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Making of a winner

Harry Chappas

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Roman....that's bulls***, and you know it.  You're not a fan of MB because he has pitched s***ty over the past month or so.  If MB goes on a Cory Lidle like streak in August when we really need him to, are you still going to be anti-Buehrle?

First off, we need Buehrle now. And second, dont you remember how I went ape when there was that whole money mess this offseason with Buehrle? Thats when I became anti-Buehrle...

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yeah i would love to have colon, burherle and loz as our 1,2,3......that would be idea...dump salary to do so may not be very welcome though... i say start with cutting thomas, paulie, lee, jose, botch (if we can dump his contract),gordon,white,alomar, rios, dauber, and jimenez...am i foregetting anyone??? that should free up a ton of cash to let us lock up three guys huh.... :o

How come everyone is anti-Frank? Hes been one of our best hitters and everyone wants to cut him but yall want to hold on to an ex-ace who now sucks. No wonder we cant win...

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You can't be serious......Buehrle has had no timely hitting and no defense for nearly 3/4 of all his starts this year. Okay fine Minnesota crushed him, but if we had a natural centerfielder playing yesterday Buehrle would have only given up around 3 runs instead of 5 since two runs scored on two bloops that should have been caught.



I dont care. You dont have a 5.19 ERA because of poor defense and lousy hitting. Heck, hitting has nothing to do with Buehrles ERA. Poor defense is a factor but if your ERA is 5.19 you just arent pitching well...

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Have I missed something?  Since when is Buehrle compared to Ritchie? 



6.94 Johnson

5.54 Maddux

5.89 Garcia


Good pitchers go though bad patches, Loiaza went though such a patch for several years apparently, I'd give our best pitcher some more patience than that.

All hes done is whine about how he wants to be in St Louis. All his whining, in addition to lousy pitching, means I aint gonna forgive him anytime soon. He can take a hike for all I care... :angry:

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You can't be serious......Buehrle has had no timely hitting and no defense for nearly 3/4 of all his starts this year. Okay fine Minnesota crushed him, but if we had a natural centerfielder playing yesterday Buehrle would have only given up around 3 runs instead of 5 since two runs scored on two bloops that should have been caught.



I dont care. You dont have a 5.19 ERA because of poor defense and lousy hitting. Heck, hitting has nothing to do with Buehrles ERA. Poor defense is a factor but if your ERA is 5.19 you just arent pitching well...

What about hitting .251 over your last 700 plus AB's? What does that mean?

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He wasn't even that bad against the Jay's either.  I don't see why Roman is all over the guys nuts after having a rough stretch.  The guy is human and makes mistakes.  I agree that if we had a cf that could actually run and catch he would have given up 3 most likely and Roman would be saying "Mark is back!!!".  The guy will be fine and back to form soon.  It is like the guy has a bad day and you want to send him to the gas chamber.  Give me a break.  Not even Cy Young pitched great every time out.

6 IP, 3 ER is unacceptable for an "ace". So even if he had D, his pitching was unacceptable. And not to mention he allowed ten hits in six innings. Thats not cool...

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Or bust a nut jumping onto Franks bandwagon. 


Such a hypocrate. With the way he waivers on allies he will be a perfect enforcer of US policy abroad, friends today, enemies tommorrow!

Im not a Frank bandwagon fan. In fact, hes the only Sox player I support unconditionally. So Ill bever have to jump onto his bandwagon cuz Ill never be off. Every other player on this team, I root for because he wears the black and white. Once Maggs leaves (and I like him now) I wont care about him anymore. But frank, even if he leaves, I will always support him...

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You can't be serious......Buehrle has had no timely hitting and no defense for nearly 3/4 of all his starts this year. Okay fine Minnesota crushed him, but if we had a natural centerfielder playing yesterday Buehrle would have only given up around 3 runs instead of 5 since two runs scored on two bloops that should have been caught.



I dont care. You dont have a 5.19 ERA because of poor defense and lousy hitting. Heck, hitting has nothing to do with Buehrles ERA. Poor defense is a factor but if your ERA is 5.19 you just arent pitching well...

