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You know what I hate?


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I hate the sweeping acceptance of the gay lifestyle. Science proves the existence of genetic mutations that may enhance individual tendencies toward homosexual behavior, but no explaination is giving on WHY those mutations happen. So it can be choice OR genes.



I'll sit back and see how this one pans out. Alls fair in the Filibuster, right?









(me thinks not)

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I see that this forum is going to become a cesspool of crap now. No offense, PA... but why start a thread specifically just to start crap?


As has been stated in a couple of other threads, we'll have to figure out how we want the events of the last two days to shape this forum. Until then, let's at least not bait people.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:24 AM)
I see that this forum is going to become a cesspool of crap now.  No offense, PA... but why start a thread specifically just to start crap?


As has been stated in a couple of other threads, we'll have to figure out how we want the events of the last two days to shape this forum.  Until then, let's at least not bait people.


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You know what I hate? They say "Quarter-Pounder", but that's the weight pre-cooked. If you are advertising 4 ounces of burger, then that's what I expect, not whatever's left once you're done screwing around with it. And nobody speaks up about it either, they just let it go on. The American public needs to wake up!

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QUOTE(Spiff @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:45 AM)
You know what I hate?  They say "Quarter-Pounder", but that's the weight pre-cooked.  If you are advertising 4 ounces of burger, then that's what I expect, not whatever's left once you're done screwing around with it.  And nobody speaks up about it either, they just let it go on.  The American public needs to wake up!

I just order a double.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 10:53 AM)
I just order a double.


That doesn't solve anything; you're paying for 8 and only getting what, 7 1/2 tops?!


As a side, has anyone else noticed that a cheeseburger costs 99 cents at McDonalds but a double costs a dollar? The logic of this operation is far beyond my comprehension.

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QUOTE(Spiff @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 03:59 PM)
That doesn't solve anything; you're paying for 8 and only getting what, 7 1/2 tops?!


As a side, has anyone else noticed that a cheeseburger costs 99 cents at McDonalds but a double costs a dollar?  The logic of this operation is far beyond my comprehension.



Spiff, you're the greatest.

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This new message board is a great parallel to actual politics in America. Lots of mud-slinging and name calling while absolutely nothing get solved and real issues are seldom thoughtfully discussed. Bravo to you all :banghead :D

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:22 AM)
I hate the sweeping acceptance of the gay lifestyle. Science proves the existence of genetic mutations that may enhance individual tendencies toward homosexual behavior, but no explaination is giving on WHY those mutations happen. So it can be choice OR genes.

I'll sit back and see how this one pans out. Alls fair in the Filibuster, right?

(me thinks not)

Being from a psych background, I have absolutley NO belief in genes causing homosexuality.


With that said, is the acceptance of being "gay" causing more people to explore or change to that lifestyle because they are looking for somewhere to be accepted, or are they just feeling more comfortable actually admitting they truly are "gay". Just like how many licks it takes for a tootsie pop, the world may never know.

Edited by RockRaines
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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 10:44 AM)
Being from a psych background, I have absolutley NO belief in genes causing homosexuality.


With that said, is the acceptance of being "gay" causing more people to explore or change to that lifestyle because they are looking for somewhere to be accepted, or are they just feeling more comfortable actually admitting they truly are "gay".  Just like how many licks it takes for a tootsie pop, the world may never know.


Here's something interesting to toss around.


If a gay couple adopts a baby boy. Will he grow up to be gay, because of the acceptance of it? Can two gay guys raise a heterosexual boy?


See I think it has to do with genes. When that kid hits 11 or 12 he is gonna see some girl and be like whoa!! It doesn't matter that his dads are gay...I think his body will tell him what he likes to see and what he doesn't.



edit: BTW, I was trying to take this away from a s*** starting thread, into a legitimate discussion.

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:57 AM)
Here's something interesting to toss around.


If a gay couple adopts a baby boy.  Will he grow up to be gay, because of the acceptance of it?  Can two gay guys raise a heterosexual boy? 


See I think it has to do with genes.  When that kid hits 11 or 12 he is gonna see some girl and be like whoa!!  It doesn't matter that his dads are gay...I think his body will tell him what he likes to see and what he doesn't.

edit: BTW, I was trying to take this away from a s*** starting thread, into a legitimate discussion.


From what little I've seen, it seems women tend to gravitate more towards homosexuality consciously (much of it has to do with bad previous relationships with men). The gay men I've known, however, seemed to have always been gay. However, I also know of exceptions in both cases.


In my (relatively) uninformed opinion, it seems to be a mix of conscious decision-making and genetics. Whatever the underlying causes, it's certainly an interesting subject.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 11:57 AM)
Here's something interesting to toss around.


If a gay couple adopts a baby boy.  Will he grow up to be gay, because of the acceptance of it?  Can two gay guys raise a heterosexual boy? 


