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vote now and vote often....

Guest hotsoxchick1

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Guest hotsoxchick1

www.am1000.com they have a poll on there .. question asks what is the real reason for the sox bad year......anyone who knows the get up guy would know that he is the real reason we suck this year.......(he just aint gettin up lol)........any how please take a few minutes out to check it out an vote for him as the reason the sox suck this season.........the goal is to push him over 50%.........any help would be greatly appreciated......thanks guys........and gals..........

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This vote proves that we need GUG to be loud like he was in 2000 for the Sox to win again. Tell Farmer to shut up and deal with it and let GUG make going to Sox games fun again.


Who's really to blame for the White Sox struggles?

Gene Honda (PA announcer): 0%

Nancy Faust (Organist): 1%

Poppy Hidalgo (Ex-White Sox batboy): 2%

Herm Schneider (Head trainer): 0%

The Get-up guy: 97%

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Damn, I voted and it was 90 now its way high up.


Did someone tell gug to be quiet? I've been wondering where the hell he's been during the games. I guess he's been there the whole time, he's just not opening his mouth.


GUG if your reading this, get Vocal!!!!!!!!! :headbang

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Damn, I voted and it was 90 now its way high up.


Did someone tell gug to be quiet?  I've been wondering where the hell he's been during the games.  I guess he's been there the whole time, he's just not opening his mouth.


GUG if your reading this, get Vocal!!!!!!!!!  :headbang

I talked to him Thursday night.


I'm not giving any specifics let's just say the Sox used their "strong arm" to decrease the noise at the park...

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Ed Farmer is a whiner and complains about anybody making noise at the park. I've heard him complain numerous times about GUG making too much noise as well as other fans around home plate. He complains about a hot dog vendor in Comerica Park that sings opera. I try to get as close to Farmer as I can whenever I go and just yell about anything just to irritate him. It's hard now with all the new security. My brother was sitting behind home plate one night and Farmer complained about him yelling all game instead of just doing his job.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

thank you all for your hard work... i added my two cents worth in on the voting as well.. its easier from work lol cause i dont have to log in and out i can just jump from computer to computer lol.......anyhow i talked to dan and he is laughin about it.. mac called him and let him know he was taking the lead and this s***ty season is all his fault lol........and yes zach told the story behind why dan has quieted down at the park... he was told from the brass to keep it down.....nice way to treat one of your most loyal fans and season ticket holder to boot.....espically when you cant get a damn person to the park .............we are in need of some serious help on the south side.. and this little poll is gonna send a message of sorts to jr and company about how stupid their little rules and such are getting...........be quiet at a ball park.. who the hell ever heard of such a thing??????? good thing he doesnt own a nascar track huh............. :bang jr

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