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Ok Arnold, don't wuss out.


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QUOTE(sec159row2 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 01:17 PM)
found an interesting article on this, by none other than Mary Mitchell... whom I normally totally disagree with... some of you may remember she was beat up with her son outside Wrigley Field....  she has some interesting points... "And if he is innocent, why haven't his lawyers been successful in proving his innocence? Why didn't the monied people who are now rallying to this cause put their wealth together to mount a Rubin "Hurricane" Carter-type defense?"  and "We would be appalled if a civil rights leader argued that ex-Klansman Robert Chambliss had redeemed himself for his role in the 1963 Birmingham church bombing that killed four black girls -- even if Chambliss wrote a ton of children's books and became a Sunday school teacher.


We would be just as outraged if it was argued that Byron de la Beckwith had redeemed himself for the 1963 murder of Mississippi civil rights leader Medgar Evers."




Mary even goes so far to say this man caused more harm to black families than racial injustice... 

and another note... did "tookie" even write those children's books?


I was going to post this article when I saw the title, but I figured I'd read through the thread first and what do you know...here it is. I think this is like the 3rd time we have posted or almost posted the exact same article. Get out of my brain....stop stealing my thoughts....My post count is really suffering since the season ended and I need all the posts I can get!!!


With regards to the article, this is about the most sense Mary Mitchell has ever made. I almost fell out of my chair when I read it. She was also on ABC World News last week for about 30 seconds. They only focused on her comments about him not accepting guilt or responsibility... I wish they would have went into a little more detail about her article or at least tell people where they could read it.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 02:20 PM)



Heh heh, told ya all at the beginning of this string that "Tookie" was going to be dead meat......... :lol:


Tookie's going to be Terminated!!!!!!!!! :finger


Hooo Raaaa!!!!!!! :D



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If Stan Tookie Williams had been born in Connecticut in the same type of situation, and was a white man, he would have been running a company," Foxx told the AP when the film aired last year on FX. "But, born a black man who has the capability of having brute strength and the capability of being smart in the ways of the world, he's going to get into what he gets into."


If he was a white guy from Connecticut, he would of been part of the mean street possee in the WWE.



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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:33 PM)
It might surprise most of you to know, that I don't really believe in the death penalty.


for what it's worth.



Hmm.....and I thought all of America fit into a bichromatic rainbow called Republican and Democrat, where everyone's beliefs fit into a party's platform.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:42 PM)
Hmm.....and I thought all of America fit into a bichromatic rainbow called Republican and Democrat, where everyone's beliefs fit into a party's platform.


I have never said that, precisely because of this reason. I think live is precious at any level.



Then again, if this or any bastard touched my wife or kids I'd personally kill them with a pair of pliers and a sharpie. I think most people go that route when it becomes personal. It seems too easy to say "kill kill kill" when it's someone we have no emotional connection to, so I say just let the guy sit in prison the rest of his life. He makes what he wants to make of his time there. Be productive and you'll be happy. Or not, and hopefully "Big Earl" is gentle on your hind side.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:50 PM)
I have never said that, precisely because of this reason. I think live is precious at any level.

Then again, if this or any bastard touched my wife or kids I'd personally kill them with a pair of pliers and a sharpie. I think most people go that route when it becomes personal. It seems too easy to say "kill kill kill" when it's someone we have no emotional connection to, so I say just let the guy sit in prison the rest of his life. He makes what he wants to make of his time there. Be productive and you'll be happy. Or not, and hopefully "Big Earl" is gentle on your hind side.



I'm interested to know how that Sharpie fits in. :D


You've got a point that things change when it gets personal.

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QUOTE(SoCalSouthSider59 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:11 PM)
My sentiments exactly, and let's add child molestation to the death penalty as well, the lowest and most disgusting kind of crime that can be committed.........


Murder 1 = Death row

Rape = Death row

Child molestation = Death row



Walking around in Chicago in shorts in December = Death row



:bang :bang

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Nice to see that the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree.



Tookie's Son wanted for rape of a 13 year old


Time for the son to take up writing childrens books telling people about the dangers of sexual assault.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:27 PM)
Nice to see that the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree.

Tookie's Son wanted for rape of a 13 year old


Time for the son to take up writing childrens books telling people about the dangers of sexual assault. 


Further proof that it must be in the genes........ :lol:



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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 04:27 PM)
Nice to see that the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree.

Tookie's Son wanted for rape of a 13 year old


Time for the son to take up writing childrens books telling people about the dangers of sexual assault. 



Saw this one coming a mile away. So not only did he murder 4 people, start a street gang which has killed thousands but now hes got a son running around raping women.


If they catch him before midnight can they strap him down next to daddy?

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I say, Good Riddance, Tookie!


It does society absolutely no good to keep a piece of filth like him alive!


Na na na na, na na na na, hey haey...GOODBYE!

If these crimes had been committed by Mr. Williams in Israel, he would not be put to death by that state. Shalom.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 12:57 AM)
Well thats your opinion.....In my opinion living the rest of your life behind bars is much worse than being put out of your misery and isnt it cheaper overall too?  Hell if they are going to have a death penalty why not just make it cost efficient and shoot the guy in the head.

The reason the death penalty costs so much money is because of all the legal fees that go into fighting each and every appeal that goes through when a person is up for the death penalty.


It has nothing to do with the actual cost of the lethal injection.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:40 AM)
We've been over this ground before Tex.  The Death Penalty isin't a deterrent because it takes an average of 12 years to kill these assholes and it isin't imposed in a uniform manner.


You and LCR should save your tears for the thousands of victims created by this piece of s***.

Couldn't agree more with your comments on this situation nuke. Glad common sense is still around.

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