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Jehova's Witnesses


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My heart goes out to you that you are in this situation in your relationship with your wife. Religion should be a subject of love and understanding. But as we have seen through history that disagreements over religion have even escalated to war. I dont know anything about that religion or anything outside of my own. The only thing I would suggest is to keep communicating with your wife, educate yourself about what her interests are and if you cannot come to compromise seek counselling before this grows into something that becomes a breaking point in your marriage.


Good luck

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What I get from the history of the JW's... this guy russell had his own interpretations of what Christianity was, he decides to publish magazines and make himself president of the corporation that promotes this religion.


with in a year, the religion has a massive split, and the new "leader" makes Jonathan Edwards look liberal, denouncing major religions and major governments; they see immidiate growth.


money and fear. interesting.



That being said, a good friend of mine is a JW. I'm not sure how I feel about all of it, and like someone else said, he's not a pusher of his religion. Not celebrating holidays and having to dress up for church for fear of being shunned. (because the early church had "sunday bests" :headshake )


144,000 Anointed? at least in this religion I'm gonna get wiped off the face of the earth and out of existence, that's better than some.



my limited advice is to ask your wife if she's looking for God or looking for a group. God will accept her under any conditions if she's truly seeking, people and their made up beliefs (yeah you too christianity) tend to be a little more selective, and dare I say, self-centered.

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So, how is this affecting your family? Or are you just unhappy with her spiritual choices?


If its the first, you have a right to be concerned. If its the second, it isn't really your business with all due respect.


How is she reacting to your concerns? All those things would make a difference to me at least.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 03:02 AM)
So, how is this affecting your family? Or are you just unhappy with her spiritual choices?


If its the first, you have a right to be concerned. If its the second, it isn't really your business with all due respect.


How is she reacting to your concerns? All those things would make a difference to me at least.


The fear is that it will affect my family. We have twins on the way. No other children at all. It could affect my family a lot if you look at the celebrations of birthdays and holidays that my family takes part in that she will have no part of. She will be isolating herself which will have an affect on me or not allow my children to have birthday parties or celebrate holidays which I would disaprove of since that is a great part of being a child. I want my children to experience Christmansm Easter, Halloween, and Birthdays. I want my wife to celebrate them with us because I don't want her to isolate herself. What if my child needs a blood transfusion at some point to live? What if my wife does? I don't want her or someone else scaring my children and making them believe the end of the world is near. All of this can affect my family. I am scared for the way it will affect my family and my wife. I am very concerned about both because I want the best for not only my family but also my wife. Do you see what I mean or no?


Just writing all of that just made it seem even more cultish.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 01:01 AM)
my limited advice is to ask your wife if she's looking for God or looking for a group. God will accept her under any conditions if she's truly seeking, people and their made up beliefs (yeah you too christianity) tend to be a little more selective, and dare I say, self-centered.


Thank you for your advice. I have been down this road with her. I told her that being true to God is different than being true to a religion or group of people. Looking for God is different than looking for a religiion. Putting God first in your life is a lot different than putting a religion first in your life. We bump heads here. She just doesn't see where I am coming from with this. Then I get very frustrated.

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 11:40 PM)
The fear is that it will affect my family. We have twins on the way. No other children at all. It could affect my family a lot if you look at the celebrations of birthdays and holidays that my family takes part in that she will have no part of. She will be isolating herself which will have an affect on me or not allow my children to have birthday parties or celebrate holidays which I would disaprove of since that is a great part of being a child. I want my children to experience Christmansm Easter, Halloween, and Birthdays. I want my wife to celebrate them with us because I don't want her to isolate herself. What if my child needs a blood transfusion at some point to live? What if my wife does? I don't want her or someone else scaring my children and making them believe the end of the world is near. All of this can affect my family. I am scared for the way it will affect my family and my wife. I am very concerned about both because I want the best for not only my family but also my wife. Do you see what I mean or no?


Just writing all of that just made it seem even more cultish.


I understand, this has got to be real difficult for you. But what are your options? To protect yourself and your family. If she isolates, what do you do?


I wish I could say something to fix your situation dude, I really do. But ideas and words escape me. It's unfortunately something the two of you have to fix together. You either need to come to terms with your wife's religious path or she needs to make sure that her religion doesn't affect the rest of your family's life. Most likely you need a little of both.


Can't say I can really help you but if you ever need to vent... I'll listen.

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Another possible approach is to ask her, based on all her knowledge, what she is looking for in an organized religion? What would it look like, then see if it matches with JW. The trick will be to get her to remember the pre-JW days. It is a great learning process to read the Bible, discover your truths and find a Church that supports that, then to find a Church and blindly accept their teachings.


But then again, I am a born again Catholic, another mainstream denomination that has been likened to a cult by Fundamentalists.

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Another example of how dangerous religion can be. And I'm sorry, but to even get involved in this type of group, makes me think you are an idiot. Sorry.


My favorite is always the crazy christian, blowing up a doctor's office, because abortion is bad. :bang Welcome to planet earth, land of the dumb.

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If you've already discussed this with her, which it sounds like you have, all you can do is learn as much as you can about this religion, which it sounds like you are trying to do. If you can discuss from a knowledgeable position, that can only help.


If none of that helps, absolutely go seek some counseling. It truly seems like you love her and care for her, so present it that way.


You are on the right path. Do everything you can and if it doesn't work out (and I hope it does), you can at least walk away knowing you did your best and tried everything.


