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I wouldn't normally do this..


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Congrats Steff! This is good stuff to read. Glad the little critter looks to be pulling through. That's the wonder of babies at this stage, all they know how to really do is survive. Our neighbors had a baby a few years ago. She was an extreme premie, and the mom almost died. Well, we had her over yesterday to babysit her, and she is the sweetest, cutest kid. They fight and they survive.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 14, 2005 -> 02:54 AM)
Joey's surgery was a success. They have begun weaning him off the medications that leave him coma like and he started to move his feet a bit last night. They also took the ECMO stints out of his neck... so no more ECMO  :pray


The doctors are amazed at his progress. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.. I would have thought they were BS'ing me about where he was 3 days ago to where he is now. They are even talking about taking him off the ventilator!


Every day is a new test.. but hopefully with these few big steps he's taken the past 2 days we are past the biggest hurdles.


Thank you all again for all your notes, cards, emails, messages, and calls... Jim and I can never really express the thanks they deserve.


Here's a few pics.. from where he was on Friday, to where he was last night.

My son had his kidney removed when he was one week old because of a tumor. He's almost two now and healthy. Looking at those pictures brings back a flood of memories from those days. There is nothing that makes you feel more helpless than seeing a baby hooked up to all sorts of tubes and monitors. You have to rely on the expertise of the staff and hope/pray for the best.


My heart goes out to the baby, you, and your family, Steff.

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I just got a chance to read through the whole thread, and i truly believe that a situation like this is what makes this board such an inviting (well at times) place to come and commune with one another... its such an amazing thing to see...


Steff, little Joseph will be in my prayers... he has alot of White Sox Baseball and Howard Stern Radio to catch up on... well once he's a little older

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