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I have no problem with a business refusing service to any citizen or tourist. Put up a sign that says no Southern rednecks for all I care and I'll stay away. Stores and restaurants have dress codes. Of course, with his neighborhood attracting thousands of Mexicans, he could have made his restaurant spanish friendly and added business, but it doesn't say that every business owner should try and make more money. And how smart can he be, he can't figure out when someone is pointing to an item that they want it :lolhitting

Some try to order a cheesesteak. And it bugs Vento if they can't ask for American cheese, provolone or the classic - Cheez Whiz - without pointing.


Now here's an interesting point, could a deaf person point and be served or is he just discriminating against spanish speaking?

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 31, 2006 -> 05:25 PM)
I got a business to run? But only if you speak English? Last time I checked, a dollar was worth the same in the hand of a Mexican, Somali, Japanese or American.



Which is all the more reason to admire to the man. He places the value of his principles over the value of a dollar.

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Republican U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave's re-election campaign was already heated, and it just got smelly as well: Her staff accused a Democratic activist Thursday of leaving an envelope full of dog feces at Musgrave's Greeley office.

Musgrave spokesman Shaun Kenney said someone stuffed the envelope through the mail slot in the door on May 31 and then sped away in a car. Kenney said most of the preprinted return address was blacked out, but staffers used the nine-digit ZIP code to trace it to Kathleen Ensz, a Weld County Democratic volunteer.


Ensz told The Associated Press she left the envelope at Musgrave's office but said it "wasn't in the office doors, it was in the foyer." Asked what she meant by the act, she declined comment.


Ensz was charged with criminal use of a noxious substance. She is a professor emeritus at UNC [university of Northern Colorado


Ensz began teaching at UNC in 1970 and earned her emeritus status in 2000, said UNC spokeswoman Gloria Reynolds.

Since she is no longer on staff, she doesn't face sanctions, Reynolds said.


A receptionist at Musgrave's campaign office saw a woman drive up to the office and cram the offending mailer through the outer door's mail slot, according to Musgrave officials.


Musgrave staff members also traced the mailer back to Ensz's neighborhood, where they spotted the car she allegedly drove to deliver the mailer and a large German shepherd, said Aaron Johnson, Musgrave's communications director.


"It's a large dog, and it apparently makes a big mess," he said.




Another very mature Democratic hack doing dirty work.

Edited by Cknolls
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QUOTE(Cknolls @ May 31, 2006 -> 01:39 PM)

By Michelle Malkin · May 31, 2006 12:01 AM

If you know Philadelphia, you know Geno's. Best cheesesteaks in the world. Reader Willie S. sends word via the Philly Inquirer that Joey Vento, the grandson of Italian-born immigrants who owns Geno's, is taking a stand for assimilation and against illegal immigration. The Inquirer does its best to knock down Vento, but his blunt Philly style overrides the paper's wishy-washy open-borders slant:


How do you say cheesesteak with in Spanish?

Joseph Vento, the owner of Geno's Steaks, doesn't know. And he doesn't care.


Just read the laminated signs, festooned with American eagles, at his South Philadelphia cheesesteak emporium: This is America. When Ordering, Speak English.


Vento's political statement - from a man whose Italian-born grandparents spoke only broken English - captures the anger and discontent felt by many Americans about illegal immigrants...


...The Ventos rarely left their South Philadelphia neighborhood. Now, in a way, the neighborhood has left the couple's descendants. Geno's sits at Ninth and Passyunk, the hub of Little Italy turned home to thousands of Mexicans.


Some try to order a cheesesteak. And it bugs Vento if they can't ask for American cheese, provolone or the classic - Cheez Whiz - without pointing.


"If you can't tell me what you want, I can't serve you," he said. "It's up to you. If you can't read, if you can't say the word cheese, how can I communicate with you - and why should I have to bend?


"I got a business to run."


Vento, who lives in Shamong, put up the signs when the immigration debate seized national headlines six months ago.


With Geno's Steaks tattooed on his arm, Vento is used to publicizing things, especially what's on his mind. Speak English signs also poster his Hummer. He has driven through South Philadelphia blaring through the SUV's P.A. system denunciations of neighborhood business owners who hire illegal immigrants.


