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Ok Arnold, don't wuss out.


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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:41 AM)
If a warden strapped a visitor to a gurney, injected a lethal dose of poison, and they died, he would have committed a sin in God's eyes, and murder in the state's laws.


If a warden straps someone down, who a jury ruled should die, then some believe it is not a sin.


Funny how man's laws can trump God's laws. The hubris is amazing.

Since when does what god think come into play as to the government. The constitution isn't the 10 commandments.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 08:55 AM)
Is it just me, or does that statement open up the whole additional can of worms of "well, the Death Penalty really hasn't been shown at all to prevent crimes" ?

Just look what they used to do in China. When they'd behead someone and stick the heads of the dead on the polls outside the village. That sure as hell deterred crime. Not saying we go to that extreme, but when used properly an execution system can deter crime. It won't stop it, crime will never be stopped.


There will always be sick f***s somewhere that end up murdering someone.

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LMAO at it's ok to pay to house and feed some thief, rapist, hooker, small time drug dealer, bookie, but we damn well better not spend money on locking murders up. The people on death row amount to such a small percentage of what we pay to incarcerate people in this country. If money was really the issue, decriminalize marijuana and safe way more than on killing a handful of inmates.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:46 PM)
LMAO at it's ok to pay to house and feed some thief, rapist, hooker, small time drug dealer, bookie, but we damn well better not spend money on locking murders up. The people on death row amount to such a small percentage of what we pay to incarcerate people in this country. If money was really the issue, decriminalize marijuana and safe way more than on killing a handful of inmates.

Who the hell talked about price. I still find it hillarious how people b**** and moan about hte rights of prisoners. They are in there for a reason. As far as I'm concerned they should essentially be slaves and work for everything (there wages will be a place to sleep and food to eat).


I honestly don't know what exactly prisoners should work on and sure they can be paid (they are) as long as they are going to be released from prison (hell, maybe pay them in some sort of credits which go toward mandatory educational classes that will help them get some sort of decent job when they get out).


I will say one thing, I don't feel bad and I don't feel any sort of compassion for prisoners. They made mistakes and most of the time they were serious mistakes and if someone totes up all they did was smoke weed or deal weed well I will make one statement, I got no respect for people that do illegal drugs nor for people that sell them (no matter how harmful or non harmful they are).

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:48 PM)
Sometimes this board amazes me.


Now we're looking up to places like China and the Taliban and Saudi Arabia who use public executions as a deterrent?


This is what we should aspire to?

I never said we should do that. I simply am debating people who say its not a deterrent. Honestly, if your crazy enough to kill someone than I think on the most part you could give a s*** if you end up getting the electric chair.


However, lets just assume it was stealing a loaf of bread would result in death. Well than I bet no one in there right mind would ever steal a loaf of bread.


I think the people who act as if this guy is a good man and restored themselves are nuts. These guys murdered people himself and as a whole he was a part (by creating the gang and running it for 7 years) of a hell of a lot more deaths. This guy is a total criminal and is a total scumbag. I could give a crap if two gang members decide to kill each other. If there was a sanctioned place where two gangs could go to shoot each other up and die, I'd say let em have it, at least that way they are in an isolated spot where there bullets won't kill someone whose life is actually worth a damn.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 11:26 PM)
I can't believe Arnold Schwartzenegger was forced to decide whether someone lives or dies.  Just think about that for a second, f***in' ridiculous.



why is it ridiculous???? He's the governor so he decides. it isn't that complicated.


Good call Arnie!!!!!! Tookie Williams??? HE GAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




:drink :drink :drink :finger :finger :cheers :drink :drink

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 11:58 AM)
Okay I can play along with those who want the death penalty abolished now that we are housing said psychopathic killer on the goverment dime for the next 30-50 years what about the following. Lets play make believe, lets eliminate the death penalty.  Woosh, its gone.  Now what.




QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 05:50 PM)
Who the hell talked about price.  I still find it hillarious how people b**** and moan about hte rights of prisoners.  They are in there for a reason.  As far as I'm concerned they should essentially be slaves and work for everything (there wages will be a place to sleep and food to eat). 


And putting them to work, takes away a job from an innocent worker trying to make a living on the outside. Happened to a cable harness manufacturer I use to sell to. He lost his customer to a private prison who was using inmates. Eight of his employees lost their jobs when that contract went away.


I am not b****ing about the rights of prisoners. BTW, the privileges that are being spoken about are important to the guards who use those privileges as rewards and punishments for good behavior. It makes their jobs easier. But, I'd have no problem taking all that stuff away and just making the guards work harder.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 05:29 PM)
Since when does what god think come into play as to the government.  The constitution isn't the 10 commandments.



Don't we spend an inordinate amount of time trying to separate the 10 commandments from government as it is?



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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 04:11 PM)
Don't we spend an inordinate amount of time trying to separate the 10 commandments from government as it is?





Personally I think its a total waste. Why we have to spend money defending or dealing with issues like whether it should be a Christmas tree or a Holiday tree, I'll never know.


It sickens me how a total minority will create issues like that which are solved with tax paying money that could be invested into better causes (and this is just one example, the whole holiday thing). I just find it totally pointless and meaningless.


