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This guy just Rules.


With Connecticut for Lieberman having achieved its victory earlier this month, Orman made his move. He contacted the secretary of the state, learned the new minor party had no registered members, then visited the registrar in Trumbull, where he lives, to switch from a Democrat to a Connecticut for Lieberman-ite.


"Then I went home and called a meeting of all registered Connecticut for Lieberman members to reflect on our party's victory in the U.S. Senate race (and) organize and submit rules to the secretary of the state," Orman said.


He nominated himself chairman, seconded the nomination, cast his vote for himself and proceeded to establish party rules.


Orman said the "party" is upset that Lieberman has abandoned it and says he is an "Independent Democrat."

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So, in one of those things they probably didn't mean for the folks on the internet to catch, Kaiser did a study of what cancer tends to do to the economic situation of those unfortunate enough to be struck with it.


Here's a summary pulled from a blog, the full data is at that page if you're willing to wade into it.


According to Kaiser's survey, a full quarter of households used up all their savings treating the patient. One in ten had to forego major expenses like food, heat, or housing in order to bear the burden. 13% ended up going into debt and being hounded by collection agencies, 3% declared bankruptcy. 8% of respondents said they delayed or went without treatment due to the expense. 11% were unable to health insurance because of their cancer and 6% lost insurance they already had.
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 02:53 PM)
So today, Clear Channel Entertainment, #3 on my list of world's most evil monopolies, was purchased out by a consortium of Thomas H. Lee Partners LP and Bain Capital Partners LLC for about $19 billion. Link.


Why is this in the Dems only thread? Because the interesting part of this story is that "Bain Capital Partners LLC" was founded by 3 men in 1984, one of whom, and I believe the key one, happens to be Mitt Romney, current Governor of Massachusetts and presumptive 2008 Candidate for the Republican Presidential Nomination.


I guess that's one way to make sure you get good press coverage...buy Clearchannel.


As part of the deal, Clear Channel will be spinning off 448 radio stations and selling its TV units. 448 stations I believe is roughly half of its holdings and will be basically concentrating solely on top 100 markets. (That would be markets with populations greater than 300,000 people). I've worked for a company that went from public to private. This will be better for radio in general.

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Great profile article on Rep. John Dingell. I have to say, I had only cursory knowledge of this guy before, but reading this article, I think I like him. Pushes federal agencies to justify their budgets, protects the health of the masses, has his name on the ESA and EPA, is against gun control, and wants to see the end of the GOP tinkering in people's personal lives. Sounds good to me!
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President Bush has pledged to work with the new Democratic majorities in Congress, but he has already gotten off on the wrong foot with Jim Webb, whose surprise victory over Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) tipped the Senate to the Democrats.


Webb, a decorated former Marine officer, hammered Allen and Bush over the unpopular war in Iraq while wearing his son’s old combat boots on the campaign trail. It seems the president may have some lingering resentment.


At a private reception held at the White House with newly elected lawmakers shortly after the election, Bush asked Webb how his son, a Marine lance corporal serving in Iraq, was doing.


Webb responded that he really wanted to see his son brought back home, said a person who heard about the exchange from Webb.


“I didn’t ask you that, I asked how he’s doing,” Bush retorted, according to the source.


Webb confessed that he was so angered by this that he was tempted to slug the commander-in-chief, reported the source, but of course didn’t. It’s safe to say, however, that Bush and Webb won’t be taking any overseas trips together anytime soon.

The Hill


Alt-Version, Washington Post.


"How's your boy?" Bush asked, referring to Webb's son, a Marine serving in Iraq.


"I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President," Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme.


"That's not what I asked you," Bush said. "How's your boy?"


"That's between me and my boy, Mr. President," Webb said coldly, ending the conversation on the State Floor of the East Wing of the White House.

Edited by Balta1701
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Aw Jeez


As Governor Mitt Romney explores a presidential bid, he has grown outspoken in his criticism of illegal immigration. But, for a decade, the governor has used a landscaping company that relies heavily on workers like these, illegal Guatemalan immigrants, to maintain the grounds surrounding his pink Colonial house on Marsh Street in Belmont.


The Globe recently interviewed four current and former employees of Community Lawn Service with a Heart, the tiny Chelsea-based company that provides upkeep of Romney's property. All but one said they were in the United States illegally.


The employees told the Globe that company owner Ricardo Saenz never asked them to provide documents showing their immigration status and knew they were illegal immigrants.


"He never asked for papers," said Rosales, who said he had paid smugglers about $5,000 to take him across the US-Mexican border and settled in Chelsea.


The workers said they were paid in cash at $9 to $10 an hour and sometimes worked 11-hour days.


Romney never inquired about their status, they said.


In addition to maintaining the governor's property, they also tended to the lawn at the house owned by Romney's son, Taggart, less than a mile away on the same winding street.


Asked by a reporter yesterday about his use of Community Lawn Service with a Heart, Romney, who was hosting the Republican Governors Association conference in Miami, said, "Aw, geez," and walked away.


