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Talking to a couple of people at work today, one who was originally born in Africa (Ghana I think), and the other who's an Aussie. And we were talking about politics, and the Aussie guy said in 2008 it would be Hilary Clinton vs. Condolezza Rice. I respectfully told him about Barrack Obama, and the African guy really hoped he would become the next president. Just thought I'd share that story, that we Aussies, actually do take a little interest in your political situation. :P

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Dec 22, 2005 -> 08:55 PM)
Given her track record, I wouldn't doubt if she was serious.  She just throws all sorts of s*** at the wall and sees what sticks.  Much like most political hacks (Rush, Moore, etc. etc.)


Is she one of the dumbf***s who have suggested that 'nuking Mecca" should be left open to future consideration if we decide the Muslim world is noot doing enough to fight terrorists in their respective countries?


If so, yeah what a laugh riot she is. :angry: :angry: :angry:

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 08:56 AM)
Whatever, Tex.  Put it in green next time.


Thing is, I see plenty of GOPs on this board pointing out things that some individuals like Kennedy or Jackson or Farrakhan and saying "see how the liberals...". Then Dems come around and do EXACTLY the same thing with this psycho you are referring to, or Rush, or whomever. Either way, people seem to want to point to a specific few loudmouths that are part of the "other" party and apply that individuals behavior to the whole group.


Stop it.


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 09:46 AM)
The LIBERALS do think that way.  Moderates, which most on this board are, don't.  Democrats do not equal liberals, just like Republicans do not equal conservatives necessarily.


I agree, particularly with the statement in bold. But there are plenty of wingers on this board who really like to use that type of categorization.


And I think saying that "LIBERALS" think that way is only equal in truth to saying "CONSERVATIVES" think that way. The point I was trying to make was to get people to see the depth and breadth of the political spectrum, and not try to ham-handedly brush an entire party into one narrow ravine of political thought (especially one provided by the aforementioned loudmouth du jour).


So really, I think we're on the same page.

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To clarify re Coulter, I vaguely recall her agreeing when Congressman Tom Tancredo uttered this drivel:

"Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered. "You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.


"Yeah," Tancredo responded.

I'm not trying not to put words into her mouth, but it sounds like the kind of spew she typically issues forth.

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Talking to a couple of people at work today, one who was originally born in Africa (Ghana I think), and the other who's an Aussie. And we were talking about politics, and the Aussie guy said in 2008 it would be Hilary Clinton vs. Condolezza Rice. I respectfully told him about Barrack Obama, and the African guy really hoped he would become the next president. Just thought I'd share that story, that we Aussies, actually do take a little interest in your political situation.  :P

I think it will be interesting to follow Obama's career. But he certainly needs some seasoning on the national stage so that everyone can get a better idea of the sort of leader he would be. I can't imagine him leading the ticket in 2008.



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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 01:02 PM)
I think it will be interesting to follow Obama's career.  But he certainly needs some seasoning on the national stage so that everyone can get a better idea of the sort of leader he would be.  I can't imagine him leading the ticket in 2008.




Wow, that's a bold cartoonist to make that there Condi Bird. :D

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 10:02 AM)
I think it will be interesting to follow Obama's career.  But he certainly needs some seasoning on the national stage so that everyone can get a better idea of the sort of leader he would be.  I can't imagine him leading the ticket in 2008.

There is another side to that token though...Obama is a Senator. The last Senator to run for Pres. was John Kerry. What did his long, "Seasoned" record as a Senator get him? Dozens of allegations that he flip-flopped, was a liar, had no convictions, etc. Why? Because that's what you have to do when you're in the Senate. You wind up seeing things like 1 version of a good bill that's bad because someone stuck some stupid thing in, and voting both for and against the same bill, and suddenly you're a flip-flopper and weak on defense.


The long record in the senate is not always a great thing.


Personally, if Obama runs for the nomination in 08, he's got my primary vote already. No matter who else runs against him. Unless he does something really stupid like marrying Jeri Ryan and divorcing her or somehting like that. He's the best speaker our party has not named Bill Clinton, he's the best representative of what our party should be, he has vastly less baggage than someone like Hillary, and he is just a wonderful story.

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Wow, that's a bold cartoonist to make that there Condi Bird.  :D

It has to be brutal sometimes being in the political public eye. On the other hand, as I heard some Senator say yesterday on the news, no one dragged me here to Washington kicking and screaming.


