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N.O. Lower 9th Ward


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My patience with these people is totally gone. Homes are clear off their foundation and laying in the middle of the street or covered from floor to ceiling with mold and crud and filth or both and these f***ing idiots are suing to stop the city from demolishing them calling it a "conspiracy".


f***ing stupid people. You know why you're not getting any insurance? Because you stupid assholes are holding things up with your lawsuits to save homes that will never be habitable ever again!!!!!


I no longer give 2 s***s about the people who live there and I no longer care that they lost everything. Im sick of hearing about conspiracy's, blown up levees and the white man keeping black people down. The white man doesn't have to do anything to keep certain black people down. They do a good enough job of that themselves. Idiots!

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 03:42 PM)
And I'll bet that if one of the homes collapsed and killed its residents, one of the demagogue "community activists" would immediately file a lawsuit against the city. "White folk owe us!"  :rolly



You jest..........watch it happen.


Is it just me or is there a segment of American society that seems to enjoy being pieces of s*** then whining about how horrible they have it at every opportunity?

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For those of you who are not aware, North Dakota and southwestern Montana got hit with their first blizzard of the season a month ago.


This text is from a County Emergency Manager out in the western part of North Dakota after the storm. Amusing, if it were not so true........


WEATHER BULLETIN: Up here in the Northern Plains we just recovered from an Historic event --- May I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions"? --- With a historic blizzard of up to 24" inches of snow and winds to 50 MPH that broke trees in half, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed all roads, isolated scores of communities, and cut power to tens of thousands.

President George Bush did not come.

President George Bush was not expected to come...

President George Bush did not cause the storm...

Global warming did not cause the storm...

FEMA staged nothing...

No one howled for the government to do something...

No one even uttered an expletive on TV...

Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards...

No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House...

No one looted...

Phil Cantori of the Weather Channel did not come...

And Geraldo Rivera did not move in to be on camera.

Nope, we just melted snow for water, sent out caravans to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars and trucks, checked on our neighbors, fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Aladdin lamps, and put on an extra layer of clothes because up here it is take care of yourself and others and work or die.

We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trade votes for 'sit at home' checks. Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this early, we know it can happen and we know how to deal with it ourselves.

"In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 45.25 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate."

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 02:48 PM)
Is it just me or is there a segment of American society that seems to enjoy being pieces of s*** then whining about how horrible they have it at every opportunity?


I think it's fair to say that there's a certain segment of American society that doesn't want to take any resonsibility for their actions and expects the government to give them things that they've neither earned nor deserve.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 03:29 PM)


My patience with these people is totally gone.  Homes are clear off their foundation and laying in the middle of the street or covered from floor to ceiling with mold and crud and filth or both and these f***ing idiots are suing to stop the city from demolishing them calling it a "conspiracy". 


f***ing stupid people.  You know why you're not getting any insurance?  Because you stupid assholes are holding things up with your lawsuits to save homes that will never be habitable ever again!!!!!


I no longer give 2 s***s about the people who live there and I no longer care that they lost everything.  Im sick of hearing about conspiracy's, blown up levees and the white man keeping black people down.  The white man doesn't have to do anything to keep certain black people down.  They do a good enough job of that themselves.  Idiots!


:notworthy :notworthy



White deaths in the 9th ward exceeded black deaths.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 10:03 AM)
Anybody correct me if I am wrong but if some residents are still paying for their homes (i.e. had a mortgage or whatever before Katrina), would they still have to pay if the house was razed?

That is one of the huge issues facing these people. I think you're right. Since FLOODING is what destroyed these homes, and not the hurricane itself, I think most folks did not have flood insurance, although it was one of the most flood prone areas of the country.


Nonetheless, a nice bulldozer is what this area has needed for years. New Orleans is nothing less then a cesspool of crap anyway... it's better off moved. Having said that, if I lived all my life there and that's all I knew, it would be a very very difficult thing to face.

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So what do you do for the least of New Orleansians? Let's say someone's got a low wage, low skill job making in the 7-8 dollar an hour range in the New Orleans area and is renting.


