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Sharon suffers 'significant' stroke


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Power transferred to Israel's deputy prime minister

Wednesday, January 4, 2006; Posted: 4:44 p.m. EST (21:44 GMT)



JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Power has been transferred from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert after Sharon suffered a "significant stroke" Wednesday and was under anesthesia and on a respirator, officials said.


For the second time in less than three weeks, Sharon was taken to a Jerusalem hospital after suffering chest pain and weakness Wednesday night, a senior aide said.


"He felt slight pain to the chest and some weaknesses in the presence of his doctor and, upon his advice, the doctor said he should be taken to the hospital," said Ra'anan Gissin, Sharon's senior adviser.


Sharon was taken to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital from his home in the south of Israel, Gissin said.


He arrived there shortly before 11 p.m. (4 p.m. ET) in an ambulance and entered the hospital's trauma unit via the emergency room, said Ron Krumer, a hospital spokesman.


Israeli Channel 2 reported he was taken in on a stretcher.


Sharon's illness came after a full day of meetings, though he has trimmed his workload since December 18, when he suffered a minor stroke, Gissin told CNN.


Sharon, 77, is scheduled for an operation Thursday to repair a small hole in his heart. The hole was discovered during tests after Sharon suffered a minor stroke December 18.


Although Sharon had difficulty speaking during the stroke, neurological testing found that he recalled everything from the night of his admission, Lotem said.


Doctors said Monday that Sharon suffered no lasting brain damage. He was released from the hospital two days after the stroke and has resumed his work load.


The health scare has raised concerns about the leader's ability to work as he runs for a third term. The elections will be held at the end of March.


Many Israelis feel he is the Israeli official best able to carry forward peace negotiations with the Palestinians.


This year Sharon orchestrated Israel's historic pullout from Gaza in hopes of jump-starting the peace process.


He recently broke with the conservative Likud bloc he helped found -- which did not support his pullout from Gaza and parts of the West Bank -- and is running for re-election as head of the moderate, newly formed Kadima Party.


Nicknamed "The Bulldozer" for his stamina during meetings and long working hours, he had not been in ill health prior to the stroke. The popular veteran military and political figure is widowed and lives alone.


Doctors have ordered the overweight prime minister to go on diet. Sharon's doctors said earlier this week that he weighed 118 kilograms (260.2 pounds) at the time of the stroke, and had lost 3 kilos (6.6 pounds) since then.


Sharon's doctors said then that his blood pressure and cholesterol levels were normal, though he has an underactive thyroid gland -- common in overweight people.

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From Washington Post:


Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke Wednesday night and was rushed into surgery to relieve what doctors described as significant bleeding in his brain. Officials from Sharon's office said his condition was life-threatening, and religious leaders called on Israelis to pray for him.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 12:31 AM)
From Washington Post:


Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke Wednesday night and was rushed into surgery to relieve what doctors described as significant bleeding in his brain. Officials from Sharon's office said his condition was life-threatening, and religious leaders called on Israelis to pray for him.


I heard that one of the doctors described Sharon's condition as "grave".

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:23 PM)
I heard that one of the doctors described Sharon's condition as "grave".

Yeah I heard on the news that he may not make it through surgery, and his chances of surviving aren't good.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 07:17 AM)
They were saying this morning on WBBM AM that it was his left brain functions that were affected and he would very likely never return to politics.


I pray for him and his family, not to mention the Palestians and Israelis through this process. :pray

I just heard he's "Critical" now. It doesn't sound good. :pray

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Piece from my LAT this morning on the type of stroke he suffered...


Hemorrhagic strokes, characterized by bleeding in the brain, are less common than strokes caused by blood clots but are usually more lethal.


About 17% of strokes are caused by the rupture of a weakened blood vessel in the brain, and fewer than half of those suffering such strokes survive beyond one month, the American Heart Assn. says.


Many of those who do survive, moreover, suffer debilitating injuries, including such problems as speech impairment and paralysis.


