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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Dec 24, 2005 -> 03:08 PM)
Dont you love winter sports in Chicago!


The United Center should be embarrassed of what they have to offer.

I told you they should have gone with Curling DAMNIT!!!!!!


Hopefully Tallon actually has the balls to do something after this debacle.

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Well the UC was absolutely packed tonight, but i think it may have been with about a 1/4 of Detroit fans. Helluva game either way but its just so pathetic that such a great city cant put a great hockey team out there. This city could really embrace a good hockey team but I just dont think it's gonna happen. Now I'm watching the Vancouver Calgary game and watching the Bertuzzi Naslund line is absolutely sick.


PS. the 10 minute Penalty Kill (or so it seemed) in the 3rd was atrocious. Calder was the only one who seemed to have any guts going into Detroit territory, everything else seemed to be a dump in the corner. What in the hell was that s***.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 24, 2005 -> 09:54 PM)
This team has no sense of purpose or system.  Trent Yawney is a f***ing idiot.  Fire his ass.

I still think it goes both ways a little with Tallon, as I'd like to see what Yawney could do with some players who are actually suited to playing in the new NHL. But yes, Yawney's on thin ice at the moment, although I don't know who'd take over if he got fired. Isn't Bruce Cassidy (former Capitals Coach) one of the assistants?

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 24, 2005 -> 01:00 PM)
I still think it goes both ways a little with Tallon, as I'd like to see what Yawney could do with some players who are actually suited to playing in the new NHL. But yes, Yawney's on thin ice at the moment, although I don't know who'd take over if he got fired. Isn't Bruce Cassidy (former Capitals Coach) one of the assistants?

Tallon is a little on the spot, but they are playing like s***, and that rests on the players - and the coach. These guys have more talent then they are playing with. Their system sucks. Frankly, I don't care how "talented" your team is, if you have a good system, you can overcome a lot of "offensive deficiencies". See Buffalo.


A ton of Chicago's problems is because they over extend their areas of the ice, and that's on the coach. Watch how much they are out of position all the time, and then consequently they take stupid penalties because of a lack of position.


Furthermore, the way they play the neutral zone is a joke. You can ram a f***ing semi up though the middle of the ice the way they cover it. Ryan Suter for Nashville moves his feet well and skates well, he was going through the neutral zone like it was swiss cheese. All you have to have is a good skating defenseman and the Hawks are in trouble because they've lost 2/3's of the ice already.


I'll stop there. I could analyze what's wrong with this team for pages - and a lot of it comes back to the lack of a system or lack of discipline, NOT a lack of talent.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 09:59 PM)
I think I am going to turn in Nuke. Seriously, I really hope this team gets crushed into the ground.



You're learning grasshoppa!



Another big home game against a division rival.............



..........Slacks get pwn3d!!! like b****es yet again.



Way to send the fans home happy Dollar Bill...........Well the Red Wings fans went home happy anyway. BTW...... do they even consider us a rival anymore?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 24, 2005 -> 10:50 AM)
I could analyze what's wrong with this team for pages - and a lot of it comes back to the lack of a system or lack of discipline, NOT a lack of talent.


There is a lack of a system and such, but who the hell is talented besides Seabrook, Keith, Bell, Calder? I dont see it, I think you're expecting too much from these scrubs.

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QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Dec 25, 2005 -> 01:49 AM)
There is a lack of a system and such, but who the hell is talented besides Seabrook, Keith, Bell, Calder?  I dont see it, I think you're expecting too much from these scrubs.

Who does Buffalo have? Hell, for that matter, besides Kariya and Sullivan, who does Nashville have? Nashville's FOURTH line leads their team in +/-. That's a TEAM who knows how to play a good system, and knows when to take chances. The Hawks look like they need to pull their skirt up every time up the ice. They have no clue what they are doing out there. That's on the coach.

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From the Toronto Star;


Fed up with mounting losses, GM Dale Tallon threatened to shake up his roster, adding that no player was untouchable. Rumors in the Windy City have a deal in works with the Islanders involving center Oleg Kvasha and disgruntled blueliner Janne Niinimaa. Could Friday's last-second meltdown against Detroit be the final straw? ...
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I stand corrected.


As Zherdev skated past his own blue line, i said aloud "don't let him get over the line with speed." Sure enough he does, Barnaby stands there and waves at him with a stick, and Vandermeer plays the puck by trying to stop it with his skate instead of just taking the body, and Zherdev scores. If Vandermeer just puts an arm into him at some point, he doesn't get to the net and the Hawks win. A well coached high school hockey team could have stopped him on that rush, no joke. Unbelievable.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Dec 27, 2005 -> 07:41 AM)
I stand corrected.


As Zherdev skated past his own blue line, i said aloud "don't let him get over the line with speed." Sure enough he does, Barnaby stands there and waves at him with a stick, and Vandermeer plays the puck by trying to stop it with his skate instead of just taking the body, and Zherdev scores. If Vandermeer just puts an arm into him at some point, he doesn't get to the net and the Hawks win. A well coached high school hockey team could have stopped him on that rush, no joke. Unbelievable.

DING! They play the puck instead of the body and are out of position all the time. I think I said that about 10 posts up. :lol:

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