Condi is so private (some would say secretive) that I find it really hard to picture her running for the top spot, especially with her never having submitted herself to the electoral process to date. Interesting, though – I don’t often refer to people I don’t know by their first names. And everyone seems to do so with Condi------and Hillary. But with the latter, maybe sometimes it’s just to distinguish her from that other Clinton.


Too bad Colin Powell didn’t run when he had the chance and his stock was highest. He could have been a big unifier.

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Sing along, everyone!



The Top 9 Favorite Things of Condoleezza Rice



9> Turbans in coffins with blue satin sashes.


8> Blowing up bad guys and their weapons caches.


7> Rendering prisoners, tied up with string.


(These are a few of her favorite things.)


6> Hitting the discos with Barbara and Jenna.


5> Guaranteed parking somewhere in Gehenna.


4> Faulty nuke data and hyped-up warnings.


(These are a few of her favorite things.)


3> Covering George while taking the blame.


2> Betting five dollars he can't spell my name.


1> Commission subpoenas without any sting.


(That was her number one favorite thing.)



[ Copyright 2005 by Chris White ]

[ http://www.topfive.com ]

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Over the holidays, I was thinking about an issue that I was extremly impressed with our party with.


I have relatives who left New Orleans for Illinois shortly after the Hurricane hit. There were 6 in total, their 5 dogs and 1 lucky sole who works for the NOPD that was left behind in New Orleans to help. There was even a nice article in the Daily Herald about them.


In any case, we went to our local Labor Day parade with some other relatives to try and take their minds off of things. As with any parade, there is the HS Football team, cheerleaders, band, police, fire, etc. Since the town is pretty big, it also draws those of the Catholic Charities, Local Democratic Party, Republican Party, candidates, etc. My relatives decided to bring a sign with them that read "Hurricane Katrina Refuges" and placed in next to them. Most people stopped or said hello and well wishes to them. Then it was the candidates turn. Every single Republican Candidate drove or walked by them without a second thought. I even heard someone in a passing car say.. "hey look, they are from New Orleans" as the car drove by. Catholic Charities, the Cook County Democratic Party rep and Congresswomen Melissa Bean all stopped by to see what they could do to help. In fact, the whole parade stopped as Bean took 2-3 minutes to talk with them about what they needed. Her rep then handed us her and his card and asked them to meet up with them at the end of the route which they did. The combination of the three, got them through the FEMA BS, insurance info, money and even groceries and toys for the little kids.


At that point, I couldn't have been prouder of being a Democrat. :usa

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 11:11 AM)
Personally, if Obama runs for the nomination in 08, he's got my primary vote already.  No matter who else runs against him.  Unless he does something really stupid like marrying Jeri Ryan and divorcing her or somehting like that.  He's the best speaker our party has not named Bill Clinton, he's the best representative of what our party should be, he has vastly less baggage than someone like Hillary, and he is just a wonderful story.


"He speaks so well!" :lol:


It'll be a waste of a ticket. Obama won't win because middle-class America will be concerned, justifiably or not, that he'll push for increased economic redistribution (higher taxes, more welfare spending, socialized healthcare). The first minority and/or female President will have to be a fiscal conservative. Obama doesn't fit into that category.


Hillary's an extremely savvy politician, but I agree that she has waaaay too much baggage to win and waaaay too many people already dislike her. The conservative media will rip her to shreds.


I have no idea who would make a good nominee for the Dems. Kerry didn't work out last time. Howard Dean's an idiot. John Edwards is a possibility, but not a terribly exciting one. I think that a conservative Dem like Evan Bayh would be their best bet.

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Interesting that in one poll, about half of the people picked REP has their party affiliation. In the DEM thread there have been 5 times as many posts. It would seem that the Dems are more interesting at this point.


Now if the media gave people what they wanted, and produced 5 times the Dem stories, they may have economic success, but would be scolded for being too bias. Hmmm.

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I work in a high pressure sales environment. I only post cause its the slowest period of the year for my industry.


I used to work 60 hours a week. But I decided not to do that anymore. If I'm in it for me, I'd rather trade the extra 5K a year I might make from all those extra hours for the extra 1000 hours of free time that I'd get.

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From my good friend John



Contribute Now


Dear James,


What should your last political act of 2005 be about?