Chances are the person is just barely making enough to get by as it is, and may be in such a low income bracket that these flood prone houses or apartments are his only affordable spot he can find. How do we make sure these folks are taken care of? That's my concern.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 02:43 PM)
So what do you do for the least of New Orleansians? Let's say someone's got a low wage, low skill job making in the 7-8 dollar an hour range in the New Orleans area and is renting.


Chances are the person is just barely making enough to get by as it is, and may be in such a low income bracket that these flood prone houses or apartments are his only affordable spot he can find. How do we make sure these folks are taken care of? That's my concern.

Why do 'we' have to take care of them? The government shouldn't be a soup kitchen or a landlord. It is charged with protecting its citizens, but I don't nkow where it says it has to provide me a home and 3 squares a day. You want to help? Fine, go help, donate money, time etc. Millions of churches, groups and people, including me, have. That's where charity should end.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 02:43 PM)
So what do you do for the least of New Orleansians? Let's say someone's got a low wage, low skill job making in the 7-8 dollar an hour range in the New Orleans area and is renting.


Chances are the person is just barely making enough to get by as it is, and may be in such a low income bracket that these flood prone houses or apartments are his only affordable spot he can find. How do we make sure these folks are taken care of? That's my concern.

My beef is all these people screaming and b****ing HELP ME and then when they are helped, they scream louder about how it's not enough.


We had a family move in RIGHT next door to us. They're "Katrina folks". They're nice people (from what I can tell because I haven't spent hours talking to them or anything)... but they came here, started fresh, got new jobs, and are taking care of themselves the best way they know how. People like that, I would help as much as I possibly could because THEY are taking it up with themselves to make something out of a bad situation. To me, that's totally different then most of the people we see on the news screaming bloody murder that nothing's being done. In this world, you have to help yourself, too, instead of b****ing about your circumstances and asking for a handout everytime Uncle Sam takes a s***.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 11:04 AM)
Why do 'we' have to take care of them?  The government shouldn't be a soup kitchen or a landlord.  It is charged with protecting its citizens, but I don't nkow where it says it has to provide me a home and 3 squares a day. You want to help?  Fine, go help, donate money, time etc.  Millions of churches, groups and people, including me, have.  That's where charity should end.


Where did i say Government?

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 12:20 AM)
Amazing how much racism and hatred there is among fellow soxtalkers.


How is stating a fact racism? And if that statement is racist, then all the news channels that reported the opposite to be true must be racists. Right.




Get a clue.

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 11:41 AM)
How is stating a fact racism? And if that statement is racist, then all the news channels that reported the opposite to be true must be racists. Right.

Get a clue.


Which fact are you referring to? I was just commenting on how obvious that there are people on this site with silver spoons in their mouths who show their true colors. I was raised Catholic and was taught that Jesus helped those less fortunate. He didn't whine that they should stop asking for handouts. But then again, Jesus would be considered a lefty extremist with his views if he were around today.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 05:09 PM)
Which fact are you referring to?  I was just commenting on how obvious that there are people on this site with silver spoons in their mouths who show their true colors.  I was raised Catholic and was taught that Jesus helped those less fortunate.  He didn't whine that they should stop asking for handouts.  But then again, Jesus would be considered a lefty extremist with his views if he were around today.

:lolhitting :lolhitting


First of all, you have no right to judge ANYONE on here about what's typed on this screen. Second of all, God gave us a brain and the ability to help ourselves as well. Yes, we are supposed to help ... but we also need to help ourselves and not become DEPENDANT on handouts. I do my share to help those that are less fortunate, and you have no right to judge me because I'm saying that those people that are in N.O. need to try and help themselves instead of complaining that givernment handouts are not enough.

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What happened to the Republican's moral values?? I guess helping those less fortunate who have lost everything in the nation's worst natural disaster is not as important as gay bashing and some of the other moral values the party preached. What a f***ing joke.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 11:09 AM)
Which fact are you referring to?  I was just commenting on how obvious that there are people on this site with silver spoons in their mouths who show their true colors.  I was raised Catholic and was taught that Jesus helped those less fortunate.  He didn't whine that they should stop asking for handouts.  But then again, Jesus would be considered a lefty extremist with his views if he were around today.


