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Robertson: Sharon Stroke God's Retribution


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If Sharon suddenly pulls thru and makes a complete recovery, would that also be an act of God? That would mean that Robertson would be p3ownd by God, or whatever that stupid word is. I wonder if he would admit that on his show? Hmmmm.

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I normally stay out of the political forum, but Robertson pissed me off royally when he said this crap about Sharon. So here are my thoughts.


Robertson needs his ass kicked. Not the type of physical violence than you or I could infllict. I would never condone that. You see, when people put words in God's mouth to make money or manipulated God's word, God has a way of seriously kicking their ass. Look at Jim Baker. Telling the world that we can not get into heaven without his personal seal of approval while he is nailing Jessica Hahn, buying property, and building mansions. Now Baker only can have people not listen to him in prison. David Koresh might still be burning. You don't put words in God's mouth. Big mistake Robertson. When the lights are shut off tonight Pat, and you really do hear a voice, it may be somebody collecting on your taxes. ... or maybe not.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 11:13 PM)
I was listening to the radio news and they said President Bush just teed off on Robertson saying stuff to the effect of "his comments were totally inappropriate and have no place in this dialouge."




“Those comments are wholly inappropriate and offensive and really don’t have a place in this or any other debate,” presidential spokesman Trent Duffy said as President Bush traveled to Chicago for a speech.


I bet there's a juicier quote from Bush somewhere.

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In regards to Robertson's comments, what a douche. I wonder what judgement he will pass on a family member when they go through what Sharon has. I pray for Sharon's kids as they will need strength in the upcoming days/months/years.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 11:13 PM)
I was listening to the radio news and they said President Bush just teed off on Robertson saying stuff to the effect of "his comments were totally inappropriate and have no place in this dialouge."



Behind the scenes, Bush said, "Oh s***, Robertson is refusing to take his meds again. Next he will be seeing a 50 foot Jesus in Tulsa, Oklahoma."

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I was listening to the radio news and they said President Bush just teed off on Robertson saying stuff to the effect of "his comments were totally inappropriate and have no place in this dialouge."

Doesn't George Jr. claim that he talks to G-d too?



Edited by Steve Bartman's my idol
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