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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 7, 2008 -> 11:28 PM)
Dead voters voting. I wonder who they voted for? No potential for fraud there.



Vote early, Vote often, Vote dead. Chicago/Illinois politics have left a legacy that will last and be copied forever with those three things.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 02:45 PM)
It would have been hard to imagine a world war fought over an archduke's assassination too, but it happened. For me the energy that Iran holds is key to China's futures. Its not hard to see them getting involved if the US went in and cut off China's supplies. Especially if the US cut off food exports to or imports from China trying to influence China's role there. It would really force their hand.


What you forget is that there is a lot more money to protect this time around.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 10:02 AM)
What you forget is that there is a lot more money to protect this time around.


Actually that is the whole point. The Chinese economy is WAY bigger than it ever was, and the communist government on top of it is on a more precarious position than anytime since Tianamen Sq. If the very existance of the Chinese economy was threatened, they would have no choice but to go to war, if for nothing else than to preserve themselves.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 08:56 AM)
Actually that is the whole point. The Chinese economy is WAY bigger than it ever was, and the communist government on top of it is on a more precarious position than anytime since Tianamen Sq. If the very existance of the Chinese economy was threatened, they would have no choice but to go to war, if for nothing else than to preserve themselves.

While I disagree with this particular point re: China, I will play Devil's advocate a bit and note that wars typically tend to follow trade routes. Countries have nasty habits of going to war with their bigger/biggest trading partners. France and Germany were constantly each other's largest trading partner in the early half of the century, with a 4 year gap and a 6 year gap, for example.

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I disagree. The wholesale destruction of the Chinese economy, which is something that a war with the US would cause, would force a near instant topple of the government IMO. Chinese government stability has more to do with keeping its burgeoning middle class fat and happy. Without the relative wealth they enjoy, there would be a rapid and serious disillusionment about what the Chinese government actually provides for them.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 01:14 PM)
I disagree. The wholesale destruction of the Chinese economy, which is something that a war with the US would cause, would force a near instant topple of the government IMO. Chinese government stability has more to do with keeping its burgeoning middle class fat and happy. Without the relative wealth they enjoy, there would be a rapid and serious disillusionment about what the Chinese government actually provides for them.


Without food and/or energy, the Chinese economy collapses.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 02:14 PM)
The wholesale destruction of the Chinese economy, which is something that a war with the US would cause, would force a near instant topple of the government IMO.


this is an important point

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I dunno, while I don't disagree with that, I think we as Americans tend to overrate the level of dissent within the countries whose governments we don't get along with and that all they need is a spark, and there will be their equivalent of the Berlin Wall coming down.

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kinda OT, but while I was looking for something online, I came across several websites dedicated to make Fox News look bad, and kept crying bias and such. It's funny though, as these nuts probably watch MSNBC (the most biased station of them all) all day.


I know Fox News has it's biases, every station does. But Fox so far has been the most fair, and that's not just me saying that, many democratic officials have said that as well.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:24 AM)
I know Fox News has it's biases, every station does. But Fox so far has been the most fair, and that's not just me saying that, many democratic officials have said that as well.

yep... totally fair and balanced news...


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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 09:24 AM)
I know Fox News has it's biases, every station does. But Fox so far has been the most fair, and that's not just me saying that, many democratic officials have said that as well.

I am amazed that there is a large segment of our population that believes this to be true.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 09:34 AM)
Ever think they picked up the 'baby momma' quote from an outrage liberal?

I don't understand your point. You are condoning their behavior because "perhaps" a liberal called Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama"?


How can you condone "terrorist fist jab" with a straight face?

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 10:24 AM)
kinda OT, but while I was looking for something online, I came across several websites dedicated to make Fox News look bad, and kept crying bias and such. It's funny though, as these nuts probably watch MSNBC (the most biased station of them all) all day.


I know Fox News has it's biases, every station does. But Fox so far has been the most fair, and that's not just me saying that, many democratic officials have said that as well.

Just no. Sorry. MSNBC is definitely biased to the left (Olbermann is the biggest Bush-bashing Obama cheerleader out there), but there is no way in hell there is anything balanced or unbiased about Fox. Watch Hannity for 5 minutes and then tell me that. Some of the stuff I see is borderline slander hidden under the guise of "freedom of the press."

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:39 AM)
Just no. Sorry. MSNBC is definitely biased to the left (Olbermann is the biggest Bush-bashing Obama cheerleader out there), but there is no way in hell there is anything balanced or unbiased about Fox. Watch Hannity for 5 minutes and then tell me that. Some of the stuff I see is borderline slander hidden under the guise of "freedom of the press."

Take the challenge and watch 24 hours. I dont think there is a "left of far right" host on the network. Heck, most of them are smug righties who lack any ability to see past their own nose.