It should be pretty clear. You celebrate Kwanza, well you can have a spot in your city to have a little quanza sanctuary, same with Jews, Christians, etc. The town could just say none of it is allowed (or if one is allowed than the others are allowed). I got zero problem with all religions getting equal say.


However, if everyone in a fire dept is Christian (a particular one) than they can simply have an Xmas tree. Regardless, I think people that b**** about things like this are losers that got nothing better to do (and they ruin things for the vast majority of people).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 06:15 PM)
However, if everyone in a fire dept is Christian (a particular one) than they can simply have an Xmas tree. Regardless, I think people that b**** about things like this are losers that got nothing better to do (and they ruin things for the vast majority of people).






:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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It's amazing liberals believe Williams legitimately reformed himself within prison. That issue, however you perceive it, is completely void of the 4 murders he committed over thirty years ago. How do his actions within the last ten years overshadow the horrendous crimes perpetrated?


Oh, because he wrote Children books detailing the dangers of gang activity clemency should be granted! HE"S REFORMED!!! Let him "rot" in prison. Anyone here willing to speculate imprisoned Crip members may be protecting him? I doubt prison life is too troubling for Tookie.


Someone who shows no remorse for his actions, nor accepts responsibility, should be left in prison for life!!! Deceased families are not the true victims here. Our justice system is! Life in prison gives him time to reflect on his actions.


Well, what matters is he'll be dead tomorrow morning. World is better for it. Children's literature and current Crip gang members, however, will never be the same.

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Hilarious. the god-fearing republicans are running around dancing as a man is put to death. "Let God Sort 'Em." Yup. That's what Jesus would have preached.


Here we have a man who has been nominated for FIVE NOBEL PEACE PRIZES. FIVE. He has been awarded Presidential honors. He is now making a contribution to society from behind bars and you all want him to die.


George Bush was running around doing coke and dodging drafts. Should he be punished for what he did in his past?

-Oh and when you ask if he killed anyone, what if his plane was shot down? I'm pretty damn sure 50,000+ Iraqis would still be alive.

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QUOTE(Nokona @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:32 PM)
Hilarious.  the god-fearing republicans are running around dancing as a man is put to death. "Let God Sort 'Em."  Yup.  That's what Jesus would have preached.


Here we have a man who has been nominated for FIVE NOBEL PEACE PRIZES.  FIVE.  He has been awarded Presidential honors.  He is now making a contribution to society from behind bars and you all want him to die.


George Bush was running around doing coke and dodging drafts.  Should he be punished for what he did in his past?

-Oh and when you ask if he killed anyone, what if his plane was shot down?  I'm pretty damn sure 50,000+ Iraqis would still be alive.


I don't consider myself a God-fearing republican. Infact, I'd be willing to label myself a conservative. On the issue of the death-penalty, I'm not a complete advocate of its use. Mr. Tookie, however, deserves death. I don't give a f*** how he "contributed" to society, or how many Nobel Peace nominations he's received. It doesn't erase the crimes commited 30 years ago.


How about instead of writing books and establishing crime-free organizations, he--I don't know--shows remorse for his actions? Or possibly give up information related to unsolved murders or other criminal-related activity? Oh right, he couldn't do that and disobey the "code of the streets." He might be shunned within the Crips!

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Nokona @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 05:32 PM)
Hilarious.  the god-fearing republicans are running around dancing as a man is put to death. "Let God Sort 'Em."  Yup.  That's what Jesus would have preached.


Here we have a man who has been nominated for FIVE NOBEL PEACE PRIZES.  FIVE.  He has been awarded Presidential honors.  He is now making a contribution to society from behind bars and you all want him to die.


George Bush was running around doing coke and dodging drafts.  Should he be punished for what he did in his past?

-Oh and when you ask if he killed anyone, what if his plane was shot down?  I'm pretty damn sure 50,000+ Iraqis would still be alive.


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QUOTE(Nokona @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 06:32 PM)
Here we have a man who has been nominated for FIVE NOBEL PEACE PRIZES.  FIVE.  He has been awarded Presidential honors.  He is now making a contribution to society from behind bars and you all want him to die.


Nominated for five Nobel Peace Prizes? SO WHAT! This asshole killed FOUR PEOPLE, FOUR! :headshake


Let him continue his contributions in HELL! :angry:


Oh, less than 5-1/2 hours to go.......... :D



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I know I'm way late to this topic, but I had to write a reactionary paper on this subject today in my History in the Making class. I did some research and Williams was asked by the LAPD to give information on the Crips and who was who and what kind of crimes they get away with, etc. He wouldnt do it. If he's anti-gang now, why wouldnt he do everything in his power to bring down this powerful LA street gang? Tookie is a scared individual who murdered 4 people. He was convicted of murder, period.



HE GONE :finger

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QUOTE(Nokona @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:32 PM)
George Bush was running around doing coke and dodging drafts.  Should he be punished for what he did in his past?


Well, in Tookie's past, he was ARRESTED AND CAUGHT. Bush, was lucky. Williams was CONVICTED of murder and has been in bars because he KILLED someone in his past. I think those two pasts are a little different.

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