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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Dec 31, 2005 -> 01:55 PM)
Dont worry dude.  If this team is playing this way near the deadline ( they'll probably be 10-12 games under 500 by then ) you can count on Dollar Bill to do a salary dump.  They're following the same script they've been following for the last 10 years now.  Sign a few hacks who are past their prime to get the ignorant masses excited then when they suck anyway dump the salaries and start talking about a youth movement.

That's our Wirtz!

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Tuomo Ruutu to return tomorrow


A team in desperate need of skill and finishing ability around the goal is about to get some relief in the new year.


Tuomo Ruutu, who hasn't played since Nov. 1 because of a sore back, has told Blackhawks coach Trent Yawney he is ready to return to the lineup.


Barring any immediate setbacks, Yawney said Ruutu would play Monday when the Hawks visit the Calgary Flames.


Ruutu's return should help an offense that has yet to reach the 100-goal mark and is ranked 26th in the league at just 2.68 goals per game.


In Friday night's 3-2 loss to the Columbus Blue Jackets, the Hawks generated 43 shots and had nearly a dozen other prime chances they failed to convert into shots.


They managed just one goal from Mark Bell and another from Martin Lapointe that bounced off two Columbus defensemen before fluttering over goalie Marc Denis, who played a solid game but didn't exactly steal the contest.


Friday's game highlighted again the amount of effort it takes for the Hawks to score.


"We know we have to work for everything we get," Bell said. "That's just the way it is. We don't have any 50- or 60-goal scorers on this team who can just say, 'Hey, let's go score.'"


It has taken the Hawks 909 shots to record the 99 goals they have scored this season, one goal for every 9.18 shots.


By contrast, the Ottawa Senators score every 6.59 shots on goal. The Senators have scored 156 goals this season, averaging 4.33 per game. Ottawa is the only team in the league averaging more than four goals per game.


It takes a toll mentally when a team knows it has to work so hard and probably will get so little in return.


"If they think they're going to score four goals a game, I guess it would become wearing," Yawney said. "We have to be prepared to have success winning a game 2-1 or 1-0. If you prepare that way, a lot of times you score more goals because you're in better defensive position."


Winning games 2-1 or even 3-2 is harder to do in the NHL today with the emphasis on letting offensive players have freedom to create scoring chances.


Yawney said one way for the Hawks to increase their offensive output would for players to go hard to the opposing net more often.


"We don't put enough pucks at the net," Yawney said.


The front of the goal used to be dangerous territory, with defensemen allowed to abuse the offensive player by nearly any means necessary. Now the front of the net is friendlier terrain for offensive players.


"That's a high-traffic area, and there is no protection now for the defense," Yawney said. "Getting people to the net, two things are going to happen. You're either going to get scoring chances or you're going to draw penalties."


It also helps to be able to finish those chances, an area in which the Hawks are abysmal and which Ruutu's return should help.


Yawney has been cautioning against expecting Ruutu to turn around the Hawks' fortunes immediately.


Yawney and the Hawks have no idea whether Ruutu will be the player he was in his rookie season or if he will wake up the day after playing and have his back betray him once again.


"We're going into a new year, and I hope it's going to be better for everybody," Yawney said.


"You go into the game with [Ruutu] with your fingers crossed."



Edited by Pierzynski 12
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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 1, 2006 -> 12:41 PM)
Great. Ruutu could be rushing himself back becasue the team is a joke, and could not be fully healed. I say he plays 10 games.


This is valid. Hell, the way he plays even if he is 100% he could play less than 10 games. Hopefully he's a spark to this piss poor team. But I doubt it. :puke

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 2, 2006 -> 10:52 AM)
Well, my dad has season tickets for 24 year at the old stadium, so its hard not be a Hawk fan. However, enough is enough, the team is a joke.


Yeah, my dad too, and I'm the one who tells em to keep wasting his money because I like hockey. I'm starting to feel bad that a couple grand goes to watch this team suck.

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QUOTE(Pierzynski 12 @ Jan 2, 2006 -> 11:41 AM)
I root for the Hawks no matter how bad they're.I've been a fan for them all my life.


See that's the thing, we're fans as well, but we criticize them when they do badly. I'm not going to keep saying, "It's ok, we still have a chance to make the playoffs." This team sucks, period. As a fan, I can say that.

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Just to clear up something, IMO, no one should be called a bandwagon fan for not cheering for the Hawks right now, but cheering them on when there doing well. You never said anyone was a bandwagon fan, so im not accusing you, im just saying.


The Hawks have been a joke of a franchise for 15 years. There is a difference between sticking with your team when there in the dumps, or starting to root against the team when the owner clearly does not care about the product on the ice.  Why should you care when ownership clearly doesnt?

