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Patriot Act Renewal filibustered


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Okay, okay. I see all y’all’s point. Instead of thinking those political cartoons had anything to say about the Patriot Act, I should have just posted that “Bush is such a Penis” or “a political hack asshole” and left it at that. Not to worry. I’ll catch on eventually. :banghead

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Dec 16, 2005 -> 02:17 PM)
Nothing to hide= nothing to worry about.

You know, I know a place where you can go that is more amicable to your beliefs.


It's called China. Or, you could travel back in time to the USSR.


I mean, all the spying that they do/did on their civilians was merely done to protect their way of life against their enemies.


And citizens who didn't do anything wrong had nothing to fear!


Go visit lovely China...and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

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What happened to conservatism?


It absolutely amazes me that the folks defending a President who trumpets blatant disregard for the constitution are all from the right. At what point do people finally decide that it's okay to criticize this president despite the fact he represents their party?


I voted for W in '04. I wish I could have my vote back. Not to vote for Kerry, but just so that I could proudly say that I didn't vote for this guy. There's a point where partisanship has to end and realism must take over. I lost faith in Bush when the WMD claims proved to be fabricated. Since that point things have just gotten worse. I consider myself a conservative at heart. I want to conserve the ideas which men like Thomas Jefferson used to put our government in place. I can't imagine what Jefferson's reaction would be to Bush's comments yesterday. Perhaps the rest of you "conservatives" should ask yourselves that same question.


Incidentally, between the WMD crap, the Plame leak, and now spying on Americans, I want to see the house introduce an impeachment. This president needs to have the impeachment footnote (even if the senate doesn't impeach him) beside his name in the history books so that future generations can recognize the injustices and criminal government nature he's brought to this nation.

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