There's only one answer. It should be about fighting back - about laying down a marker that says we've seen enough, heard enough, and seen the Republicans who control Washington try to mislead America more than enough. And, in 2006, we're coming to take our democracy back from the Washington special interests that control it today.


With the pivotal 2006 elections approaching, we won't be blackmailed or denied. We won't stand for Swift Boat-style attacks. We won't be intimidated. And we won't stop working until we win.


Throughout 2005, Keeping America's Promise, the leadership committee I helped launch, has raised over $2 million dollars for dozens of candidates - including our year-end drive under way right now focusing on women candidates locked in tough races.


Just as important, we've organized a vitally important Fight Back Fund. We're ready, willing and able to take on the vicious attacks, deceitful distortions, and truth-defying rhetoric - just the way we did when they tried to savage war hero John Murtha and other Bush administration critics.


When the Bush White House says one thing and does another, we'll call them out. When shadowy Republican front groups show up on the campaign trail, we'll smoke them out. When there are huge discrepancies between the successes they claim and the reality they've created, we'll point them out.


And, most importantly on Election Day 2006, we'll vote them out.


Support the Fight Back Fund Now


I hope you'll act right now to strengthen Keeping America's Promise's 2006 Fight Back Fund. We need to be ready to respond in force and at a moment's notice.


We know what to expect. With their backs to the wall, the Bush White House, the Republican National Committee, and all their shadowy front groups are counting on skirting the truth, hiding the facts, and disguising their failures for one more election cycle.


Will we let them get away with it? Not a chance.


I urge you to end 2005 and start the crucial election year of 2006 with a generous donation to Keeping America's Promise's Fight Back Fund.


Support the Fight Back Fund Now


I look forward to working side by side with you every day of 2006 as we stand up for our candidates and fight for our beliefs. Let's refuse to yield an inch to a Republican Party unconcerned about stopping the corruption in its midst . . . unwilling to address the failures in its record . . . and unable to speak the truth to the American people.




John Kerry

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 03:15 PM)
I work long hours because I enjoy my job and believe in working hard to get ahead.  Despite what socialists and some liberals think, doing more than the bare minimum is actually a positive thing.


Well I'll work my 40-45 and put in another 8-10 a week as a volunteer, making a difference in my community, and spending time with my family. I guess family time and volunteerism isn't as important to hard working conservatives as it is to socialists and liberals.


You keep working hard, putting in your 12 hour days, and get all you can, I'll keep giving.


And welcome to the Dem thread.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 04:06 PM)
Well I'll work my 40-45 and put in another 8-10 a week as a volunteer, making a difference in my community, and spending time with my family. I guess family time and volunteerism isn't as important to hard working conservatives as it is to socialists and liberals.


You keep working hard, putting in your 12 hour days, and get all you can, I'll keep giving.


Well, I'm happily married, vounteer through my church, and donate to charity on a regular basis. And I'll go out on a limb and say that I probably make less money than you. I guess that socialists and liberals really don't know much about hard-working conservatives.


You keep volunteering, spending time with your family, and thinking that you're a better person than me. I'll do the former two and put in the extra hours at work as well.

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 09:36 PM)
Well, I'm happily married, vounteer through my church, and donate to charity on a regular basis. And I'll go out on a limb and say that I probably make less money than you. I guess that socialists and liberals really don't know much about hard-working conservatives.


You keep volunteering, spending time with your family, and thinking that you're a better person than me. I'll do the former two and put in the extra hours at work as well.


Apparently thinking you're better than others is something to be exclusively enjoyed by you.


For what it's worth, I lie on the couch all day eating bon-bons and watching soap operas while waiting for that fat welfare check and those sweet foodstamps to magically show up in my mailbox every week.


I trade foodstamps for crack with the dope dealer in the unit next to mine in my b****in' rent-controlled Section 8 housing.


For fun I beat my nine illigitimate kids on a daily basis as well.


America, what a country.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 31, 2005 -> 10:26 AM)
Apparently thinking you're better than others is something to be exclusively enjoyed by you.


Funny, I wasn't the one who inferred that someone else had to work 60-70 hours per week because he stuggles to make ends meet. I also didn't brag about my volunteer work and infer that said person doesn't do any because he's greedy. Character assassination: One of many reasons that liberals don't win elections anymore.


If you'll excuse me, I'm going to drill for oil in a wildlife refuge, dump it in the ocean, and then cheat on my taxes. Have a nice day.

Edited by WCSox
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