For the record, I am a central independant and even I see that Fox is far from fair.


On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being far left....

MSNBC is a 3 or 3.5

CNN is probably a 5.6 or 6

Fox News is a 9.5.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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I was pretty disgusted with Charlie Gibson's story on ABC news about the recent Democrat windfall tax bill on the news the other night. The whole story was a slam on Republicans who "don't want to help Americans deal with high gas prices" or some such nonsense.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:37 AM)
I don't understand your point. You are condoning their behavior because "perhaps" a liberal called Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama"?


How can you condone "terrorist fist jab" with a straight face?

I didn't say anything about the fist jab. I was just pointing out that perhaps an outraged liberal uttered the phrase 'baby mamma' and they were just quoting them. Why is that so bad? You know, the liberal loonies on the blogs are the biggest bunch of name callers I have EVER seen. Why is it they get their panties in such a bunch the moment they see/hear/read something they don't like with all this manufactured outrage? Or perhaps it is real outrage, showing their thin skin.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 10:42 AM)
Take the challenge and watch 24 hours. I dont think there is a "left of far right" host on the network. Heck, most of them are smug righties who lack any ability to see past their own nose.

I used to have it blaring in my face 12 hours a day for an entire year when I was overseas. 9 pm to 9 am, so in Eastern time that would've been 1 pm to 1 am.


Do you mean the personalities or the actual anchors? Most of the anchors are what you'd see anywhere else, they just report news and interest stories, and aren't particularly biased one way or another. Greta van Susteren has been called a liberal by FNC apologists, but she's not, she just reports on legal stories (I will take her over Nancy Grace though). Shepard Smith falls into that category too. They pass off Alan Colmes as a "hard-hitting liberal" but he is really a moderate. The bias really comes out in the show's hosts. MSNBC is the same, with Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann types. Now, contrast that to, say, CNN... Larry King, Wolf Blitzer (who is kind of useless but thats not the point), Anderson Cooper, all they do is report and interview guests. Sometimes they just have the guests screaming at each other but whatever.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 10:46 AM)
I was pretty disgusted with Charlie Gibson's story on ABC news about the recent Democrat windfall tax bill on the news the other night. The whole story was a slam on Republicans who "don't want to help Americans deal with high gas prices" or some such nonsense.

Windfall tax for oil companies is a really dumb idea, IMO.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 09:51 AM)
I didn't say anything about the fist jab. I was just pointing out that perhaps an outraged liberal uttered the phrase 'baby mamma' and they were just quoting them. Why is that so bad? You know, the liberal loonies on the blogs are the biggest bunch of name callers I have EVER seen. Why is it they get their panties in such a bunch the moment they see/hear/read something they don't like with all this manufactured outrage? Or perhaps it is real outrage, showing their thin skin.

Calling a woman someone's baby mama is a derogatory term. It implies the woman had an illegitimate child with the man. She is his wife and should be referred to in such a way.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:37 AM)
I don't understand your point. You are condoning their behavior because "perhaps" a liberal called Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama"?


How can you condone "terrorist fist jab" with a straight face?


I think it is ironic to look at yours and AHB's avys, while expressing outrage over this with a straight face. The least you guys could do is show a little consistancy. Just like when you all talk about the negative reports about other candidates not working, yet spend half of your time on here posting negative stories about McCain and prior to that Hillary Clinton. Then to top it off, going into the other parties "only" threads to do it. That is pretty gutsy to call other people on the stuff you are doing IMO.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 10:01 AM)
I think it is ironic to look at yours and AHB's avys, while expressing outrage over this with a straight face. The least you guys could do is show a little consistancy. Just like when you all talk about the negative reports about other candidates not working, yet spend half of your time on here posting negative stories about McCain and prior to that Hillary Clinton. Then to top it off, going into the other parties "only" threads to do it. That is pretty gutsy to call other people on the stuff you are doing IMO.

I'm not a member of the national media claiming to be fair and balanced.


And I shouldn't be singled out with regards to going to the other party's "only" threads. You do it yourself quite often.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 09:05 AM)
I'm not a member of the national media claiming to be fair and balanced.


And I shouldn't be singled out with regards to going to the other party's "only" threads. You do it yourself quite often.


Ah, its different for me... I see.


I picked up posting in the other threads when the mutal respect when out the window. See, it's different.



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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 09:01 AM)
I think it is ironic to look at yours and AHB's avys, while expressing outrage over this with a straight face. The least you guys could do is show a little consistancy.

In 2004 I co-hosted election night coverage on a radio station in Chicago. I went OUT OF MY WAY to stay fair and look at all the angles on all the stories. As a journalist, it was my responsibility to be fair and report all sides. Of course I was pulling for Kerry in my private life, but publicly it was fair.


So, dont judge unless you know the full story.

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