What about hitting .251 over your last 700 plus AB's? What does that mean?

Frank (Im guessing thats who youre referring to and I dont like it at all) has hit for power as well. In those 700 ABs hes supplied us about 110 runs and those probably lead to a couple of wins. Buehrle with a 5.19 ERA has done nothing to help us win, except for the two wins which he made up for with seven freakin losses. Say what you want about Frank, hes a million times the player Mark is...

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6 IP, 3 ER is unacceptable for an "ace". So even if he had D, his pitching was unacceptable. And not to mention he allowed ten hits in six innings. Thats not cool...

LOL! So one bad outing means you aren't an ace... but have a few bad years, hey its all good! :bang

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LOL!  So one bad outing means you aren't an ace...  but have a few bad years, hey its all good! :bang

No, because Buehrles had several bad outtings. Dont tell me youve already forgotten that disaster in Minnesota. And Loaizas bad years werent with us so I dont care.


Does anyone realize that Buehrles only two games behind Mike Maroth, and .54 ERA down from him? Welcome back Todd! :lol:


Geez, everyone thought Todd would definitely lose twenty. But no ones said anything about MB losing twenty which he could very well do. Why is that? And I dont give a crap about hes done in the past. Ritchie had been decent in the past but he sucked last year. Buehrle was good in the past but he sucks this year...

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No, because Buehrles had several bad outtings. Dont tell me youve already forgotten that disaster in Minnesota. And Loaizas bad years werent with us so I dont care.


Does anyone realize that Buehrles only two games behind Mike Maroth, and .54 ERA down from him? Welcome back Todd! :lol:


Geez, everyone thought Todd would definitely lose twenty. But no ones said anything about MB losing twenty which he could very well do. Why is that? And I dont give a crap about hes done in the past. Ritchie had been decent in the past but he sucked last year. Buehrle was good in the past but he sucks this year...

But that isn't what you said.


6 IP, 3 ER is unacceptable for an "ace". So even if he had D, his pitching was unacceptable. And not to mention he allowed ten hits in six innings. Thats not cool...


Quit changing your story.

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No, because Buehrles had several bad outtings. Dont tell me youve already forgotten that disaster in Minnesota. And Loaizas bad years werent with us so I dont care.


Does anyone realize that Buehrles only two games behind Mike Maroth, and .54 ERA down from him? Welcome back Todd! :lol:


Geez, everyone thought Todd would definitely lose twenty. But no ones said anything about MB losing twenty which he could very well do. Why is that? And I dont give a crap about hes done in the past. Ritchie had been decent in the past but he sucked last year. Buehrle was good in the past but he sucks this year...

But that isn't what you said.


6 IP, 3 ER is unacceptable for an "ace". So even if he had D, his pitching was unacceptable. And not to mention he allowed ten hits in six innings. Thats not cool...


Quit changing your story.

LOL.. BUSTED!!! :nono

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You guys are trying to get him off the hook by saying in his last bad outting he had no defense (which is a lame excuse anyways) but Im saying even if he had gotten the D his outting was still poor. And then you said "one bad outting means you arent an ace" and I showed you that that one mediocre outting wasnt all. If he had that one bad outting I wouldnt be enraged against him (I still wouldnt be a fan since Ive hated him since the offseason). But hes had more bad outtings than that and now Im starting to disqualify him as an ace.

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You can't be serious......Buehrle has had no timely hitting and no defense for nearly 3/4 of all his starts this year. Okay fine Minnesota crushed him, but if we had a natural centerfielder playing yesterday Buehrle would have only given up around 3 runs instead of 5 since two runs scored on two bloops that should have been caught.



I dont care. You dont have a 5.19 ERA because of poor defense and lousy hitting. Heck, hitting has nothing to do with Buehrles ERA. Poor defense is a factor but if your ERA is 5.19 you just arent pitching well...

What about hitting .251 over your last 700 plus AB's? What does that mean?

