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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 05:50 AM)
So your saying Spiff isnt a "true fan?"  Hell id rather see Kobe vs Lebron too so does that mean im not a "true fan"


Wow you really are something  :bang


It's not about who you would rather see. If a match-up between 2 guys on 2 average teams gets you excited, that's fine. The point is not to ignore the team game in an attempt to shove a 1 on 1 match-up down are throats. Like Lebron and Kobe don't get enough hype as it is. The ratings for the finals get lower every year because nobody knows anything about guys like Chauncey Billups or Manu Ginobili. I think it's a shame.

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QUOTE(Spiff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 06:20 AM)
haha, ok.  Maybe it's just the fact that I realize that a) the NBA already gets the second-most coverage to the NFL and B) if people don't watch the finals, it's not because ESPN paid more attention to Kobe vs LeBron in January.


But hey if you wanna sound like an elitist asshole, go right ahead.


Sound like an asshole? lol. I can show you an asshole if you really want. Believe me, you don't want to see what an asshole I can really be. This is a mesaage board. And I can share my opinion anytime I feel like it. If you don't like it, you know what you can do. And not marketing teams does have an effect on ratings, especially for non superstars or teams not in the big markets. This isn't a problem when it comes to the diehards. But for the casual bandwagoners, it certainly is.

Edited by Jordan4life_2006
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QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 09:19 AM)
Hate to change the subject, but Carmen and Silvy were just talking about some reporter (missed the name) that was on Cold Pizza that said the Bulls and Celtics are in serious talks about a trade that could include the following...


Bulls get:  Paul Pierce

Celtics get:  Ben Gordon, Tim Thomas




Bulls get:  Paul Pierce, Ricky Davis

Celtics get:  Ben Gordon, Tim Thomas, #1 pick (from Knicks)


Personally, I don't see any of these scenarios happening.  Not sure why the Celtics would want anything to do with Tim Thomas, and even Pierce for Gordon straight up would be an absolute steal for the Bulls (not a big Gordon fan).


Carmen and Silvy talked about this for a good 10 minutes, and I still missed on who exactly reported it.  Still, if this is legit, where do I sign?

Oh man, if we could get Paul Pierce, I'd be so damn happy. It gives the Bulls a really good SG. He's better than Peja and the Bulls could focus on finding a big in the off-season.


Not sure I'd even want Ricky Davis (although I think he's a good player), probably would rather have the pick, unless I could spin Davis for a quality big.


That said, the top article on chicagosports.com said Paxson full blown denied the deal and any talks. I don't know where this comes from, but any deal with those players where we get Paul Pierce is a winner in my book. Hinrich goes back to being the point and the Bulls backcourt is quite good (with Duh coming off the bench) and Pargo turning into a solid scorer off the bench.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 05:15 PM)
Sound like an asshole?  lol.  I can show you an asshole if you really want.  Believe me,  you don't want to see what an asshole I can really be.  This is a mesaage board.  And I can share my opinion anytime I feel like it.  If you don't like it,  you know what you can do.  And not marketing teams does have an effect on ratings,  especially for non superstars or teams not in the big markets.  This isn't a problem when it comes to the diehards.  But for the casual bandwagoners,  it certainly is.


What, first you try and deride me as somehow not being a "true fan" like you, now you're threatening me? Winnarrrr. Go ahead and show me how much of an asshole you can be. I don't give a s***, it doesn't hurt me none. And yeah, you can share your opinion, I never said you couldn't. But I can still call you out as sounding like an elitist asshole because goddammit, it's my right as a red-blooded 'merican. :usa


Marketing the NBA isn't Sportscenter/PTI's job. It's talking about the stories that people want to talk about. People want to talk about Kobe vs LeBron before Spurs-Pistons. Accept the reality of it, stop whining, and move on.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 14, 2006 -> 02:15 PM)
Amare Stoudamire said he will not be back in February.  Instead he thinks he'll be back in March.

He doesn't need to rush back with the way the Suns are playing right now. They're my pick for the title so far, even though the Pistons have been playing so great.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 07:41 PM)
I've been told Stephen A Smith said the T-Wolves have offered Wally and Hassell for Francis.


If so, the Magic should probably go ahead and make that deal. Then they can package Cato and Hedo for a better big.

Wow, I'd do that deal if I were the Magic. Francis is a heck of a talent but Wally is having a strong season and both Hassel and Wally are at least playing hard (well this year).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 14, 2006 -> 02:48 PM)
Wow, I'd do that deal if I were the Magic.  Francis is a heck of a talent but Wally is having a strong season and both Hassel and Wally are at least playing hard (well this year).

Those were my thoughts as well. Yes Wally still has quite a big contract, and yes he isn't the best defensively. But he's having the best season in his career so far, and he's a good shooter, which is something we desperately need.


Hassell is just a fantastic defensive SG. We've already got Stevenson who fills that role for us, albeit I think Hassell could do that job a little better.


