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Ok Arnold, don't wuss out.


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Well thats your opinion.....In my opinion living the rest of your life behind bars is much worse than being put out of your misery and isnt it cheaper overall too? Hell if they are going to have a death penalty why not just make it cost efficient and shoot the guy in the head.

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I envy your ability to see everything as so black and white, Nuke.


Williams is absolutely the perfect candidate for clemency, and his sentence should be commuted to life imprisonment.


He has reformed himself to about the highest degree anyone can. His books, web community intervention sites, etc., as well as his changed life in prison is testament that people can and do change.


Admittedly a Crip co-founder, and possibly guilty of the murder charges during the robberies he went to tial for, justice certainly can be served by keeping him incercerated for the rest of his life. But several constitutional violations and extraordinary circumstances surrounding his trial should alone be sufficient for clemency if there was any real justice.


Above and beyond that, Williams is an asset to society for the work he has done from inside prison. life without parole is a plenty severe sentence, and it allows Williams to continue to serve as a role model/cautionary tale and to continue to affect positive change.


President George W. Bush's Council on Service and Civic Participation bestowed upon Stanley Williams the “Presidential Call to Service Award.” The letter congratulating Williams for the award praised him for having contributed to the “build[ing of] a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility in America.”  This special award "honors those who have provided more than 4,000 hours of service over the course of their lifetime.”
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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:18 AM)
Sorry, I oppose the death penalty. Under any circumstance. That's not the liberal in me. That's the Catholic in me.


You know, I can respect that opinion. I just don't buy into the fact that this cold blooded murderer is an asset to society.

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Yes, YAS he does deserve to die, just like all of us. No one is immortal. How he dies


Yep Arnold don't wuss out. Stand up for what is right and spare the execution. It will piss off your GOP faithful, you should be strong enough to handle that.


Though shall not kill. I can't believe some people trust the government to execute citizens, even after so many death row inmates have been exonerated. Our legal system is not perfect, the death penalty can not be reversed when a mistake has been found.


I'm glad YAS and Nuke believe our justice system is perfect, that everyone received a fair trial regardless of finances, that premeditated killing is fine as long as it is carried out by the government.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:36 AM)
Yes, YAS he does deserve to die, just like all of us. No one is immortal. How he dies


Yep Arnold don't wuss out. Stand up for what is right and spare the execution. It will piss off your GOP faithful, you should be strong enough to handle that.


Though shall not kill. I can't believe some people trust the government to execute citizens, even after so many death row inmates have been exonerated. Our legal system is not perfect, the death penalty can not be reversed when a mistake has been found.


I'm glad YAS and Nuke believe our justice system is perfect, that everyone received a fair trial regardless of finances, that premeditated killing is fine as long as it is carried out by the government.


Let's see. This P.O.S. has gone through the entire appeal process without any success. He's in the most liberal state in the nation, yet he's still on death row. But we might be making a mistake? I laugh at such crap.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:31 AM)
You know, I can respect that opinion.  I just don't buy into the fact that this cold blooded murderer is an asset to society.



I wish that was the least of it. Lets not forget the gang he founded is responsible for the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of young men and the poisoning of entire neighborhoods with drugs.


But he wrote a couple of childrens books so everythings alright now.



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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:40 AM)
Let's see.  This P.O.S. has gone through the entire appeal process without any success.  He's in the most liberal state in the nation, yet he's still on death row.  But we might be making a mistake? I laugh at such crap.



Even the 9th Circuit Court said he needs to die. If that doesn't tell you something then you have blinders on.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:40 AM)
Let's see.  This P.O.S. has gone through the entire appeal process without any success.  He's in the most liberal state in the nation, yet he's still on death row.  But we might be making a mistake? I laugh at such crap.


My earlier post was a general discussion about why the death penalty is wrong in this country. Sorry if I confused anyone.



Yes he has. And you believe the government should be killing citizens. What does that say about how much we value life as a society? He should be locked up and never see the light of day.


Thou Shall Not Kill. It doesn't say, kill if a jury finds the person guilty. Kill if someone kills a cop or child, but not a middle age accountant.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:31 AM)
You know, I can respect that opinion.  I just don't buy into the fact that this cold blooded murderer is an asset to society.


He isn't, and I don't think anyone here would argue that point. But is anyone locked up for any crime an assett?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:47 AM)
My earlier post was a general discussion about why the death penalty is wrong in this country. Sorry if I confused anyone.

Yes he has. And you believe the government should be killing citizens. What does that say about how much we value life as a society? He should be locked up and never see the light of day.


Thou Shall Not Kill. It doesn't say, kill if a jury finds the person guilty. Kill if someone kills a cop or child, but not a middle age accountant.




The Bible is such a hypocritical book. The same people who said "Thou shalt not kill" were stoning women to death for wearing clothes made from 2 different kinds of thread. That argument just doesn't wash with me.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:51 AM)
The Bible is such a hypocritical book.  The same people who said "Thou shalt not kill" were stoning women to death for wearing clothes made from 2 different kinds of thread.  That argument just doesn't wash with me.


Actually Nuke, God said Thou Shall not Kill, followers then, like today, did not heed his Word and they instituted the Death Penalty for crimes they saw fit.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:57 AM)
Actually Nuke, God said Thou Shall not Kill, followers then, like today, did not heed his Word and they instituted the Death Penalty for crimes they saw fit.