And that is coming from someone who has been divorced and didn't feel like my ex did anything to try to keep the marriage together.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 06:15 PM)
Another possible approach is to ask her, based on all her knowledge, what she is looking for in an organized religion? What would it look like, then see if it matches with JW. The trick will be to get her to remember the pre-JW days. It is a great learning process to read the Bible, discover your truths and find a Church that supports that, then to find a Church and blindly accept their teachings.


But then again, I am a born again Catholic, another mainstream denomination that has been likened to a cult by Fundamentalists.


I understand what you are saying. However it is hard to learn from the Bible the correct way using the Jehova Witnessess' Bible because they change it to fit their beliefs. The New World Translation is the Bible they use.

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QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 06:27 PM)
Another example of how dangerous religion can be.  And I'm sorry, but to even get involved in this type of group, makes me think you are an idiot.  Sorry.


My favorite is always the crazy christian, blowing up a doctor's office, because abortion is bad.  :bang Welcome to planet earth, land of the dumb.


Tony I don't know exactly what you are saying here. Am I an idiot? I don't believe I am involved in this type of group. My wife is an idiot? Sometimes we are just looking for something and lead down the wrong path by others we trust. Sometimes we just want to believe in something so badly that we fall into something like this. I would not consider her an idiot whatsoever.

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 07:26 PM)
If you've already discussed this with her, which it sounds like you have, all you can do is learn as much as you can about this religion, which it sounds like you are trying to do.  If you can discuss from a knowledgeable position, that can only help. 


If none of that helps, absolutely go seek some counseling.  It truly seems like you love her and care for her, so present it that way. 


You are on the right path.  Do everything you can and if it doesn't work out (and I hope it does), you can at least walk away knowing you did your best and tried everything. 


And that is coming from someone who has been divorced and didn't feel like my ex did anything to try to keep the marriage together.


That was very cool of you to say. Thank you!

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 03:33 PM)
I understand what you are saying. However it is hard to learn from the Bible the correct way using the Jehova Witnessess' Bible because they change it to fit their beliefs. The New World Translation is the Bible they use.


SSI, every religion has changed the bible to fit their ideas on god, jesus, etc. Every religion thinks their compilation is the "correct" one.

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QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 08:40 PM)
SSI, every religion has changed the bible to fit their ideas on god, jesus, etc.  Every religion thinks their compilation is the "correct" one.


Examples please. I can give you many examples in the New World Translation if you like. I would like to see examples of how other organizations changed theirs just so it would suit their own beliefs. Not only that but the New World Translation was translated by someone that was not even taught in the ancient Biblical languages. It is hard to translate something that you don't even know.


Here are some examples:


New World Translation

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 03:37 PM)
Tony I don't know exactly what you are saying here. Am I an idiot? I don't believe I am involved in this type of group. My wife is an idiot? Sometimes we are just looking for something and lead down the wrong path by others we trust. Sometimes we just want to believe in something so badly that we fall into something like this. I would not consider her an idiot whatsoever.


My opinion, which doesn't mean s*** anyway, is that people who get wrapped up in groups like these, are idiots. Maybe I'm the idiot. I spent my whole life in catholic school, and I couldn't tell you the last time I was in church.

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QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 08:49 PM)
My opinion, which doesn't mean s*** anyway, is that people who get wrapped up in groups like these, are idiots.  Maybe I'm the idiot.  I spent my whole life in catholic school, and I couldn't tell you the last time I was in church.


I understand, and I used to feel the same way. I know my wife very well and I don't believe she is an idiot. I think she is just looking for something in the wrong place and was steered in this direction by someone she trusts the most, her mother. I can stand back and look at it from the outside in and that is why it scares me. She no longer has that same perspective that I do.

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Well, I'll try to jump in here.


*ANY* man-made religion that says they have it all figured out is 100% wrong.


If you have difficulty with their beliefs, ask your wife, and only your wife, to set aside some time to study the bible. Tell her you want to understand BIBLICALLY what JW's have to offer. If she/the study strays from the Bible, then you have problems because it's not biblically based.


The real problem with religions is that they all have their denominations and legalism all tied into what Jesus is supposed to be about, and therefore, they plain don't get it.


I'm not going to start quoting scripture here, but there are very specific scriptures that refute the 144,000 only will be saved for heaven. Now people can start telling me about what it says may be different to me then another... but READ IT and don't assume what it says because someone else told you to think of it that way.


You two need to read the Bible, study it, learn from one another so you can truly understand what it means to be closer to God. A "church" (meaning human congregation) will only get you so far. You two need to try to grow with one another in that respect. As you study, ask questions, discuss your understandings and learn from one another, doors will open.


I hope this makes sense. But you both have to be willing and patient to accept that your views may be different - but remember, it's not about what someone says, it's about what the BIBLE says, because 99.9% of the time, people get it wrong.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 6, 2005 -> 04:07 PM)
But you both have to be willing and patient to accept that your views may be different - but remember, it's not about what someone says, it's about what the BIBLE says, because 99.9% of the time, people get it wrong.


A book written by people, about a spiritual being, is where the answers lie? Come on. Next you're going to tell me that Noah existed.


Why am I in this thread? :Talking to Self: Get out Satan!

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If you don't beleive in Jesus or God, that's your premise. I'm not one to judge.


But, for those who are Christians, denominations and the like is not your answer - and most of the time people think it is. The direct quotes from Jesus/God (the same thing) is where the answers are, not the legalism of a church (denomination).

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