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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 11:38 AM)
Is anyone else really annoyed how any statement that any government agency wasn't doing a wonderfully perfect job is immediately translated into Oh those people just hate Bush?  The Government seriously can do no wrong for these people with Bush in office.


Or it's a biased media, or activist judges. Brilliant strategy until people begin to think for themselves and realize that neither party could possibly be that right all the time.

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Chris Matthews: Tom Delay " lives basically, like a regular middle class person. He doesn’t live well at all."


    As Tom DeLay became a king of campaign fund-raising, he lived like one, too. He visited cliff-top Caribbean resorts, golf courses designed by PGA champions and four-star restaurants, all courtesy of donors who bankrolled his political money empire.


    Over the past six years, the former House majority leader and his associates have visited places of luxury most Americans have never seen, often getting there aboard corporate jets arranged by lobbyists and other special interests.


    Public documents reviewed by the Associated Press tell the story: At least 48 visits to golf clubs and resorts; 100 flights aboard company planes; 200 stays at hotels, many world-class; and 500 meals at restaurants, some averaging nearly $200 for a dinner for two.

I want to be that middle class!
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 01:05 AM)
By the way, quick question, stolen from a blog.


Remember that Iraqi election about a month ago?  Um, who actually won that?


I am quite confident it was the Iraqi guy :ph34r:

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November Santorum: "The K Street project is purely to make sure we have qualified applicants for positions that are in town. From my perspective, it's a good government thing."


January Santorum: "Well, I don't know what you mean by Senate liaison to the, quote, 'K Street Project.' I'm not aware of any Senate liaison job that I do for the K Street Project."

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Holy Hell!


Today in my education class, we were having a discussion of teaching issues based education for geography etc. One of the obvious topics is war.


So we were using this model to go about defining what a war is and then using a scenario to do value analysis/critical thinking. The scenario was that a group of US soldiers had killed four enemies and wounded one. They were bringing back the wounded as a prisoner but then they found out that it was slowing them down. Uncertain intelligence told the US soldiers that there was a large opposing force coming and they had to get back to the base. So the moral dilemma was "Do you shoot the wounded soldier so you can move faster and get to the base before the opposing force comes?"


After a bit of debate, this one girl in my class says "I don't get the point about taking prisoners for any reason. Can't we just execute them all?" She then discussed how if she was in the Army, that her goal would be to protect her soldiers and she would kill anybody who got in her way -- even women and children. She wanted to know why this was not policy now. I got in a little trouble for saying "We sure can, Adolf."

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 02:17 PM)
November Santorum: "The K Street project is purely to make sure we have qualified applicants for positions that are in town. From my perspective, it's a good government thing."


January Santorum: "Well, I don't know what you mean by Senate liaison to the, quote, 'K Street Project.' I'm not aware of any Senate liaison job that I do for the K Street Project."

I guess he's forgotten that standing meeting he had EVERY TUESDAY for four years.


The Pubes are a bunch of forgetful fockers, eh?

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MSNBC's hosts, making fun of those dirty, dirty gay people.


From the January 18 edition of MSNBC's Imus in the Morning:


    IMUS: Have you lost weight?


    MATTHEWS: I was at -- I was at 240 and gaining a couple years ago, and I've been working down -- I was checking, I said -- I got down to 215 after I ran the other day, so I'm somewhere in the teens still.


    IMUS: You look pretty good.


    MATTHEWS: I'm trying to get down to 200.


    IMUS: You look pretty good. I mean, I'm not working toward a Brokeback Mountain situation here, I'm just saying -- I remarked to Charles -- I said, "He looks pretty good to me."


    MATTHEWS: I've been reading your comments. I don't think you're working in that direction.




    IMUS: Well, I'm trying. So, Al Gore --


    MATTHEWS: Have you seen it yet? Have you gone to see it yet? I've seen everything else but that. I guess --


    IMUS: No, I haven't seen it. Why would I want to see that?


    MATTHEWS: I don't know. I've no opinion on that. I haven't seen it either. So --


    IMUS: So, they -- I don't know -- it was out when I was in New Mexico, and it doesn't resonate with the cowboys -- with the real cowboys who I know. So --


    MATTHEWS: Yeah --


    IMUS: But then, maybe there's stuff going on there, on the ranch, that I don't know about. Not on my ranch, but you know what I'm saying.


    MATTHEWS: Well, the wonderful Michael Savage, who's on [WTNT AM] 570 in D.C., who shares a station with you at least, he said -- he calls it -- what's he call it? "Bareback Mounting." That's his name for the movie.


    IMUS: Right. Of course, Bernard calls it "Fudgepack Mountain," but that's probably --


    MATTHEWS: You know what? I'll bet it wins. It's either that or Good Night, and Good Luck. [Warner Independent Pictures, 2005] who'll win for an Academy Award, I think, this year. I think it's the mood. Everybody likes the movie, who's seen it, so.


Edit: And on the same Day, Matthews: Bin laden sounds like Michael Moore.

Edited by Balta1701
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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jan 19, 2006 -> 10:47 PM)
Anyone else sick of hearing people who are left of center referred to leftist like it's the same as communist?


I'm going to start referring to "rightists" in a negative tone....if I ever posted here....which I prefer not to.


I brought up a similar point recently in one of the Buster forums. Even the people pretty far left don't refer to people on the right with childish and inane names like "leftist" or "liberal scum". It makes the right wingers in this forum look like 12-year-olds.


Where does that come from, anyway? The desire to degrate someone who doesn't agree with you, just for that reason?

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 19, 2006 -> 09:54 PM)
I brought up a similar point recently in one of the Buster forums.  Even the people pretty far left don't refer to people on the right with childish and inane names like "leftist" or "liberal scum".  It makes the right wingers in this forum look like 12-year-olds.