"I say what everybody's thinking but is afraid to say," Vento said.


:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy Amen!!!!!


He should follow his own sign and not butcher the English language with a horrible south philly accent and speech...

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 01:35 PM)
Republican U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave's re-election campaign was already heated, and it just got smelly as well: Her staff accused a Democratic activist Thursday of leaving an envelope full of dog feces at Musgrave's Greeley office.

Musgrave spokesman Shaun Kenney said someone stuffed the envelope through the mail slot in the door on May 31 and then sped away in a car. Kenney said most of the preprinted return address was blacked out, but staffers used the nine-digit ZIP code to trace it to Kathleen Ensz, a Weld County Democratic volunteer.


Ensz told The Associated Press she left the envelope at Musgrave's office but said it "wasn't in the office doors, it was in the foyer." Asked what she meant by the act, she declined comment.


Ensz was charged with criminal use of a noxious substance. She is a professor emeritus at UNC [university of Northern Colorado


Ensz began teaching at UNC in 1970 and earned her emeritus status in 2000, said UNC spokeswoman Gloria Reynolds.

Since she is no longer on staff, she doesn't face sanctions, Reynolds said.


A receptionist at Musgrave's campaign office saw a woman drive up to the office and cram the offending mailer through the outer door's mail slot, according to Musgrave officials.


Musgrave staff members also traced the mailer back to Ensz's neighborhood, where they spotted the car she allegedly drove to deliver the mailer and a large German shepherd, said Aaron Johnson, Musgrave's communications director.


"It's a large dog, and it apparently makes a big mess," he said.

Another very mature Democratic hack doing dirty work.



I love how leftists claim to be all high and mighty yet they are an order of magnitude dirtier, both literally and figuratively, than even the worst Republican.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 03:43 PM)
I love how leftists claim to be all high and mighty yet they are an order of magnitude dirtier, both literally and figuratively, than even the worst Republican.


I hope this lady gets held accountable for her actions - but according to a friend of mine who works in the New Jersey statehouse, apparently sending poo in the mail to elected officials is a growing trend. At least Musgrave's office only got dog poo.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 01:37 AM)
I hope this lady gets held accountable for her actions - but according to a friend of mine who works in the New Jersey statehouse, apparently sending poo in the mail to elected officials is a growing trend. At least Musgrave's office only got dog poo.

And I don't care who does it, it's sick, wrong, and screwed up.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 11:29 PM)
And I don't care who does it, it's sick, wrong, and screwed up.


You're right, I'm just reporting that the poo phenomenon is apparently a growing one. Back when former governor Florio proposed expanding the Sales Tax to cover some non-food grocery items (like toilet paper), he apparently got sent a lot of used toilet paper.

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 12:42 PM)
Just wondering if Olbermann will nominate himself as worst person in the world on his first show back from vacation? :D



He certainly qualifies and the stupidest and most biased.




Sometimes I wonder if George Soros and MoveOn.org are paying his salary and not MSNBC.

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This is the Save Our Spending bill. It is interesting, and seems to recognize the ridiculous spending that we are still engaging in, but the big thing I don't like is some of the automatic triggers imbedded in here, and that takes away the option of spending to stave off recession or depression when needed.

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 08:54 AM)
Can anyone tell me why Amnesty Int'l does not have anything to say about the torture of our soldiers?


f***ing hypocrites is why.


According to them we are the root of all evil in the world. Those cock-suckers were probably sitting around passing joints back and forth and getting high to celebrate.

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:54 AM)
Can anyone tell me why Amnesty Int'l does not have anything to say about the torture of our soldiers?


f***ing hypocrites is why.




(Washington, DC) -- Larry Cox, Amnesty International USA's Executive Director, made the following statement in response to the alleged killing and torture of two U.S. soldiers in Ramadi, Iraq:


"Amnesty International, first and foremost, extends its sincerest condolences to the families of Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker for their tragic loss. We are deeply disturbed by reports that these two soldiers were brutally tortured. These reports, if proven true, may rise to the level of war crimes.