And tonight showed Jameer Nelson as the starting PG and Travis Diener as the backup (serious 3PT shooter) is the way to go, even though we lost.

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Just wanted to say that the Bulls played a very strong 1st quarter and well overall a strong 1st half only to take a total dump in the 2nd half.


It kills how every freaking game the opponent is taking 20+ free throws more than the Bulls. It was a disgrace to lose to Indiana at home with O'Neal out. Hell they've had enough trouble winning with O'Neal there.


On a sidenote, Sweetney and Chandler both f***ing BLOW. Sweetney misses wide open shot after wide open shot and Chandler has zero energy and looks totally lost. I don't care if he has all the potential in the world, we overpaid and if we could get anything of value for him because another team can utilize him better than we can, than I'd part ways with him.


Its stupid to pay him what we are and I loved the way Tyson played last year, but the Bulls made a mistake, imo. I do agree to a fold that he's suffering from not having a center, but I'm sorry, a lack of a center isn't enough of a reason for him to play like total horses***. He's one of the most overpaid players in the game right now. Tim Thomas is #1 on that list.

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QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Jan 15, 2006 -> 09:24 AM)
Chandler sucks ass but I think Sweetney just needs to lose some pounds and get in better shape.  He looks gassed out there quite a bit.

I like how he can get in position and he has nice moves, but my god, he misses so many easy shots. However, he doesn't cost us much money, unlike Tyson.

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That should go down as the worst game of Tyson's career when all is said and done.


I tend not to look at current results and just stick with my assessment of his tools and what he could accomplish in the future.


But there's no doubt that Chandler backers aren't too happy right now. I'm not going to abandon him, but I should probably stop defending him for the time being. I was at a bar last night, and some dude was talking all kinds of s*** about Tyson. Of course, I kept my mouth shut, and I should probably do likewise on here.


I don't want to be the only guy in Chicago defending Tyson, basically. I need some dudes on my side, but as Hawk would say, they gone.

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QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 15, 2006 -> 10:48 AM)
That should go down as the worst game of Tyson's career when all is said and done.


I tend not to look at current results and just stick with my assessment of his tools and what he could accomplish in the future.


But there's no doubt that Chandler backers aren't too happy right now.  I'm not going to abandon him, but I should probably stop defending him for the time being.  I was at a bar last night, and some dude was talking all kinds of s*** about Tyson.  Of course, I kept my mouth shut, and I should probably do likewise on here.


I don't want to be the only guy in Chicago defending Tyson, basically.  I need some dudes on my side, but as Hawk would say, they gone.

Here's the thing. At some point or another, production is what matters. Its the end result. Talent only takes you to a certain point. Hell, as much as I slam Ben Gordon, he hasn't been bad as a starter and for the most part seems to be more agressive going to the basket (about the only guy on the team willing to consistently drive).


He did not have a strong 2nd half though, but he's made some big time strides compared to when I was really slamming him earlier in the year. Would love Paul Pierce though...but I'm sure thats not going to happen.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 15, 2006 -> 07:44 PM)
Here's the thing.  At some point or another, production is what matters.  Its the end result.  Talent only takes you to a certain point.


I hear you. Tools come first and foremost, but it doesn't mean jack without the passion/intensity/heart/work ethic/etc. All of these things are evident on the court. I won't back a guy if he doesn't care about winning, basically. That's how I feel about Eddy Curry. While the sky is the limit as far as his offensive potential is concerned, I could never, ever like a guy who is complacent in a losing atmosphere.

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What would Tyson Chandler get you in a trade right now though? Would the Celtics even trade Mark Blount straight up for him?


I wouldn't mind if the Magic went after him, but we need a big center far more then Chandler who can only really play PF at this stage.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 08:57 AM)
What would Tyson Chandler get you in a trade right now though? Would the Celtics even trade Mark Blount straight up for him?


I wouldn't mind if the Magic went after him, but we need a big center far more then Chandler who can only really play PF at this stage.


Idonno on your team Dwight Howard can probably D up on the big C's which would allow Chandler to act like he was last year on defense and make a big impact.....

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 07:59 PM)
Idonno on your team Dwight Howard can probably D up on the big C's which would allow Chandler to act like he was last year on defense and make a big impact.....

WellI think long - term Howard is going to be a better PF then C, but that's something the Magic need to decide for the future. Either way, we need some muscle down low.


Oh and DeShawn Stevenson at SG. Please upgrade there as soon as possible. :bang

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 03:06 AM)
WellI think long - term Howard is going to be a better PF then C, but that's something the Magic need to decide for the future. Either way, we need some muscle down low.


Oh and DeShawn Stevenson at SG. Please upgrade there as soon as possible.  :bang


haha DeShawn Stevenson used to be with the Jazz but they Jazz traded for Giricek. I always thought Stevenson had potential but I guess that is running out of time.

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