"This is probably one of the most critical neurological conditions that we face," said Dr. David S. Liebeskind of the UCLA Stroke Center. "It's a very serious and, unfortunately, common disorder. We deal with this on a daily basis."


Damage to the brain in a hemorrhagic stroke, also known as a cerebral hemorrhage, occurs as blood escaping into the skull cavity increases pressure on brain cells, impairing their function and eventually killing them.


The outlook for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who suffered a hemorrhagic stroke Wednesday, is worsened by the fact that he is overweight and has been receiving blood thinners in the aftermath of a stroke he suffered in mid-December.


Blood thinners reduce the blood's ability to clot and naturally seal off any leakage that might occur in a vessel in the brain, making a bleeding episode worse than otherwise.


Sharon's chance of surviving the stroke is probably less than 20%, estimated Dr. Philip Stieg, chairman of the department of neurological surgery at Cornell University's Weill Medical College in New York City.


"It's extremely unlikely that he is going to come out of this being a walking, talking individual," Stieg said. "We're talking about a 77-year-old guy who's morbidly obese. The prognosis for him is extremely grim."


Physicians were uncertain if Sharon's stroke Wednesday was related to the one Dec. 18. Stieg noted that about 5% to 10% of clot-induced strokes are followed by a hemorrhagic stroke, in part because the original stroke kills some brain tissue and weakens nearby blood vessels.


The weakened vessel walls are then more vulnerable to rupture due to high blood pressure and other risk factors.


The chief priority in treating a hemorrhagic stroke is to drain off the excess blood to reduce pressure and to seal off the source of bleeding. The latter can be a very difficult — and sometimes impossible — task, depending on where the rupture is.


The normal way to achieve the sealing-off is through conventional surgery, but UCLA and some other institutions are investigating ways to place a catheter into the brain through an artery, both to drain off excess blood and to seal the wound.


Beyond that, Liebeskind said, treatment "is really just supportive care — making sure blood pressure is not high, making sure the patient is well hydrated and doesn't have a fever, which can worsen the outcome."

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 10:08 AM)
I just read that Sharon has been declared clinically dead.

Where did you hear that @? The Pope was declared dead by the 24 hour news networks at least 1 or 2 times in the week running up to his death, so could you give us a source?

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 12:10 PM)
Where did you hear that @?  The Pope was declared dead by the 24 hour news networks at least 1 or 2 times in the week running up to his death, so could you give us a source?


I've been half-ass listening to Fox News while posting here. I believe the rumors of Sharon's demise are, at this point, somewhat exaggerated.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 01:10 PM)
Where did you hear that @?  The Pope was declared dead by the 24 hour news networks at least 1 or 2 times in the week running up to his death, so could you give us a source?


Good old Al Jazerra is reporting it.



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The Rev. Pat Robertson said Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is being punished by God for dividing the Land of Israel. Robertson, speaking on the “700 Club” on Thursday, suggested Sharon, who is currently in an induced coma, and former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, assassinated by an Israeli extremist in 1995, were being treated with enmity by God for dividing Israel. “He was dividing God’s land,” Robertson said. “And I would say, Woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the E.U., the United Nations or the United States of America. God says, This land belongs to me. You better leave it alone.”

JTA News.

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Per CNN:


Bleeding in Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's brain has been stopped and scans show improvement Friday after a third round of surgery to treat a major stroke, a hospital official said.


The 77-year-old leader remained in critical condition, according to Dr. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, director general of Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital.


The third surgery lasted more than four hours. "The intracranial pressure was reduced," Mor-Yosef said. "Some of the clots were drained from the previous operation. At the conclusion of the operation there was no active hemorrhaging and the intracranial hemorrhaging has been eliminated and the pressure has gone back to normal." (Watch as doctors fight to save Sharon 1:58)


A brain scan following the procedure showed "significant improvement in the appearance of the scan as interpreted by the neurologists and experts in neurosurgery and imaging," he said.


After being hospitalized for the stroke on Wednesday night, Sharon has been in a medically induced coma, breathing with the aid of a respirator.


Although doctors are saying that it would pretty much near impossible for him to keep up a public role like he has if he even recovers.

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