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OMG this pissed me off so bad!


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This morning I am flipping the dial cause Howard was in commercial.. and I hit B96 who is talking about "seat weasles" - which are morons who buy the cheap seats and sneak down to the front row at events (concerts, ball games, etc..) so I hop on the cell phone and I am dialing like a mad woman. I get through. So I talk to the little worm who screens the calls and he doesn't want to let me on. And I reply.. "of course. Don't want to accept the responsibility for this disgusting advice that those ding bats are giving out on the air, right..?" His response.. "one moment please...". So I get on the air.. and I lay into their asses about how IRRESPONSIBLE they are and how even though they say they aren't condoning it, I'm sure there are a gazillion pimple faced idiot kids out there wetting their lips at the thought of getting to the front row for the cost of a lawn seat." I also made comment about the Sox incident.. I told them that "s*** like this advice is what causes these issues. People who think they are owed something sneak down there, have a few beers, and do stupid s***". Eddie (I think that's his name) agreed with me and even said "I know" when I mentioned that the mornons at Comiskey weren't Sox fans. Joe (his idiot sidekick) offered me Matrix tickets then put me on hold. When they came back to get my information I told them to keep their tickets and give them to one of their hooligan listeners so they wouldn't have to sneak in to see it, and hung up. Man.. I don't know why, but that just got me so pissed off.

I used to listen to that station back in high school.. :fyou them now.


I think I am going to send their station manager an email. Stupid assholes.

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It's too bad you just gave them what they wanted, attention.  That kind of crap is the reason I don't even listen to any of those kind of shows in the morning anymore.

I think I made a good point as they took no more calls from "seat weasles". Maybe they'll think twice before puting that s*** on the air in the future.


I did send a nasty email. And I'd be tempted to hold them responsible the next time I find some s***heads in my seats at the park.

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Steff you wouldn't like me too much. If I'm at a game and I'm sitting all far away, after around the 4th inning I'll get up and walk and stand up somewhere (Not in anyones way and watch the game). I'll spot out a few seats that aren't being used (Making sure no one is in them) and then will sit down there. I don't sit behind home plate or anything and I definately don't go running on the field.


I also figure I go to so many Angel games as it is, that I deserve to move up every once in a while :lol:

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I agree w/you wholeheartdly. What it sounds like is these jag offs are telling their listeners how to get away w/paying $30.00 for a crappy ticket at a concert and getting down to the 85.00 seats. I haven't been to a concert in a long time, but I couldn't tell you how many times I would get to my seat (that of course, was overpriced) to find some pimple faced kid w/his buddies in my seat. You tell them to move, and you get a smart ass reply as they walk away, or the move down a seat or two, and you end up with 15-16 people in a 10 seat row.


Encouraging this behavior is totally irresponsible.


These idiot morning DJ's probably don't know what it is like what we "fans" have to deal with, b/c these f***ing morons are in their "luxury box."

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So, I got an email back from the programming director at B96. Apologizing for the nature of the show Wednesday morning. They said they got about 5000 calls and emails about it after I was on the air. I know it doesn't mean much. But I was glad that I wasn't the only one that it irritated.

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So, I got an email back from the programming director at B96. Apologizing for the nature of the show Wednesday morning. They said they got about 5000 calls and emails about it after I was on the air. I know it doesn't mean much. But I was glad that I wasn't the only one that it irritated.

Seat snobs


IN all seriousness, I can't believe they got that much response. :huh:

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Seat snobs


IN all seriousness, I can't believe they got that much response. :huh:

I was also surprised. I was actually shocked that there were no more calls about it after I was on. They made several comments that the "phones were lit up" with "seat weasles". I was only the 3rd or 4th caller.

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