See I think it has to do with genes.  When that kid hits 11 or 12 he is gonna see some girl and be like whoa!!  It doesn't matter that his dads are gay...I think his body will tell him what he likes to see and what he doesn't.

edit: BTW, I was trying to take this away from a s*** starting thread, into a legitimate discussion.


Here's a true story: A neighbor of mine from when I was growing up, Mom is the devoutest(is that a word?) catholic I have ever known, dad is also religious but not quite as fervent. They had 8 kids, one of which came out of the closet about 2 years ago. We grew up on the south side, and this guy now lives on the north side and won't ever show his face down south again, for obvious reasons. He tried dating girls for years, and it just didn't take, and he was never molested or raped in his life-- he had a pretty average south side catholic upbringing. Two points:

1) if you don't think homosexuality is genetically based/influenced/directly caused, you're ignorant and you only believe what you want to believe.


2) regardless of what "made" him gay, is the fact that he likes to suck dick(on his own time, in his own home, etc) worth treating him like s*** to the point that 1)His family has mainly disowned him, 2)he's afraid to appear in the neighborhood he grew up in for fear of ridicule or worse, 3)most of his childhood friends ditched him? If your answer is yes, then you suck and can go to hell.

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QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 11:25 AM)
Here's a true story:  A neighbor of mine from when I was growing up, Mom is the devoutest(is that a word?) catholic I have ever known, dad is also religious but not quite as fervent.  They had 8 kids, one of which came out of the closet about 2 years ago.  We grew up on the south side, and this guy now lives on the north side and won't ever show his face down south again, for obvious reasons.  He tried dating girls for years, and it just didn't take, and he was never molested or raped in his life-- he had a pretty average south side catholic upbringing.  Two points:

1) if you don't think homosexuality is genetically based/influenced/directly caused, you're ignorant and you only believe what you want to believe.


2) regardless of what "made" him gay, is the fact that he likes to suck dick(on his own time, in his own home, etc) worth treating him like s*** to the point that 1)His family has mainly disowned him, 2)he's afraid to appear in the neighborhood he grew up in for fear of ridicule or worse, 3)most of his childhood friends ditched him?  If your answer is yes, then you suck and can go to hell.


Did someone piss in your Cheerios this morning?

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No offense, PA... but why start a thread specifically just to start crap?


definitely wasn't "just to start crap" but invite discussion. Nothing I said was inflamatory like others had posted. I do understand that my post is perceived as looking for trouble, but the difference seems to be that in this thread actual productive debate has occured.


I think a double cheeseburger tastes different than the single cheeseburger for some reason. I don't know why.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 08:57 AM)
Here's something interesting to toss around.


If a gay couple adopts a baby boy.  Will he grow up to be gay, because of the acceptance of it?  Can two gay guys raise a heterosexual boy? 


See I think it has to do with genes.  When that kid hits 11 or 12 he is gonna see some girl and be like whoa!!  It doesn't matter that his dads are gay...I think his body will tell him what he likes to see and what he doesn't.

edit: BTW, I was trying to take this away from a s*** starting thread, into a legitimate discussion.

I'm not awake enough to do more than a cursory google search for the actual studies, and it's a bit of a bear to wade through all the crap put out by places like AFA, but I think the general consensus about homosexual parenting, as it stands now, is that homosexual parents are in most cases just as likely to give a child a good home as heterosexual ones.


Given that in all cases they have to go through the adoption process, which weeds out many of the unfit parents we so often swear at over in SLaP, the ones who wind up with children often actually put them in better conditions than the average couple who just has a child regardless of whether or not they're in a position to take care of one.


In terms of whether or not the child will be homosexual, I believe (couldn't find the exact studies on this so I'm just working from memory) that there may be some slight increase in the percentage of children raised by homosexual parents who turn out to be homosexual when compared to the population as a whole, but the difference is not huge, and may very well also be related to the fact that many heterosexual families would be totally intolerant of their children being homosexual, while homosexual families would find such intolerance of homosexuality impossible.


One decent summary can be found here.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:28 AM)
I think a double cheeseburger tastes different than the single cheeseburger for some reason. I don't know why.

The ratio of beef to bread is vastly increased in a double cheeseburger. Ditto the ratio of grease to bread.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 12:27 PM)
Did someone piss in your Cheerios this morning?


In a manner of speaking, yes. I have a roof leak holding up my bathroom remodeling project, some roofers tell me the whole roof needs to be replaced, I've been living in the same house with a girl I'm no longer dating for over 2 months now, her best friend's husband dropped dead on Friday, and I'm sleeping with a 25 year old who keeps me out until 5:00 am, which my 30 year old body can't handle as well as it used to.


Made my bed, lying in it, and having all sorts of nightmares :)

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Two points:

1) if you don't think homosexuality is genetically based/influenced/directly caused, you're ignorant and you only believe what you want to believe.