Where does that come from, anyway?  The desire to degrate someone who doesn't agree with you, just for that reason?


No idea. I'm sick of the use of "left" like that....

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 19, 2006 -> 10:54 PM)
I brought up a similar point recently in one of the Buster forums.  Even the people pretty far left don't refer to people on the right with childish and inane names like "leftist" or "liberal scum".  It makes the right wingers in this forum look like 12-year-olds.


Where does that come from, anyway?  The desire to degrate someone who doesn't agree with you, just for that reason?


i dont know where it comes from either, but i do find it funny that the majority of this kind of thing comes from their side and not ours. i read one of NUKE's posts recently that said that all liberals ever do is whine and complain childishly or something to that affect. typical hypocrisy.

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Jesus Christ.


You know, sometimes I just thank God that we have a good liberal like Chris Matthews, who you know used to work for Carter, out there selling our party's point of view on MSNBC. And also...Thank God that girl turned up dead in Scarborough's office...otherwise he wouldn't be out there to help build MSNBC's liberal side either.


MATTHEWS: Why is [bin Laden] doing it? Why is he trying to track what he picks up in the internet and from the media as the lingo of the left in America, like Moore? Why would he start to talk like Moore? People misunderstood what I said last night. I think he’s getting some advice from people, he’s getting some lingo, some wordage that he hears working in the United States about this thing for war profiteers and he’s jumping on every opportunity. Is that what you are saying Joe?


SCARBOROUGH: Listen, if somebody can’t look at the words that Bin Laden said last night and match them up with what Michael Moore said, with what John Kerry said on Face the Nation with he said Americans were terrorizing Iraqi women and children in their homes hat night, which is what Bin Laden in effect said. What Ted Kennedy has been saying. Remember he said after Abu Ghraib that Saddam’s torture came bers were turned over to — chambers were turned over to new management, U.S. troops, that’s the same thing Bin Laden hit on.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 11:17 AM)
Truth hurts, but he (bin Laden) is taking a page right off of the playbook - he's not stupid.


that is completely rediculous. yes, you dont like john kerry. hell even i dont really like him. but to say that you can match up Osama's words with john kerry's is just a disgusting statement. John Kerry's a man who wanted to do what he felt is rigth for his country. He's not a f***ing terrorist and neither are any democrats. it pisses me off that ANY democrat who tries to oppose this administration at SOME POINT will be labelled a terrorist sympathizer or something to the effect. it's sick.

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American Research Group:


Do you approve of the job President Bush is doing?


36%: Yes.


(Yeah, I know I'm the guy who always talks about the stats, and there's a finite probability that he's actually at 39% or so...but 36%...yeesh, that's roughly the %age of self-identified Republicans in this country)

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 01:33 AM)
When the terrorists take the words, or at least the spitit of the words, from a Democrat to use for their jihad, then maybe that said democrat should STFU.  Just a thought.

"Who can forget your President Clinton's immoral acts committed in the official Oval office? After that you did not even bring him to account, other than that he 'made a mistake', after which everything passed with no punishment. Is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations?"
Osama Bin Laden...2002.


"We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honor, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication [and] homosexuality..."


When the terrorists take the words, or at least the spitit of the words, from the Republicans to use for their Jihad, then maybe those Republicans should STFU.

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Dear Friend,


In hundreds of communities across the country, people won't be sitting back when George Bush delivers his State of the Union address on January 31st. That's because in each of those communities someone decided to host a Watch Party -- a simple event to bring people together to get the facts and take action.


There's still time to invite people over to watch together, react together, and -- most importantly -- decide together what you will do to work for change on the ground in your community this year.


There will also be a Watch Party Conference Call immediately following the official Democratic response. You'll be able to join Governor Dean and other Democratic leaders for immediate reaction and opportunities for rapid response.


You can set up your own Watch Party and start sending invitations using this simple tool on our web site:




From Anchorage to Wichita to Brooklyn people have already created Watch Parties. Everyone attending will receive background information before the speech, and the opportunity to hear directly from our party's leaders immediately after.


You can search by zip code for an event in your area:




Where will you be next Tuesday night?




Tom McMahon

Executive Director

Democratic National Committee

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Good ol Liberal NBC...pumping up those RNC talking points. I'd hate to see what would happen if they weren't trying to turn us all into socialists.


    COURIC: Hey, wait a second. Democrats took — Democrats took money from Abramoff too, Mr. Dean.


    DEAN: That is absolutely false. That did not happen. Not one dime of money from Jack Abramoff went to any Democrat at any time.


    COURIC: Let me just tell you — According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Abramoff and his associates gave $3 million to Republicans and $1.5 million to Democrats, including Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid.


    DEAN: Not one dime of Jack Abramoff money ever went to any Democrat. We can show you the FEC reports, we’d be very happy to do it. There’s a lot of stuff in the press that the Republican National Committee’s been spinning that this is a bipartisan scandal. It is a Republican-financed scandal. Not one dime of money from Jack Abramoff ever went to any Democrat, not one dime.


    COURIC: Well, we’ll obviously have to look into that and clarify that for our viewers at a later date. Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Mr. Dean, Governor Dean, thanks so much for talking with us.


    DEAN: Thanks very much.

Katie then cited a Center for Responsive Politics study as her evidence, but a look at CRP’s website (here and here) show that Democrats accepted no money from Abramoff.
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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 12:08 AM)
What a f***ing tool.  If this was going to happen, it needed to happen way before this.


John Kerry= total tool.

I don't know that it could have happened any sooner. It's only within the last day or so that it was known for sure that the 41 necessary to sustain a filibuster was going to be iffy.


Not that a filibuster was an inevitability (I've long seen it as a viable option of course). But you want to know if you've got the numbers to sustain.

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