I get sick and tired of self richeous liberals tossing round the comment about the privileged when they talk about people with views on the right. Your statement is ignorant. My family came over here with nothing. I am sure we could of put our hands out. Hell with what we had we could of got free housing, food, and a check. But then again my father had pride and worked his ass off. Sorry if I believe that people should work for a living, but what the hell what would I know. I just base this off watching my father and how he sacrificed his life for our family, working 2 or more jobs, not seeing his family so he could provide for them. Making sure that we got a good education so we could better ourselves off. But then again, maybe my right wing views are just about being a sliver spooned fool.


One piece of advise that I could give anyone who is living in poverty. Look to your children. If you can make sure that they get the education, that they get the message, that you teach them pride about being themselves. This is how you break this chain. Maybe they should look to the immigrants and how they come over here, and in one or two generations their children and their childrens children are educated, and have a leg up. In this country we preach self love and laziness. Why should I work for it when its given to me. Instead of sacrificing for the next generation, people play victim and teach their children that they are a victim instead of I am a human being and I deserve more than this. And before you paint this to be a race issue, I have numerous numerous african american co workers and friends who's parents who have done the same exact thing that my father did, and guess what they are working in business making good money and have the life their parents had hoped for them. Its about sacrifice and preaching good moral values, and preaching a plan for the future. But then again, in our selfish society why should we worry about our childrens future when I dont have a big screen tv or I dont have a lexus.

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You know what I love is that people seem to think its either broke off your ass or owning a Lexus. There is a middle ground.


But then again, nobody here - not even the so called moderates on that board seem to understand that.


Or they're so infected by the polemic that they claim to hate that they refuse to see anything in other than an us/them light.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 12:26 PM)
You know what I love is that people seem to think its either broke off your ass or owning a Lexus. There is a middle ground.


But then again, nobody here - not even the so called moderates on that board seem to understand that.


Or they're so infected by the polemic that they claim to hate that they refuse to see anything in other than an us/them light.



There is a middle ground. But it takes time to get there. The problem with it is, is that people see others with luxury, and dont want to work for it. Because instead of striving to say, I wish I could be middle class, they want to strive to be rich. You have to work towards attainable goals. And when some of these goals stretch across a generation or two, then its real hard to have that type of sacrifice.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 11:09 AM)
Which fact are you referring to?  I was just commenting on how obvious that there are people on this site with silver spoons in their mouths who show their true colors.  I was raised Catholic and was taught that Jesus helped those less fortunate.  He didn't whine that they should stop asking for handouts.  But then again, Jesus would be considered a lefty extremist with his views if he were around today.



Silver spoons in our mouths?! Way to go generalizing all the conservatives here as spoiled little rich kids.




Fact is that there is no helping these people. As I said in my original post the homes these people are trying to save are completely uninhabitable yet when the government tries to demolish them so that people can rebuild they yell conspiracy! racists! Bush doesn't care about us! All the while they're probably taking their free money from FEMA and spending it on bling bling or some other foolishness.


In other districts, where the IQ level is higher and the stupid conspiracy theories are non-existant, people are chomping at the bit to get their ruined homes torn down, literally mobbing government offices with requests for demolition. I wonder why that is? Maybe because they are more interested in moving on with their lives and getting back on their feet than whining and trying to attain permanent victim status.


I say if the people of the lower 9th ward dont want their homes torn down then fine. Truck in some breathing masks and let the morons move back into their moldy, cruddy, filthy homes that are out by the curb. Maybe after they all start getting sick they'll realize that they were wrong.......oh no, how silly of me, they'll just say Bush doesn't care about them and America is racist.


You just watch. In a year or so most of the area will be rebuilt and thriving once again while the Lower 9th and like-minded areas will still be a ruined cesspool. Then the brainless idiots who live there will start whining that the government rebuilt the white areas while neglecting them. They, of course, will forget the fact that they themselves hindered the rebuilding process with their stupid lawsuits.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 02:04 PM)
All the while they're probably taking their free money from FEMA and spending it on bling bling or some other foolishness. 


And I am questioned for calling some people on this board as racist. Unreal.


So since you're Polish I guess you don't spend your money on deodorant.

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