Were the followers also disobeying orders when they wiped out whole nations for the crime of not worshipping the same God as them? Did they pay the price for what we , today, would call genocide? Nope, they paid the price for not worshipping God properly.

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The sad part is that if this guy gets his sentence of death carried out, this WILL turn into a racial issue. Jessie Jackson will show up, all that good stuff. This isn't about race though, or children's book, or politics....it's about a sick human being, and a murderer who started a gang that ruined the lives of thousands of youths, being put to death.


If this guy is such a good man and looking out for kids by writing books for them to read, which didn't he think about it and be a productive member of society, rather than start a gang and kill people?

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 09:03 AM)
The sad part is that if this guy gets his sentence of death carried out, this WILL turn into a racial issue.  Jessie Jackson will show up, all that good stuff.  This isn't about race though, or children's book, or politics....it's about a sick human being, and a murderer who started a gang that ruined the lives of thousands of youths, being put to death.


If this guy is such a good man and looking out for kids by writing books for them to read, which didn't he think about it and be a productive member of society, rather than start a gang and kill people?



Yeah. If Jessie Jackson was this great "leader" of black people he claims he is he'd be clamoring to throw the switch on this scumbag. How many thousands of black people's lives have been destroyed by this s***bag again?


But thats not his style. POS Jessie would rather blame the White Man and the "racist" justice system than the people actually doing all this bad stuff.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:16 AM)
I can't believe some of you bleeding heart liberals.  The dude is a murderer and a gang banger from hell.  He deserves to die.


Absolutely, and he will, at 12:01 Tuesday morning.........Clemency? Ain't happening here in Cali folks. Cali may be the most liberal State in the nation, and it sucks that it is, but 2/3rds of the people are for the death penalty, and if anyone's got it coming, Stanley "Tookie", lol, Williams certainly does. Everyone seems to forget that he murdered 4 people in cold blood. What about them? Childrens books? I'm laughing my ass off! Who really gives a f***? No one of any importance. Riots? Cool, and the so called "Gangstas" will just burn, loot, and destroy their own "hoods", like South Central L.A. Big deal, i'll watch them safely from my TV in my own "hood", just like i did in 1992, and it will be cool to see the Koreans on the roofs of their properties again, fully armed, protecting what it theirs, successfully, just like they did back then..........

Post edit below

Even >Jimel


The Governator will be the Terminator in this case, :cheers to Arnold..........



Edited by SoCalSouthSider59
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The government decides who is to live, and who is to die. We are placing relative values on human life. This life is worth living, this one is not. Some of you trust the government to do that, I do not. Combined with the Catholic in me coming out, I find it much easier to believe that we Shall not Kill.


Nuke wants to point out other sinners as justification for our sins as a society. I guess if the race is to the lowest common denominator, he'll win.


The man does not deserve to see a free day for the rest of his natural life. No amount of children's books and community service will equal the horror he inflicted in many families. As a deterrent, (which some proponents of government sanctioned killing point to as justification) would he be more of a deterrent continuing to tell his tale from a cell block? A living, breathing, communicating, testimony to crime doesn't pay?


When we as a society do not place the highest value imaginable on the sanctity of human life, we all suffer. When any life, no matter how despicably led, is worth saving, that sends a better message than some lives are worth living and some are not. That was the same decision he made many years ago, thast those four lives are not worth living, I don't want my government making the same decision.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 09:26 AM)
It amazes me how many people for "Tookie" refer to his children's books as a reason for him to live.  I am trying to find the article i saw it in but i read that the amount of books he sold was around 350.  That's it!!!!!  Reading some of these news stories you would think the guys sales rivaled Dr. Suess or something.  i think the street gang he founded and headed took out more kids than that in a year. 


Call me what you want....but for the destruction in the black community he caused he should die.....if the black community wants to put themselves up in flames for the guy (and i'm sure it's not the WHOLE community) well then they are a bunch of animals. (not very PC i know but it's getting really stupid)


It'll be the gang bangers that start the riots. They don't want to find themselves in Tookie's shoes someday.

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It amazes me how many people for "Tookie" refer to his children's books as a reason for him to live. I am trying to find the article i saw it in but i read that the amount of books he sold was around 350. That's it!!!!! Reading some of these news stories you would think the guys sales rivaled Dr. Suess or something. i think the street gang he founded and headed took out more kids than that in a year.


Call me what you want....but for the destruction in the black community he caused he should die.....if the black community wants to put themselves up in flames for the guy (and i'm sure it's not the WHOLE community) well then they are a bunch of animals. (not very PC i know but it's getting really stupid

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 09:26 AM)
It amazes me how many people for "Tookie" refer to his children's books as a reason for him to live.  I am trying to find the article i saw it in but i read that the amount of books he sold was around 350.  That's it!!!!!  Reading some of these news stories you would think the guys sales rivaled Dr. Suess or something.  i think the street gang he founded and headed took out more kids than that in a year. 


Call me what you want....but for the destruction in the black community he caused he should die.....if the black community wants to put themselves up in flames for the guy (and i'm sure it's not the WHOLE community) well then they are a bunch of animals. (not very PC i know but it's getting really stupid)



350 copies?! LMFAO!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! I bet Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton went halves on 349 of em last week.


I think the Cripps, nationwide, probably are responsible for that many deaths, either directly or indirectly in a month let alone a year. Lets do a little math here. 350x12 months x 20 years ( give or take ) = 84000 deaths since the Cripps were founded. How many thousands more are in jail because of the Cripps?



Someone gets it.




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