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Amputee vet running to replace Hyde in Congress


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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 12:58 PM)
It's not cause she's an amputee. It's cause she's a war vet. Who by the way has been fighting to ensure VA provides better technology for wounded soldiers to lead normal lives again.



They have been. Prosthetic technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years and there have even been a few amputees who have returned to active duty as if nothing had ever happened.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 01:28 PM)
Rex, look at the damn article that started this thread.  It MADE A POINT to talk about the amputee part.  If she's so damn good as a candidate, why even talk about it?  Ohhhh, because they have to so that she's more appealing.  Come on.  It's too obvious.


And I'm not trying to mock her.  I appreciate what she's sacrificed.  But she was 100% recruited on appeal, not her beliefs.



Another new low for the Democratic party. Lets play the injured soldier card to try and take over a Republican district. Like all the other Democratic ploys this one will backfire also.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 12:05 PM)
To be honest, I am much to disgusted to care much about this person.  If politics has gotten to the point where a major party has resorted to recruited amputee war vets to run for office, I'm really not interested in what the PR machine has to say about her.  It was one thing to front a mom who lost her son in Iraq and use her to further your cause, it makes me ill that now we are moving onto the searching out the handicapped to do so.


And to be honest I am surprised this doesn't offend you as the defender of the downtrodden and used.




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Actually, Henry Hyde has announced his retirement. Duckworth's first electoral challege will be to win the Democratic nomination on March 21, 2006. She's running against Christine Cegelis, a software engineer, in that contest. Then it's on to the general election against State Senator Peter J. Roskam, a conservative Republican who is the minority caucus whip in Springfield.


I'm hearing a lot of condescending knee-jerk nonsense in this thread. I'm guessing the “handicapped” part may not bother her constituents as much as it seems to bother some folks here.


Hey, did those of you acting all outraged feel the same way about Bob Dole?

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QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 09:11 AM)
just notice which party all of these ex-Iraq War Veterans are joining... hmmmm



which party would you say most people in the military support?


i think i know the answer.


Nuke can probaly shed some light on the subject.

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 04:25 PM)
Actually, Henry Hyde has announced his retirement.  Duckworth's first electoral challege will be to win the Democratic nomination on March 21, 2006.  She's running against Christine Cegelis, a software engineer, in that contest.  Then it's on to the general election against State Senator Peter J. Roskam, a conservative Republican who is the minority caucus whip in Springfield.


I'm hearing a lot of condescending knee-jerk nonsense in this thread.  I'm guessing the “handicapped” part may not bother her constituents as much as it seems to bother some folks here.


Hey, did those of you acting all outraged feel the same way about Bob Dole?


Hmm I exepect more. I figured you would be the one to look past politics, I guess not. I'll have to remember that for your future outrages against injustice.

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 03:25 PM)
Actually, Henry Hyde has announced his retirement.  Duckworth's first electoral challege will be to win the Democratic nomination on March 21, 2006.  She's running against Christine Cegelis, a software engineer, in that contest.  Then it's on to the general election against State Senator Peter J. Roskam, a conservative Republican who is the minority caucus whip in Springfield.


I'm hearing a lot of condescending knee-jerk nonsense in this thread.  I'm guessing the “handicapped” part may not bother her constituents as much as it seems to bother some folks here.


Hey, did those of you acting all outraged feel the same way about Bob Dole?



Personally I think brandishing war wounds around on the campaign trail is wrong-headed. Its not the fact that she's handicapped that bothers me its the fact that she was recruited for candidacy because of it. Politicians should stick to the issues.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 09:42 PM)
Personally I think brandishing war wounds around on the campaign trail is wrong-headed.  Its not the fact that she's handicapped that bothers me its the fact that she was recruited for candidacy because of it.  Politicians should stick to the issues.

I think it's been said three times now. But apparantly, we're just bashing her for her injustice against the Republican (war mongering) machine. I mean, how could she go against the Republicans if she's a war hero? We're too ignorant to look at *gasp* issues.


I think I've had my allottment of SLaP today. I'm starting to get cynical. My apologies.

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You do know that when she wasn't a soldier she was co-ordinating community service projects in East Timor, right?


Of course you don't, you have her missing legs to stare at.

They've already indicated that they're not interested in the resume of this particular candidate. But they do want to keep discussing why she's not qualified. Sad.