Yes i know management blows,but i'm not going to sit here and say crap about them.I get pissed off at them.I'll turn the tv off if they're playing like crap.Other than that, i'll watch them.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 2, 2006 -> 12:37 PM)
Just to clear up something, IMO, no one should be called a bandwagon fan for not cheering for the Hawks right now, but cheering them on when there doing well. You never said anyone was a bandwagon fan, so im not accusing you, im just saying.


The Hawks have been a joke of a franchise for 15 years. There is a difference between sticking with your team when there in the dumps, or starting to root against the team when the owner clearly does not care about the product on the ice.  Why should you care when ownership clearly doesnt?



Every team goes through a rebuilding phase and they're gonna suck for a while. Happened to the Bears and Sox and they went through it right and look at em now.



The Slackhawks have been in perpetual rebuilding ever since they dumped Roenick back in 1996. Nearly 10 full years of rebuilding and we're on track for the same suckage this year. Its the same snow job every year too. They sign a couple of hacks to make people think they're doing something then end up sucking ass anyway.



Staying loyal to a team which is designed for mediocrity at the very best year in and year out is for suckers. Its become quite enjoyable for me to watch this s***ty team lose then go somewhere like Blackhawkzone.com and read the whining comments from the 2 dozen people who still give a crap. If Blackhawks fans had 2 brain cells in their heads they would boycott Wirt$ Inc. until they really do something to right the ship. The only way his annual snow job will end is if the fans stop going, stop buying his beer and stop parking in his parking lots.

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QUOTE(Pierzynski 12 @ Jan 2, 2006 -> 01:16 PM)
Yes i know management blows,but i'm not going to sit here and say crap about them.I get pissed off at them.I'll turn the tv off if they're playing like crap.Other than that, i'll watch them.


Ok, so youre not going to "say crap" about them, which happens to be true. They're bad, they're organization is bad what else is there to say. I'm gonna watch them too, because I'm a fan, and because I like hockey. But it's my right as a fan, and a paying customer to say whatever I want about this lackluster team.

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Right now they are the Kings Of The One-Goal Loss.

Playing just well enough to lose.

Sometimes they get a point because they manage to not lose until OT or the shootout.

The effort seems to be there, they're either not good enough or not coached well enough. They seem to make a LOT of mistakes and turnovers.

It's hard to watch.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 01:19 AM)
For me, it all starts with the D. Look at Calgary. Coming into today, I think they had 3 more goals than the Hawks. They have also let in about 30 less goals then are Mighty Blackhawks.


I watched the whole game today(wanted to see how Roots did, played very good IMO) and was at the Blue Jackets game on Friday. Cullimore is complete trash. Garbage. I liked Spachek, but after really watching him, he really does impress me at all. Auccoin looks like a good #3 IMO, not worthy of the $$ we dished out.


I do however really like what Duncan Keith brings to the table, and before Seabrook went down, he was playing like a solid #2.

If this Cam Barker is all he is hyped up to be, and Keith can develop, along with Seabrook just being healthy and playing like he was, Seabrook-Barker-Keith can be a very solid core of defesnman to build on. But right now, that is the main problem.


But aren't we always talking about guys getting hurt, or not playing up to potential? When's the last time a hyped-up Hawk prospect really panned out? It's been a while.

I agree about Keith and Seabrook - I like what I've seen of both of them, and once they settle in as NHLers I think the Hawks will have two very capable D-men.

I also watched most of Monday's game and the thing that jumps out at me is what a complete waste of money Matthew Barnaby is. It's all pointless hustle and empty "scrappiness". He never seems to make anything happen offensively and he doesn't seem to do all that much defensively. I didn't like him with Buffalo and I'm not liking him on the Hawks.

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QUOTE(Pierzynski 12 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 12:45 PM)
Got to give it to Ruutu.He looked very good out there yesterday.He layed out this guy from Calgary and took him out of the game.That's what i liked.It will take him time to get going, but i'm glad to see him back.One of my favorite Hawk players.


The space bar is your friend.



Hawks are losing 4-zip. LOL

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At this point I hope the Hawks just completely tank and get a top 3 pick. The Hawks haven't been quite bad enough in recent years to land one of the super prospects in the draft. There's really nothing else to play for, this team is brutal. They just don't have the talent to keep up with the majority of these teams. If Tallon wants to start disassembling the roster now, i'd have no problem with it.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 09:25 PM)
Well, looks like it won't be a one-goal loss tonight.

4-0 Oilers halfway through the 2nd.

Hawks look TERRIBLE tonight - sloppy, taking bad penalties, no puck control.

NOT encouraging at all, no "silver lining" thus far.



5-0 final score. Just blow this team up and start over again. Keep the rooks, get rid of the lazy vets. Oh and Yawney is not NHL coaching material either.

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