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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 1, 2006 -> 09:28 PM)
So, thanks to a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, by May 10th the Administration is required to release the secret service logs showing how often Jack Abramoff visited the White House.


We'll see.

Because that's REALLY important stuff to know. :rolly

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 1, 2006 -> 02:35 PM)
Because that's REALLY important stuff to know.  :rolly

Which is why it took a lawsuit that the administration fought tooth and nail for months in order to actually learn it.

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I apologize for the allcaps, that's the way it was posted online in the MSNBC transcipt.


Still, given the weight of the revelation (originally put forth in February by a Raw Story reporter), maybe the caps are appropriate. . .




Maybe the administration was just trying to prove it's point that leaks really can damage US security.

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It was also reported today that the United States itself commisssioned a Spanish language version of the Star Spangled Banner way back in 1919.


Glad to see we've become so much more enlightened about diversity issues now. :rolly

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Fox News' Jon Gibson


    GIBSON: Now, it's time for "My Word." Neil Young, the Canadian singer, has been living in the U.S. for the last 40 years. Hear that? That's him in the background. He's released a new album taking a shot at President Book -- Bush and the war in Iraq. It's called Living with War. The line that struck me was, "I never bow to the laws of the thought police." Hmm.


    Another song is called "Let's Impeach the President" -- impeach him for lying, impeach him for misleading us into war, for spying on people inside their own homes.


    Debates with musicians are always problematical. You may have reason on your side, but they've got the rhythm section and the lead guitar. Hard to beat that.


    Then there's Pink. She's got a new song called "Mr. President," in which she imagines taking a walk with the president discussing the war, No Child Left Behind, asks him how he can live with himself.


    I'm all for artists speaking out. I lived through the '60s too. In fact, I worked in the music business back then. Everybody was against the war. That was because we started a war we didn't have to, everybody knew that.


    Things are different nowadays for me. When I think of the war, I think of Flight 93. I wonder if Neil Young and Pink are going to go see that movie. I wonder if they'd accept free tickets from me.


    I also commend to them the recent tapes of bin Laden and Zarqawi and Zawahiri. They continue to call for jihadists to kill us all, as many of us as possible. In fact, Zarqawi promised just a day or two ago that the worst is yet to come. I wonder if they listen to Neil Young and Pink. I doubt it. Think they would spare Neil Young and Pink while they killed the rest of us because, after all, Neil Young and Pink are against the war and they want peace?


    If Zarqawi and bin Laden are against Bush, they must be against war, right? You might think so if you listen -- all you listen to was Neil Young and Pink. The last song on Young's Living with War is "America the Beautiful." Unlike the Reconquista crowd, Neil Young didn't change the words. He sings the words as they have always been sung, but you get the feeling that now, on this album, Living with War, they are an indictment, an accusation. "America the Beautiful" -- "purple mountain majesties," "amber waves of grain," "from sea to shining sea" -- the idea is that in Iraq, we have turned our backs on America's ideals.


    Young and Pink are angry and sad. 9-11 is a distant memory. They don't feel threatened by anybody but our -- but our own president. This is what it has come to. They are forgetful. They have amnesia. They bring -- blame the wrong leaders, and they are proud of their opposition, and they couldn't be more wrong.


Neil Young:

I know I said I love you,

I know you know it's true,

I've got to put the phone down,

and do what we got to do.


One's standing in the iselway,

Two more at the door,

We've got to get inside there,

Before they kill somemore.


Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.

Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.


No time for indecision,

We've got to make a move,

I hope that were foregiven,

For what we got to


How this all got started,

I'll never understand,

I hope someone can fly this thing,

And get us back to land.


Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.

Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.


No one has the answer,

But one thing is true,

You've got to turn on evil,

When it's coming after you,

You've gota face it down,

And when it tries to hide,

You've gota go in after it,

And never be denied,

Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.


Let's roll for freedome,

Let's roll for love,

We're going after satan,

On the wings of a dove,

Let's roll for justice,

Let's roll for truth,

Let's not let our children,

Grow up fearfull in there youth.


Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.

Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.

Time is runnin' out,

Let's roll.

