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king kong racist


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QUOTE(Soxy @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 06:20 PM)
I just think it's kind of funny. I actually was called that (in all seriousness) for suggesting that honey bees do not have language.


Oh, I know, Soxy. :lol:


It is funny.


...and, the first step to curing yourself of speciesism is admitting you have a problem. Clearly, you're in denial.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 07:20 PM)
I just think it's kind of funny. I actually was called that (in all seriousness) for suggesting that honey bees do not have language.


Hubbawhah?!? :o


Honeybees have no language????


I can only assume that this statement was not pulled out of the ether, and that you have some familiarity not only with von Frisch's controversial "waggle dance" language hypothesis but also with the more recent refutation by Wenner, Rosin, and others in the olfaction-over-body-language camp. These authors suggest that the dance is not instructional language but merely an attention-getting mechanism so other bees gather around and pick up olfactory cues from the dancer to alert them to the location of nectar.


I've long come down on the von Frisch side of the debate, as has none other than the Loer of the Hymenoptera himself, E.O. Wilson. And there is a lot of published argument against the conclusions of the olfactory grops as basically being too close-minded to be considered empiricists.


As one entomologist noted in a Science Weekly letters page a couple of months ago:


Telling us the experiments that have been done by the Wenner group prove her point is not good enough, since the scientific community has already judged those experiments inadequate. It's easy enough to run around shouting that people (other scientists) are blind and dumb and subject to "social control". That's not science, it's political rhetoric, and a waste of time.


There was some very convincing work published in support of von Frisch back in May by Joe Riley and his colleagues. They use radar to demonstrate that von Frisch apparently had it right all along.


So what say you, Miss Bees Have No Language??


You know, you just might be a speciesist after all. :headshake


:P :P

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 07:40 PM)
The word "holiday" derives from Holy Day, a direct reference to the birth of Christ.


I challenge you to substantiate that etymology – that 'holiday' derives directly from Christmas and not from any and all other observed holy days.


Certainly there were scads of pre-Christian and non-Christian holy days (we're all well aware that early Christians coopted an existing Roman holy day feast on which to build the birth of Christ observance). And there are other Christian holidays other than Christmas that have been around for a long time.


What is known about Christmas that conclusively tells us that is where the contracted holiday (= holy day) comes from?

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 16, 2005 -> 12:21 AM)
I challenge you to substantiate that etymology – that 'holiday' derives directly from Christmas and not from any and all other observed holy days.


Certainly there were scads of pre-Christian and non-Christian holy days (we're all well aware that early Christians coopted an existing Roman holy day feast on which to build the birth of Christ observance).  And there are other Christian holidays other than Christmas that have been around for a long time.


What is known about Christmas that conclusively tells us that is where the contracted holiday (= holy day) comes from?

WTF have they been feeding you down in Florida?

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Lord of the Rings is racist as well.


WHY AREN'T THERE ANY BLACK PEOPLE ON MIDDLE EARTH?! How can a series totaling over 6 hours not have ONE?! All Jackson needed was the token black guy to say something stereotypical, such as: "I AINT FIGHTIN' NO WHITE MAN'S WAR;" then promptly be shot by an arrow.

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I was reading a thread on rotten tomatoes regarding this topic and here's what one poster had to say...I thought it fit pretty well. Oh and that pool reference is actually in the movie Bommerang.



Just my thoughts here...


I have to wonder about people who look for and create moral issues out of works of fiction intended for entertainment. I just don't see it. I mean, sure, you can make symbolic meanings out of anything. But I for one will not have any racist thoughts generated in my mind while I am watching King Kong, and I do not for a second believe the original writers or any directors ever intended the movie to be a story of black slave owners.


But hey, maybe it is just me. When I go shoot pool, I don't think of that white cue ball hitting and knocking around all of those colored balls. But since there is some symbolic meaning that COULD be drawn from it by a very imaginative person, I am sure it must be a racist game. Why else would the ball that is used to knock around colored balls be white? It must be symbolic, even as old as the game of pocket billiards is, of the dominance of the white man over the black man, and how their only worth is to be knocked around by the superior race.


Until now, I never thought about what I am saying when I go bowling. But you know, bowling is another racist game, this time, it is about black power, and the overthrowing of the white usurpers. Why else would the bowling ball be black, and it knocks down the white pins? Heck, even some of the white pens are rednecks. I never realized what I was advocating while bowling.


Did you know the Yeti is symbolic to the white man? Bigfoot is symbolic to the black man? The yeti lives in the pristine white snow, in the uplands. Bigfoot lives in the lowland dirty swamps.


Do the readers know why the dove is the symbol of love and peace? That is the white man. Do you know why the crow is a symbol of omen and doom... death? You know... the crow is black....



Get a grip people. It is a movie meant to tell a touching story and entertain. Sometimes I think the racist people are the ones who see something racist in everything...



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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 16, 2005 -> 04:21 AM)
I challenge you to substantiate that etymology – that 'holiday' derives directly from Christmas and not from any and all other observed holy days.


Certainly there were scads of pre-Christian and non-Christian holy days (we're all well aware that early Christians coopted an existing Roman holy day feast on which to build the birth of Christ observance).  And there are other Christian holidays other than Christmas that have been around for a long time.


What is known about Christmas that conclusively tells us that is where the contracted holiday (= holy day) comes from?

Because this is a way to get my mind moving today without investing more than 5 min or so, I thought I'd chime in on this. :D


"Holy" is derived from OE "halig" (not really a "g" at the end, but I'm not gonna bother with putting the real OE letter in there). Trouble is, noone really knows what the word originally meant -- it may have meant something like "whole", or something like "hale" (so sez the OED).


The only recorded uses are post-Christian, so it's impossible to say whether or not the word was used before that as we use it today. As the OED puts it, "we cannot in OE. get behind Christian senses in which holy is equated with L. sanctus, sacer". Though, even if it basically began with Christian holidays it seems to have been used for days other than Christmas.

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Ha ha. I read the article finally, and they do indeed mention Birth Of A Nation. Hahahaha.


But if the movie is so loaded with race-charged imagery, why isn't it being protested? Why aren't we seeing pickets and boycotts?


Hmmm, maybe because it does NOT have any "race-charged imagery" and any half way intelligent human can see it is JUST A MOVIE ABOUT A GIANT GORILLA!!!

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