Frank (Im guessing thats who youre referring to and I dont like it at all) has hit for power as well. In those 700 ABs hes supplied us about 110 runs and those probably lead to a couple of wins. Buehrle with a 5.19 ERA has done nothing to help us win, except for the two wins which he made up for with seven freakin losses. Say what you want about Frank, hes a million times the player Mark is...

So Mark with 35 victories in 2 years and two months at under $750,000 has been more important than Frank Thomas at $20 million plus injury prone, and terrible contributions has been more important for the Sox. The only reason that he is still here is that Jerry stopped KW from dealing him, and when Frank was a free agent NO ONE WANTED HIM.


Face it his skills have declined. Watch him hit. He cannot hit an OK major league fastball anymore.


With Frank on this team, we have locked up 10% of our payroll on someone else who could be hitting AND playing the field. For that $5 mil plus we ended up signing Frank for we could have gotten Jose Cruz Jr AND another starter or position player.


If you were a fan of the team you could actually look each player objectively, instead of subjectively crucifying some players who haven't been NEARLY as bad as your hero.

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No, because Buehrles had several bad outtings. Dont tell me youve already forgotten that disaster in Minnesota. And Loaizas bad years werent with us so I dont care.


Does anyone realize that Buehrles only two games behind Mike Maroth, and .54 ERA down from him? Welcome back Todd! :lol:


Geez, everyone thought Todd would definitely lose twenty. But no ones said anything about MB losing twenty which he could very well do. Why is that? And I dont give a crap about hes done in the past. Ritchie had been decent in the past but he sucked last year. Buehrle was good in the past but he sucks this year...

But that isn't what you said.


6 IP, 3 ER is unacceptable for an "ace". So even if he had D, his pitching was unacceptable. And not to mention he allowed ten hits in six innings. Thats not cool...


Quit changing your story.

LOL.. BUSTED!!! :nono

I mean, if you people could actually read, it wouldnt seem as if Im changing my story. But obviously thats not the case. Stop with the selective reading just to incriminate me...

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Oh yeah! Marks two years make him a star! Im sure, just because hes had two good years hes HOF destined, like Frank is! Come on moron, youre smarter than that. Fine, Marks had two good years. How many has Frank had? A great rookie year in '90 (but it was only like 60 games so I wont count it), '91, '92, '93 (MVP), '94 (MVP), '95, '96, '97, '98 (the average was down but you cant criticize him for having 109 ribbies), '99 I wont count because he had BA but no power (which is his most important characteristic), '00 definitely (he was nearly MVP, second to Giambi), '01 no, and '02 was pretty good because like I have said is important, he had the power. So thats ten good seasons. Get back to me when Mark gets to that point...

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Oh yeah! Marks two years make him a star! Im sure, just because hes had two good years hes HOF destined, like Frank is! Come on moron, youre smarter than that. Fine, Marks had two good years. How many has Frank had? A great rookie year in '90 (but it was only like 60 games so I wont count it), '91, '92, '93 (MVP), '94 (MVP), '95, '96, '97, '98 (the average was down but you cant criticize him for having 109 ribbies), '99 I wont count because he had BA but no power (which is his most important characteristic), '00 definitely (he was nearly MVP, second to Giambi), '01 no, and '02 was pretty good because like I have said is important, he had the power. So thats ten good seasons. Get back to me when Mark gets to that point...

Once again change the arguement to fit what you need. First it is one start, then it is a couple starts, now it is ten years. Fine. That doesn't change the fact that Frank is a shadow of his former self. His swing is COMPLETELY different than his MVP years. You don't believe me, go back and look at the videos. He can't hit an inside pitch and he can't hit a fastball. If you don't believe me go back and watch tapes of this season.


The guy also can't hit in the clutch anymore. He is hitting .167 with RISP. According to your 5.19 era type arguement that means Frank isn't a good player because he can't hit in clutch situations. It is the same sample size (just this season) and RISP is exactly when a clutch hitter hits. If ERA can tell who an ace is, RISP is a MUCH better indicater of how clutch a hitter is. All 9 of his HR's are solo. So that must mean he can't hit with runners on base.


LOL. Gosh arguing in your nonsensical style is much more fun than actually making any common sense. maybe I should do this more often.

