances arise that they have no control over, and it is not always easy to pick yourself up and fight again.

Absolutely friggin right!


Like I said earlier.. unless you've lived it in some way you can not have a true understanding.

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i think unless you have been to the brink and back, you can't call someone selfish for committing suicide.


when you are deeply depressed of course you are going to think of yourself first. the reason you are depressed in the first place is that you feel the world has let you down. if you were making decisions based on the consequences for other people, then you wouldn't be so depressed, because you would care about other people, and feel like they cared about you.


what you need to understand is that people who are suicidal view the world in a totally different way than the average person, and often it is not their fault. things happen, circumstances arise that they have no control over, and it is not always easy to pick yourself up and fight again.

Absolutely friggin right!


Like I said earlier.. unless you've lived it in some way you can not have a true understanding.

steff not every view of suicide is from the "victims left behind" view. Thats all you insist on seeing. When you get to the point of hurting so bad, that you kill yourself, other people SHOULDNT matter. Until you are there, or ever are there, your view really doesnt count.

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i think unless you have been to the brink and back, you can't call someone selfish for committing suicide.


when you are deeply depressed of course you are going to think of yourself first. the reason you are depressed in the first place is that you feel the world has let you down. if you were making decisions based on the consequences for other people, then you wouldn't be so depressed, because you would care about other people, and feel like they cared about you.


what you need to understand is that people who are suicidal view the world in a totally different way than the average person, and often it is not their fault. things happen, circumstances arise that they have no control over, and it is not always easy to pick yourself up and fight again.

Absolutely friggin right!


Like I said earlier.. unless you've lived it in some way you can not have a true understanding.

steff not every view of suicide is from the "victims left behind" view. Thats all you insist on seeing. When you get to the point of hurting so bad, that you kill yourself, other people SHOULDNT matter. Until you are there, or ever are there, your view really doesnt count.

Bmr.. maybe you should read a little better. I HAVE been there.

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