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Let's see the. That's one song about Flight 93 that Neil wrote, and how many did Josh Gibson write again?? :angry:


Dunbass could stand to do a little research before spouting off.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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It's good to feel so loved by the rest of the world.


A sad commentary on the way Americans must carry themselves abroad: “The official team bus to be used by the United States during the World Cup will not bear a flag for security reasons. The 32 official buses were presented Thursday in Frankfurt and the other 31 buses have large national flags of the teams painted on rear sides.”



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see how three presidents answered the question "what was the best moment of your presidency?"


to summarize:


carter: the camp david negotiations.


clinton:the resolution of the kosovo crisis


bush: that time I caught a 7.5 pound perch on my ranch.


And why exactly is that the best moment of his presidency?

The only problem is that the world's record for the largest freshwater perch caught is 4 pounds 3 ounces.


So Bush either doubled the world record, and didn't report it, or he's a liar.



Edit: ok, maybe this makes a little more sense...it seems it was a large mouth bass. Best moment of his presidency was him catching a 7.5 pound bass? I think I agree.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ May 8, 2006 -> 11:52 AM)
USA TODAY/GALLUP: Bush Approval 31% (-3)


There's another big number in that poll too...


His disapproval rating also reached a record: 65%.
It's not just that people are uncertain if the job he's doing is a good one, they're becoming certain that it's a bad one.
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MSNBC's David Shuster is convinced Rove will be indicted.


Olbermann: What are you gathering on these two main points. Is the decision by Mr. Fitzgerald coming soon, would it be an indictment?


Shuster: Well, Karl Rove's legal team has told me that they expect that a decision will come sometime in the next two weeks. And I am convinced that Karl Rove will, in fact, be indicted.

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While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden (Bush's nominee to head the CIA) contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center of the Cunningham bribery scandal, according to two former employees of the company.
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QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 1, 2006 -> 02:35 PM)
Because that's REALLY important stuff to know. :rolly

So...let me run this down for you. The Administration was required by a judge to release records of when Abramoff visited the White House. The White House answer? 2 times.


The only problem? They don't include any details about the 3 visits we already knew about.


So in other words, it's important enough for the White House to completely stonewall on a judge's order.

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Suppose you've just invaded a country — let's call it "Iraq" — and you're now in the process of distributing the spoils to your supporters: no-bid contracts, overpriced delivery deals, that sort of thing. Unfortunately, you mistakenly appoint an auditor who turns out to be serious about auditing fraud and mismanagement in the distribution of goodies. What do you do?


Answer: reroute the money so it comes from a source that's audited by someone else — someone who's already made it clear they don't have the resources to do the job right.

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The DOJ has reportedly begun investigating Rep. Jerry Lewis (R, CA), head of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, in connection with the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal.


If someone like that, with that much power over appropriations, was open to taking bribes, then basically we might as well just assume the entire budget came about through bribes.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 11, 2006 -> 11:13 AM)
The DOJ has reportedly begun investigating Rep. Jerry Lewis (R, CA), head of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, in connection with the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal.


If someone like that, with that much power over appropriations, was open to taking bribes, then basically we might as well just assume the entire budget came about through bribes.


LOL. Like you haven't been able to assume that for a long, long time.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 12, 2006 -> 12:58 AM)
Here it comes, Via the Harris poll...



He always claimed he was a "uniter not a divider." Seems he was on the money after all, as the entire country continues to unite in opposition to the bumbling incompetence and disregard for Constitution and law shown by this administration.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 11, 2006 -> 10:24 PM)
He always claimed he was a "uniter not a divider." Seems he was on the money after all, as the entire country continues to unite in opposition to the bumbling incompetence and disregard for Constitution and law shown by this administration.

And the fact that the government really does want to know when and why you're calling grandma won't help that much either.

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So, according to press reports, both the house and the office of the former #3 guy in the CIA, Dusty Foggo, were raided this morning by the Feds. Foggo's name has come up repeatedly in connection with the Duke Cunningham bribery case, and he resigned within a very short period after Porter Goss resigned last week.

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