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If you were a fan of the team you could actually look each player objectively, instead of subjectively crucifying some players who haven't been NEARLY as bad as your hero.

Any true fan of this team wouldnt rip on the greatest player to ever don the uniform. Over his career, Thomas has his 385 bombs with a .312 BA and 1303 RBIs. He has a career OBP of .431, SLG of .567 and OPS of .998. On average, he knocks out about 36 balls a year, with 111 runs and 121 RBIs. Oh yeah, hes only 20 hits away from the 2000 hit club...

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Any true fan of this team wouldnt rip on the greatest player to ever don the uniform. Over his career, Thomas has his 385 bombs with a .312 BA and 1303 RBIs. He has a career OBP of .431, SLG of .567 and OPS of .998. On average, he knocks out about 36 balls a year, with 111 runs and 121 RBIs. Oh yeah, hes only 20 hits away from the 2000 hit club...

LMAO! Yeah I guess I am not a fan of the TEAM, because this TEAM would have been better served by spending that $5mil plus on players who have put up better stats this year AND play the field. WHAT FRANK DID IN THE 90's ISN'T HELPING IN 2003! God with that logic we should go resign Joe Jackson and Louie Apparico because they used to be INCREDIBLE.


I must not be a fan of the team because I think Mark Buehrle is more important to this team in 2003 than Frank Thomas is.


Sorry son, you are a fan of Frank, not the Sox.

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Once again change the arguement to fit what you need.  First it is one start, then it is a couple starts, now it is ten years.  Fine.  That doesn't change the fact that Frank is a shadow of his former self.  His swing is COMPLETELY different than his MVP years.  You don't believe me, go back and look at the videos.  He can't hit an inside pitch and he can't hit a fastball.  If you don't believe me go back and watch tapes of this season. 


The guy also can't hit in the clutch anymore.  He is hitting .167 with RISP.  According to your 5.19 era type arguement that means Frank isn't a good player because he can't hit in clutch situations.  It is the same sample size (just this season) and RISP is exactly when a clutch hitter hits.  If ERA can tell who an ace is, RISP is a MUCH better indicater of how clutch a hitter is.  All 9 of his HR's are solo.  So that must mean he can't hit with runners on base.


LOL.  Gosh arguing in your nonsensical style is much more fun than actually making any common sense.  maybe I should do this more often.

Youre the one who started comparing years so I just decided if were gonna compare a few years we might as well compare all the years. And Mark is an average pitcher who wants to leave town while Frank is a future hall of famer who has been with us his entire career, which has been much longer than Mark's. Marks been here two years and he already wants out and Franks been here ten years and hasnt left or whined about how he wants to leave. Frank, altho this has nothing to do with baseball, is very much into charity. He gives us a good reputation. Exactly the kind of guy Id like to have on the team...

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LMAO!  Yeah I guess I am not a fan of the TEAM, because this TEAM would have been better served by spending that $5mil plus on players who have put up better stats this year AND play the field.  WHAT FRANK DID IN THE 90's ISN'T HELPING IN 2003!  God with that logic we should go resign Joe Jackson and Louie Apparico because they used to be INCREDIBLE. 


I must not be a fan of the team because I think Mark Buehrle is more important to this team in 2003 than Frank Thomas is.


Sorry son, you are a fan of Frank, not the Sox.

Im a fan of the Sox and of Frank. Just not the other inferior individuals on the Sox. But I am a little perturbed that the Sox have traded away my other two favorites, JB and Ray Ray. They were Franks friends too. Ya gotta give him some credit for not whining when an insensitive management traded away his two best friends. If I was Frank I woulda gotten pretty mad...

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He gives us a good reputation.

What have you been reading / watching the past several seasons?

There has been nothing but controversy surrounding Frank.

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But I am a little perturbed that the Sox have traded away my other two favorites, JB and Ray Ray. They were Franks friends too.

Yeah, we should have dumped MB and kept Baldwin here. He has done so well since leaving.

Maybe MB will become good buddies with Frank and you will love him then.

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