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QUOTE(vandy125 @ Mar 2, 2006 -> 10:26 PM)
Got this at work.  I do not know if any of it is true or not, but it is kind of funny if it is.  Below is the text that came with it.  Of course, who knows if any of it is true?


The picture shows that this soldier has been thru Survival School and learned his lessons well. He's giving the sign of "coercion" with his left hand. These hand signs are taught in survival school to be used by POW's as a method of posing messages back to our intelligence services who may view the photo or video. This guy was obviously being coerced into shaking hands with Hillary Clinton. It's ironic how little she knew that he would so inform us about the photo---perhaps because she's never understood our military to begin with.




If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000.


The rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000.


That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.


Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington!



Her face almost looks like it was Photoshopped onto someone elses body there. Bad lighting?

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His hand looks photoshopped too.

It's not. The photo is authentic...



The "not really all that pleased" assessment is evidently accurate — although the picture originally appeared without any accompanying text, and the "coercion" caption was only added later to make the humor of the photograph more explicit — as the soldier pictured with Senator Clinton (who asked that we not identify him by name) told us that he employed the gesture to indicate that he was not a fan of the senator's and was not as appreciative of having the opportunity to meet (and pose with) her as it might otherwise appear.
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The blunt comments by Green, along with other emails obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT, further reveal the inner workings of the nation's news outlets.


Those would be the non-agenda nation's news outlets, I presume.

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Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center laid out the general negative pattern of Iraq coverage in studying the first nine months of evening news coverage in 2005. He found 61 percent of the stories were dominated by a negative focus or pessimistic analysis, compared to only 14 percent that featured achievements or optimistic assessments. Two out of every five stories featured car bombings, assassinations, or other terrorist attacks. Just eight stories recounted episodes of heroism by U.S. troops, and another nine featured soldiers helping the Iraqi people. But 79 stories focused on allegations of combat mistakes or egregious misconduct by U.S. military personnel. These are facts the media self-defense teams ignore.



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QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 04:34 AM)

YAS, even for the most optimistic among us regarding Iraq, I think we all accept the reality that the great majority of things happening over there are bad. It is, after all, a war, and an ugly one even on a relative basis. One would have to strain to find positives in that. Seems to me that if 95% of the stories from Iraq are about negative things, then I'd have to applaud the authors of the 5% for finding what they did.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 05:34 AM)


What's really interesting is that, according to World News Tonight a few weeks ago, the international news community believes American news outlets are making the war look too positive and are too pro-government. I doubt I'll be able to find the story online, but I haven't tried looking either. I don't know if anyone else saw it.

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Harry Reid Tells A Tall Tale?


Blog of the Week Right Wing News comments on what looks like an excellent takedown of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid by the Washington Times. Reid, as you probably know, is embarassed by the fact that in 1993, he gave a fiery anti-illegal immigration speech and introduced legislation to tighten up the system.


That, of course, is at odds with the current position of the Democratic Party, which now advocates making citizens out of illegal aliens even if they have been convicted of felonies (above and beyond illegal immigration). So yesterday Reid tearfully took the Senate floor and disavowed his 1993 position. He said that he changed his mind after a few days because his wife, whose parents were immigrants, chided him.


It turns out, however, that Reid reintroduced his bill and testified for it in the Senate Judiciary Committee the following year, 1994. Confronted with this fact, Reid last night backtracked on his touching story:


Mr. Reid's office said last night that his conversion occurred after the second time he introduced his bill but couldn't give an exact time line.

They can't give an exact time line, I suspect, until they've done a Nexis search and figured out when Reid last gave an anti-illegal immigration speech that was reported in the press.


Posted by John at 10:31 AM | Permalink

Very Kerryesque.

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Apr 6, 2006 -> 10:46 AM)
Harry Reid Tells A Tall Tale?


That, of course, is at odds with the current position of the Democratic Party





Actually, it looks like letting illegal immigrants (most of them anyway) become citizens is the stance of BOTH parties.

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