Amnesty International condemns the torture or summary killing of anyone who has been taken prisoner and reiterates that such acts are absolutely prohibited in international humanitarian law. This prohibition applies at all times, even during armed conflict. There is no honor or heroism in torturing or killing individuals. Those who order or commit such atrocities must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law without recourse to the death penalty.


Amnesty International again calls on armed groups in Iraq to immediately cease all executions, torture or ill-treatment of people. Armed groups, like other parties to the conflict in Iraq, are required to comply strictly with international law and remain accountable for their actions."

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These reports, if proven true, may rise to the level of war crimes.


MAY?!?! They have concluded that sleep deprivation and Yani are tourture and war crime, but are not sure about beheadings? Man, what's a terrorist gotta do to get his props?

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What will it take for the gov't to finally prosecute the N.Y. Slimes?


These guys are the epitome of s***bags.


I didn't khow we elected Keller the head of Intelligence. He can publish classified programs with impunity?


These guys should be in jail. Send them to Guantanamo. They can report on the conditions from the inside.


They reported the program is not illegal , but the it is in the publics interest to know about it. This papers


demise cannot come soon enough.

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jun 23, 2006 -> 11:32 AM)
What will it take for the gov't to finally prosecute the N.Y. Slimes?


These guys are the epitome of s***bags.


I didn't khow we elected Keller the head of Intelligence. He can publish classified programs with impunity?


These guys should be in jail. Send them to Guantanamo. They can report on the conditions from the inside.


They reported the program is not illegal , but the it is in the publics interest to know about it. This papers


demise cannot come soon enough.

I think we might all be a little more enlightened if you told us what exactly you were talking about. Was there a specific article that rankled you in some way? A specific action?

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It would be this.




The Bush administration asked the New York Times to hold a story regarding a new surveillance program tracking financial transfers. The New York Times declined. So did the L.A. Times and the Wall Street Journal - although oddly enough - the WSJ was never asked to hold the story.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 23, 2006 -> 12:24 PM)
I think we might all be a little more enlightened if you told us what exactly you were talking about. Was there a specific article that rankled you in some way? A specific action?



He's no doubt talking about the classified wiretapping program. If that's the case I agree. The conduct of this newspaper is nothing short of treason.

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A word from Lt. Cotton


Lt. Tom Cotton writes this morning from Baghdad with a word for the New York Times:


Dear Messrs. Keller, Lichtblau & Risen:


Congratulations on disclosing our government's highly classified anti-terrorist-financing program (June 23). I apologize for not writing sooner. But I am a lieutenant in the United States Army and I spent the last four days patrolling one of the more dangerous areas in Iraq. (Alas, operational security and common sense prevent me from even revealing this unclassified location in a private medium like email.)


Unfortunately, as I supervised my soldiers late one night, I heard a booming explosion several miles away. I learned a few hours later that a powerful roadside bomb killed one soldier and severely injured another from my 130-man company. I deeply hope that we can find and kill or capture the terrorists responsible for that bomb. But, of course, these terrorists do not spring from the soil like Plato's guardians. No, they require financing to obtain mortars and artillery shells, priming explosives, wiring and circuitry, not to mention for training and payments to locals willing to emplace bombs in exchange for a few months' salary. As your story states, the program was legal, briefed to Congress, supported in the government and financial industry, and very successful.


Not anymore. You may think you have done a public service, but you have gravely endangered the lives of my soldiers and all other soldiers and innocent Iraqis here. Next time I hear that familiar explosion -- or next time I feel it -- I will wonder whether we could have stopped that bomb had you not instructed terrorists how to evade our financial surveillance.


And, by the way, having graduated from Harvard Law and practiced with a federal appellate judge and two Washington law firms before becoming an infantry officer, I am well-versed in the espionage laws relevant to this story and others -- laws you have plainly violated. I hope that my colleagues at the Department of Justice match the courage of my soldiers here and prosecute you and your newspaper to the fullest extent of the law. By the time we return home, maybe you will be in your rightful place: not at the Pulitzer announcements, but behind bars.


Very truly yours,


Tom Cotton

Baghdad, Iraq


Posted by Scott at 06



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