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out of 24 million votes there was only a difference of 1335 votes!

It will be a difficult task for him to knock that other girl, good old whatsherface, off number 1 on the billboard charts




EDIT: I just realized that, if by some chance in hell, I was actually a fan of the show, you would have just ruined it for me, cause it hasn't aired yet over here.

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The SICK part of all this is, that no-name flash-in-the-pan chick from last season has sold 1.3 MILLION copies of her CD. Can you hear the "music" section at Y'All Mart? "BAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" "Ah seent 'er on thuh TEE-VEE! She's awful taluntid!!"


And yet in a year nobody will own up to having bought the damn thing! Know anyone who proudly displays their Milli Vanilli or Vanilla Ice records? Same thing here!


Next is "American Child" or whatever they're calling the Junior High Talent Show they're getting ready to inflict upon the public. I can't wait to avoid that show too!

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The SICK part of all this is, that no-name flash-in-the-pan chick from last season has sold 1.3 MILLION copies of her CD. Can you hear the "music" section at Y'All Mart? "BAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" "Ah seent 'er on thuh TEE-VEE! She's awful taluntid!!"


And yet in a year nobody will own up to having bought the damn thing! Know anyone who proudly displays their Milli Vanilli or Vanilla Ice records? Same thing here!


Next is "American Child" or whatever they're calling the Junior High Talent Show they're getting ready to inflict upon the public. I can't wait to avoid that show too!

I wonder if that little whore from the new Sox commercials will be singing "O-E-O" and "Jose" on that show? :lol:


Thanks Clu ;)

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