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Press one Press two Please Hold


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As CW pointed out to me I am considered "old" on this board. Am I that old? Does anyone remember when you could call a business or institution and actually talk to a real person who would give you timely and accurate information??? Now it's press one press two etc, etc, etc. I think they deliberately make it difficult for you so you'll give up. Some of these calls are important. I also love it when it you finally reach your party and then of course you get voice mail. Return your call? Hell no! So tomorrow it's press one press two. Yesterday I had to call in order to transfer my car and renters insurance. After I pressed I think it was 39 I was put on hold. I held and held and held. At least the Muzak was decent. When I finally reached a real person what should have taken 5 or ten minutes at best took the better part of an hour because the person on the other end of the line was incompetent. Very very polite and pleasant, but incompetent. Believe me I am polite and very PRECISE. If you can't understand me go back to grade school. All I have to say to the young posters who are the majority here, especially those in school is this: American business is all screwed up. What you are being taught is probably 90-95% bulls***. Please please from the bottom of my heart FIX IT!!! Now I have to make another important call and already I feel the pain and frustration that awaits me. :headbang

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As CW pointed out to me I am considered "old" on this board.

I also stated that I am old... :ph34r:


when I was born, truman was president.


But at least I was alive the last time the Sox won the pennent and played in a world series! :headbang :headbang :headbang :lol:

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SI, I'm young and you don't know how much it pisses me off to get a damn automated machine. You sit on hold and then wait and then found out you hit the wrong button and they have to transfer you right back to it.


It also sucks when you call in and they don't have a number listed for your option. All I do now is act like I have a rotary phone and stay on the line and they take me to the people I need it. Almost always its much less wait.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Automated receptionists are so goddamn annoying. [one of the things I actually agree with conservatives on, who would have thunk it? ;) ]


And even when the live people get on they are dumber than a sack of bricks. Let's hear it for American education. $112 billion funds schools fully but we'd rather give $2 trillion to the Pentagon. Huzzah for s***ty American education!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

nothing in this world irritates me more than wanting to talk to someone only to get that damn press one two thing.......wtf......had i wanted to press buttons all day long on the phone i would have just picked it up and started doing so.........when i want to get some information or have a problem i need taken care of i want to talk to a HUMAN not a stupid automated voice...........thanks for letting me vent..........lol.......

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