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 10:17 PM)
They've already indicated that they're not interested in the resume of this particular candidate.  But they do want to keep discussing why she's not qualified.  Sad.

I don't think anyone said she wasn't qualified. But she absolutely did get recruited and a lot of money shoved her way simply to put the (D) behind her name.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 10:22 PM)
So she's a qualified person recruited to enter public service.


I don't see the problem.


She may be the best person for the job, but she wouldn't be in the running at all if it were not for the exploitation of the inflicted handicap.


Or to say it another way, the sickness is, she would NOT be a candidate if it were not for the amputee part of it. That's the point that is trying to be made. THAT is the saddest commentary of the whole thing.

Edited by kapkomet
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She's been a leader with Rotary in establishing community service programs in hotspots throughout Southeast Asia including East Timor. She's now a Major in the Illinois National Guard. Makes her as qualified as anyone else. She is, by definition, a leader.


And the amputation has nothing to do with her being encouraged to run. Chances are they were eyeing her before her injury, and possibly before she left for Iraq. I'm willing to bet she had been somewhat active politically before she left to Iraq as well.


And it's just entirely possible that she wants to run for Congress. Another possibility that everyone else here has ignored.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 10:32 PM)
She's been a leader with Rotary in establishing community service programs in hotspots throughout Southeast Asia including East Timor. She's now a Major in the Illinois National Guard. Makes her as qualified as anyone else. She is, by definition, a leader.


And the amputation has nothing to do with her being encouraged to run. Chances are they were eyeing her before her injury, and possibly before she left for Iraq. I'm willing to bet she had been somewhat active politically before she left to Iraq as well.


And it's just entirely possible that she wants to run for Congress. Another possibility that everyone else here has ignored.

Then the article that was printed to start the thread is HORRIBLE at getting that point across.

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I don't think anyone said she wasn't qualified.  But she absolutely did get recruited and a lot of money shoved her way simply to put the (D) behind her name.

Well, let’s see - of some of the people who have posted here; one said he wasn’t interested in finding out anything more about her, two are on my ignore list so I don’t know what they said :P ; a couple made some harmless cracks; one said she was being supported by the Democrats for the pity factor; and everything else has been cripple, cripple, cripple.


If it walks like a duck etc.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 05:20 PM)
I don't think anyone said she wasn't qualified.  But she absolutely did get recruited and a lot of money shoved her way simply to put the (D) behind her name.


Was she a Republican before her candidacy? Your comment makes it sound that way.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 04:32 PM)
She's been a leader with Rotary in establishing community service programs in hotspots throughout Southeast Asia including East Timor. She's now a Major in the Illinois National Guard. Makes her as qualified as anyone else. She is, by definition, a leader.





meh, maybe.


I wouldn't vote for her just because of her community service record or the fact she is a major in the national guard. Seems like a fairly thin resume for congress, I would need to know about her views on issues and hear her defend these views.

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I think that's what I said at the beginning.


Just because everyone puts amputee at the front of her name doesn't mean that its her focus. Did her injury get her some attention? Absolutely. But at the same time, for apparently a lot of people - she'll always be amputee Tammy Duckworth rather than Tammy Duckworth.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 05:36 PM)
meh, maybe.


I wouldn't vote for her just because of her community service record or the fact she is a major in the national guard.  Seems like a fairly thin resume for congress, I would need to know about her views on issues and hear her defend these views.


Well she just announced her campaign two days ago. That will come. It's a track record that's better than most before they run for public office.


George Bush was a failed oil man and minority partner in the Texas Rangers.

Bill Frist was a Doctor and owned part of HCA.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was a bodybuilder and a (bad) actor.

Ted Kennedy was the brother of John and Robert.

Jon Corzine ran Goldman Sachs.

Frank Lautenberg founded ADP.


If those are track records worthy, I'd say that hers is right up there.


The amount of stuff you'd have to study and know and understand to effectively put together community service programs in the developing world would definitely qualify you for public office.

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 10:35 PM)
Well, let’s see - of some of the people who have posted here; one said he wasn’t interested in finding out anything more about her, two are on my ignore list so I don’t know what they said :P ; a couple made some harmless cracks; one said she was being supported by the Democrats for the pity factor; and everything else has been cripple, cripple, cripple.


If it walks like a duck etc.


I'm kind of saying that. I wish it weren't true, but I'm saying that indirectly.


I'm sure we can dredge up some Republican crap of the same sort of thing. After all, they are a "party of fear".

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