Several hours later, his spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, provided the Globe with a statement saying that the governor knows nothing about the immigration status of the landscaping workers, and that his dealings were with Saenz, who is a legal immigrant from Colombia.



Saenz said he met Romney through the Mormon Church and said Romney has used his company's services for a decade. Saenz said Romney never asked him if his workers are legal immigrants.


"He doesn't have to ask," Saenz said. "I'm a company."


Saenz asserted that all the workers he used were in the United States legally. Told by reporters that his employees said they were in this country illegally, Saenz responded: "What you've heard is not my problem."


Saenz said he had never requested any proof from his employees to show they are here legally.


"I don't need to tell them to show me documents," he said. "I know who they are, and they are legal."


Federal law calls for employers to examine the documents, such as green cards or Social Security cards, that establish an employee's identity and eligibility to work in the United States.



The workers said they found the jobs at the landscaping company through other Guatemalan immigrants after arriving in Chelsea.


Of the four interviewed, only one said he was in the United States legally, showing a reporter his Social Security card and a Massachusetts driver's license, which the reporter checked against public databases to verify its authenticity. The other workers acknowledged they had no genuine documents, though some said they purchased fake documents, and described harrowing trips to the United States, eluding authorities and paying thousands for their passage. The interviews were conducted in Spanish.


The undocumented workers appear to be a significant presence at the tiny company. Reporters who observed the company in recent months never saw more than three people working at any time. Typically two men were working on any given day.

Edited by Balta1701
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Presidential Candidate Joe Biden.


Biden humorously took note of that in his opening remarks.


“I want to thank you all for allowing me a trip here to speak to only Republicans. It’s like my hometown. I just won every district in my state except the one I live in,” he quipped.


The crowd howled.


The senator then pounced on a member’s announcement that the club would hold its annual Christmas party at the state Department of Archives and History where members could view the original copy of the state’s Articles of Secession.


Biden asked, “Where else could I go to a Rotary Club where (for a) Christmas party the highlight is looking at the Articles?”


Biden was on a roll.


Delaware, he noted, was a “slave state that fought beside the North. That’s only because we couldn’t figure out how to get to the South. There were a couple of states in the way.”


The crowd loved it.

Yeah, it's a damn shame. More states should have joined the Confederacy. That would have been the perfect move for Delaware!


Seriously, imagine the media response if Howard Dean had said those EXACT words?

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Comedy Central has ordered "Lil' Bush: Resident of the United States," a cartoon satire that re-imagines President Bush and key executives in his administration as elementary school misfits.


The title character is surrounded by close pals like Lil' Cheney, who grumbles unintelligibly, and Lil' Condi, who pines for Lil' Bush and does his homework for him.


"Bush" is not without its risque moments. When Lil' Bush's school serves falafel instead of hot dogs for lunch in one episode, he and his pals torture the cafeteria employees with methods made famous during the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.


Six episodes from writer-producer Donick Cary ("The Simpsons") have been ordered to air on Comedy Central next year.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 6, 2006 -> 02:54 PM)
Disgusting. Totally disgusting. Even if you don't like the man, show some respect for damn office.


When he shows some respect for the damn constitution, he'll merit respect for the office he's disrespected.

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QUOTE(Damen @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 01:19 PM)
Democrats do, but that has little to nothing to do with this very specific problem with FEMA. Why can't people just accept something for what it is without running to some pointless and false equivolent in an attempt to evade dealing with the problem at hand?



QUOTE(Damen @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 01:21 PM)
When he shows some respect for the damn constitution, he'll merit respect for the office he's disrespected.


Its ironic that those two posts were made back to back.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 01:44 PM)
Its ironic that those two posts were made back to back.


Would be if they contradicted each other. We don't live in a monarchy where you need to bend down and kiss the ring of the King. Bush has acted like a petulant child, governing for 6 years believing he is above all laws. Had he not shown that level of sophistication, you wouldn't be seeing this show. In other words, the idea of this show only works because it is a direct response to Bush's actions.


That's got nothing to do with blaming democrats for FEMA, because, well, because.

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QUOTE(Damen @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 07:52 PM)
Would be if they contradicted each other. We don't live in a monarchy where you need to bend down and kiss the ring of the King. Bush has acted like a petulant child, governing for 6 years believing he is above all laws. Had he not shown that level of sophistication, you wouldn't be seeing this show. In other words, the idea of this show only works because it is a direct response to Bush's actions.


That's got nothing to do with blaming democrats for FEMA, because, well, because.

And we also don't live in a monarchy state: you all tend to paint GWB as something he's not, because you don't like the fact that he actually does something to protect us from people who want to kill us. But now, of course, I'll be a islamo-phobe for even pointing this out.

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Six episodes from writer-producer Donick Cary ("The Simpsons") have been ordered to air on Comedy Central next year.


Well, if he's been writing for the simpsons in recent years, i bet his "george bush cartoon" will be lame and not hilarious.

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