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Interesting Poll Results


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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 03:58 AM)
Could you also cut and paste the fine print that must be there somewhere at the end saying something to the effect that "this 'poll' has no scientific validity whatsoever"?  :banghead


I'd rather not.

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You do understand that these polls are not reliable? It would be like having a poll here and asking who is your favorite baseball team.


But that is why we have captal punishment in this country. Revenge feels good.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 06:56 AM)
You do understand that these polls are not reliable? It would be like having a poll here and asking who is your favorite baseball team.


But that is why we have captal punishment in this country. Revenge feels good.


Everything is polled in this country. Are Bush's performance polls just as unreliable and as easily dismissed? You guys can't have your cake and eat it too.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 06:58 AM)
Everything is polled in this country.  Are Bush's performance polls just as unreliable and as easily dismissed?  You guys can't have your cake and eat it too.


Polls were anyone can just come in and click are not as reliable as controlled polls where the subjects are selected to match the population. If I polled the NRA members on gun control issues, the results would not be valid, likewise if I polled Village Voice readers on gun control. Same thing with asking anyone to click here to vote.


Polls where the US Population is sampled, the percentage of Dems and GOPs, Blacks, Whites, Asians, Hispanics, males and females, etc. are all accounted for are more reliable. That is why the White House, and their opponents, hire professional pollsters instead of sticking a poll on the White House Web Site.


Come on YAS, you are smart enough to know that. This isn't having your cake and eating it to. It's about the difference in a scientific poll and an entertainment poll.


And I will give you this, I believe the population is in favor of killing people. I wish we had more of a Roman spectacle about it. Perhaps have a giant stadium and allow the fans to vote thumbs up or thumbs down. Now that would be a deterrent.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 07:12 AM)
And I will give you this, I believe the population is in favor of killing people. I wish we had more of a Roman spectacle about it. Perhaps have a giant stadium and allow the fans to vote thumbs up or thumbs down. Now that would be a deterrent.



You want to mention the Romans? They should have fed tookie to the lions. Lethal injection was going too soft on this guy.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 07:15 AM)
Controlled polls can also be controlled to skew the results.  This poll asked a simple question with yes or no as responses.  You see the results.  Nothing more, nothing less.


YAS, how many males vs. females voted? How many Black vs. Whites? Blacks are much less likely to have internet access than Whites. Blacks are much more likely to be against capital punishment.


What this poll proved is visitors to that website, on those days, are 73% in favor or capital punishment. It can't reliably be said that the world population is in favor, that the US population is in favor, that the population in Kentucky is in favor.


Look at to two choices. The wording is flawed. If it was written are you in favor of capital punishment, even though innocent people, like your child, may be killed? Would that change the results?

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The question is asked in an unbiased manner.

There were 180k answer the question, so small sample size can't be claimed.


Oh yes, this was from MSNBC, not FoxNews.


But you know what, you'll brush it off and latch on to the next poll that you like the results. I know how it works.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 07:29 AM)
The question is asked in an unbiased manner.

There were 180k answer the question, so small sample size can't be claimed.


Oh yes, this was from MSNBC, not FoxNews. 


But you know what, you'll brush it off and latch on to the next poll that you like the results.  I know how it works.




How many blacks vs. whites responded? Is that important to know?


Sample size is irrelevant if you don't know the population it came from. This is basic polling fact.


If I polled 20,000 NRA members and asked about gun control, would that be more accurate than 10,000 subjects that reflect the US population in regards to race, sex, religion, region of the country, etc.?


Keep playing blind YAS. I'm done trying to wake someone pretending to be asleep.

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Crikey! Sorry. I was just being a smart mouth. I didn’t realize anyone actually thought these “we want to know what you think - click here” things were the same as Pew or Gallup polls. Here:


Not a scientifically valid survey.


MSNBC’s Live Votes are not intended to be a scientific sample of national opinion. Instead, they are part of the same interactive dialogue that takes place in our online chat sessions: a way to share your views on the news with MSNBC writers and editors and with your fellow users. Let us know what you think.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 07:57 AM)
It says that America is more in the mold of the Roman Empire at its most depraved and morally bankrupt than I would have believed possible.


QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 07:56 AM)
That visitors to that web site think revenge is good.



I wasn't serious. Jeez. :P

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I went on the NAACP's website last night and they had this online petition up urging mercy for s***bag Tookie. Anyway I looked at the signatures and they were all a bunch of profane, "kill tookie" messages. LOL!!! I couldnt resist taking a couple of swipes myself.




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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 08:44 AM)
I listed the results of a simple poll .. with no comment one way or another.  You took it from there.


I'm sorry, YAS, someone has been using your computer. There were several replies from your account. They should be easy enough to track down. They couldn't understand the difference between a scientifically valid poll and a entertainment poll. :lolhitting

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I'll keep my opinions to myself on this one, ;) i wouldn't want Rex Kickass to lock the thread, like he did on the Tookie Williams string, which was uncalled for, imo. I did nothing wrong to warrant the locking of that thread, if indeed i was the cause of it, for counting down the time till the plungers were pushed into Williams' arms, which indeed they were, and justly so. Another loser on his way to Hell....... :angry:




Oh, and :gosox1:

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 07:32 AM)
I went on the NAACP's website last night and they had this online petition up urging mercy for s***bag Tookie.  Anyway I looked at the signatures and they were all a bunch of profane, "kill tookie" messages.  LOL!!!  I couldnt resist taking a couple of swipes myself. 



Love the sig NUKE! :lol:





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I'm glad I've stayed out of these "discussions". :D


One question though, how tall was this guy? He's friggin' HUGE build wise, and if he was a tall guy...man, he's one bad ass looking guy.


I've got my thoughts on him and what should have happened, and they aren't what some of you might think. But, ya know, this is all such an ugly topic. I don't have it in me now. I just wanted to comment on how that guy was friggin' massive. Was he like that when he was arrested, or is that prison make-up?

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