I think there's more than one option. It doesn't have to be either or. People join death cults because they're looking for somewhere to fit in. People end up in Psycho wards because their chemicals are messed up.


2) regardless of what "made" him gay, is the fact that he likes to suck dick(on his own time, in his own home, etc) worth treating him like s*** to the point that 1)His family has mainly disowned him, 2)he's afraid to appear in the neighborhood he grew up in for fear of ridicule or worse, 3)most of his childhood friends ditched him?  If your answer is yes, then you suck and can go to hell.


I agree. We all need to be respected. Black, White, Republican, Democrat, Homosexual (there's no such thing as being gay unless you've got a smile on your face), Straight, Married, Unmarried, Christian, or Agnostic.


that's not the case in almost all of those examples. No one respects each other in this world. That's the bottom line. There's tolerance, but not respect.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 10:57 AM)
Here's something interesting to toss around.


If a gay couple adopts a baby boy.  Will he grow up to be gay, because of the acceptance of it?  Can two gay guys raise a heterosexual boy? 


See I think it has to do with genes.  When that kid hits 11 or 12 he is gonna see some girl and be like whoa!!  It doesn't matter that his dads are gay...I think his body will tell him what he likes to see and what he doesn't.

edit: BTW, I was trying to take this away from a s*** starting thread, into a legitimate discussion.

Sure, its possible. just like in any child/parent relationship, the upbringing COULD play a role in their sexual preference. If the child was somewhat neglected or seldom loved, maybe finding a common ground (sexuaity) to relate and feel closer to their parents could be a way to go for the child. Of course, they could feel so comfortable and open with homosexuality, that they could grow up knowing it exists, but also knowing that they are not gay. We are animals at the root of our being, and our existence IS based on mating with the opposite sex.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 11:37 AM)
I think there's more than one option. It doesn't have to be either or.  People join death cults because they're looking for somewhere to fit in. People end up in Psycho wards because their chemicals are messed up.

I agree. We all need to be respected. Black, White, Republican, Democrat, Homosexual (there's no such thing as being gay unless you've got a smile on your face), Straight, Married, Unmarried, Christian, or Agnostic.


that's not the case in almost all of those examples. No one respects each other in this world. That's the bottom line. There's tolerance, but not respect.

Great points PA.

Trenchcoat mafia kids were looking for acceptance within a similar but oppressed peer group. But at the same time, some kids are so chemically imbalanced that they are equally as insane. Its almost impossible to tell the difference from the surface.


On your second point. Even though I dont believe in being "gay" without choice, I still have good friends who are gay, and I do not treat them with disrespect, nor do I discriminate against other memebers of the group. There are people who are gay that are good people, and there are bad people that are straight. Your sexuality has nothing to do with why people should respect you IMO.

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but I think the general consensus about homosexual parenting, as it stands now, is that homosexual parents are in most cases just as likely to give a child a good home as heterosexual ones.


An adolescent female is not going to learn to be as nurturing as if there is no mother present.


General consensus is that the BEST situation for a child to be raised is in a loving and nurturing heterosexual male/female relationship.


That being said, I think a child should have parents over NOT having parents. and also good homosexual parents over BAD heterosexual parents. that's my heirarchy.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 12:40 PM)
Great points PA.

Trenchcoat mafia kids were looking for acceptance within a similar but oppressed peer group.  But at the same time, some kids are so chemically imbalanced that they are equally as insane.  Its almost impossible to tell the difference from the surface.


On your second point.  Even though I dont believe in being "gay" without choice, I still have good friends who are gay, and I do not treat them with disrespect, nor do I discriminate against other memebers of the group.  There are people who are gay that are good people, and there are bad people that are straight.  Your sexuality has nothing to do with why people should respect you IMO.


The "Choice", as you put it, comes in when the homosexual person has to decide if he/she is going to actually live that life. The drama teacher in my high school was married for 25 years and had two kids before he came out of the closet.


Was he always homosexual? Yes. Did he choose to live that life? Not for a very long time. Personally, I believe that it is genetic in some way.

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 11:55 AM)
The "Choice", as you put it, comes in when the homosexual person has to decide if he/she is going to actually live that life.  The drama teacher in my high school was married for 25 years and had two kids before he came out of the closet.


Was he always homosexual?  Yes.  Did he choose to live that life?  Not for a very long time.  Personally, I believe that it is genetic in some way.

Thats where we will disagree. We can debate it all night long, go into nature vs nurture, cite sources, etc. But I think its better left to agreeing to disagree.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:50 AM)
General consensus is that the BEST situation for a child to be raised is in a loving and nurturing heterosexual male/female relationship.

Actually, at least based on the info of the APA, I'm not sure that's true...there is some data saying that many homosexual couples are just as fit to be parents as hetersoexual couples, and that their children are just as fit emotionally as children of heterosexual couples.

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