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NY Times Blair speaks out


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I am a pretty liberal person, but this so-called journalist causes hostility when HE FABRICATED THE f***ING STORIES AND BLAMES IT ON RACISM!!!!!!!!


This is why it is important EVEN FOR A SO-CALLED JOURNALIST to get a higher educaton..anyone w/an education can see the fault in this momo's logic.

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I am a pretty liberal person, but this so-called journalist causes hostility when HE FABRICATED THE f***ING STORIES AND BLAMES IT ON RACISM!!!!!!!!


This is why it is important EVEN FOR A SO-CALLED JOURNALIST to get a higher educaton..anyone w/an education can see the fault in this momo's logic.

and on top of it all makes racist statements. If a white reporter had said the samethings after he was fired, it would be headlines calling him an antisemite.

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we had a huge discussion about this in my Copy Editing class today. What this guy did leaves a huge mark on me as a journalist, or at least an aspiring. What is even worse is Tribune readers commented on this and said they aren't the least bit surprised, meaning before this, print journalism has been questioned for some time.


I mean really, just the other day people on this board spotted Carol Slezak's column about Manuel, when she said Ward is Manuel's guy and Walker is Williams guy, then later says Walker is Manuel's guy. If you read any newspaper, any day, you will spot at least five errors, which kills the credibility, whether the facts are straight or not.


What Blair did was pitifull but it is clear he did this more than just being lazy. He wanted to see how far he can go. Since mid-2002, he was held accountable for many mistakes, but all they did was say "don't do it again", threw him on smaller stories, and a few weeks later, threw him on the front page again. He did this to simply see how far he will go, and because of this, he will soon sign a movie deal, just like Glass will soon be doing.


it is a shame.

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just the other day people on this board spotted Carol Slezak's column




What Blair did was pitifull but it is clear he did this more than just being lazy.  He wanted to see how far he can go.  Since mid-2002, he was held accountable for many mistakes, but all they did was say "don't do it again", threw him on smaller stories, and a few weeks later, threw him on the front page again.  He did this to simply see how far he will go

That was me who spoted that - I should have been a newspaper editor - I'd like to hear more about your copy editing class and your studies - you going into journalism? I could give you hundreds of back issues of CJR, WJR, Brill's...


That is a very interesting take on why he did what he did, and I appreciate the insight, so thank you.


anyway there are folks like me out there who spot every editing ewrror, every poorly written story, etc. The editor of the local newspaper rents from me and he knows the minute he sees me smile that I have a new list of errors...


my favorite last year from the local paper was one day that he did not work, someone else did it - there was an editorial on the anniversary of JFK's assassination, 22 November 1963, and the headline of the editorial read: "November 23: a day to remember." Or not! They did have the right date in the text of the editorial, at least.


My grandmother used to write for the Trib many years ago. Maybe that is why I follow journalism as much as I do.


Thanks again!

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Blair is a f***ing moron, where does he get the cojones to bring racism into this? Unbelievable!


The saddest part is that this smug, charisma-free imbecil is actually PROUD of what he did and expects to get a Hollywood contract/book deals out the "heroic feat" of his.

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What the heck was so heroic about what he did? I know no one else thinks it was heroic (neither do I) but whats he think is so great about it? He is lifes greatest epitome of a failure. A man (if he can be considered as such) who wanted to be something but he just wasnt good enough so he cheated his way into it. He lied and insulted tons of people. He thinks hes a genius because he tricked some people. Sorry pal, but Ive always thought that true genius is used for good. Nothing you did was used for good. I dont know why anyone would do what he did. If youre gonna try to be something, try to be the best at that something. Dont be the worst just to be famous. Blair is famous but unlike others who are famous, he is famous because he did the worst. Some people, like Frank Thomas or Harrison Ford, theyre famous cuz theyre the best. Blair is famous cuz he was the worst. And as such, the world will soon remember not for his "genius" (I call it like so only due to my failure to find another word) and trickery, but only for his failure in life...

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