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What I did this weekend


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Left home about 6 pm Friday with part of my Boy Scout Venturing Crew. We had three guys, 16, 17, and 20, a young lady 16, and our Crew Advisor who lurks here, so I will not reveal her age, but she watched the last White Sox World Series and could have been watching the one before that. :D


We arrived at Colorado River Bend State Park around 1 am in freezing temps. When we left home we were wearing shorts and it was about 80 degrees. What a difference 300+ miles makes. We cowboy'd up, grabbed our packs and hikes about 1 mile into a remote campsite. Grab a few hours of cold sleep before hiking back out and getting ready for a crawling cave exploration.


While I chased around for some supplies we'd forgotten, the rest of the crew wriggled, squeezed, twisted, crawled, and slithered through a wild cave in the park. This was a physical and mental challenge as they went quite a ways underground without too many opportunities to stand.


When they emerged a few hours later, we returned to camp and made a great beef stew and most of the crew grabbed a couple hours sleep at the trailhead. We finally hiked back in close to dark and sat around telling stories and taking an inventory of sore and tired muscles. Later we fixed some sandwhiches, soup, hot chocolate, and were asleep very early.


At day break the advisor and I packed up and hiked back while the kids slept a couple extra hours. That gave us time to explore some springs and water falls in another section of the camp. The views were wonderful. I really wanted to continue on the trail, but wasn't prepared for a longer stay, and we needed to get back and see if the crew made the trailhead and had breakfast finished. They did, and after packing and changing we hit the road for home.


We decided a side trip to the new Cabelas store near Austin was a good thing and pulled into the parking lot with about 4,000 other cars and a sea of burnt orange. Seems that a certain Rose Bowl Trophy was on display. The UT fight song could be heard a 1/4 mile away. The Jeep with the longhorns was outside for photos and there was a long line to view the Trophy and have a picture taken.


Dinner was at Cracker Barrel and we finally returned back home around 10:30 pm.


Watching these kids overcome some natural fears, watching them display excellent outdoor skills in setting up a backcountry camp in the middle of the night, and showing so much confidence in anything that was thrown at them really makes a Scout leader proud.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 07:24 AM)
I didn't do anything, I was sick most of the weekend.

Stayed in and wasted time on the Internet.

Did some laundry, dishes, and tried not to breathe on the kid.

Sounds like your weekend was a LITTLE better than mine.


I went from not wanting anything to do with that cave to really wanting to do it but had already committed to some logistics stuff. I was bummed that afternoon.

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On the way home from work on Friday evening I was sitting 2nd in line at a stoplight. The S-10 in front of me started rolling back. I honked. Honked again, but it was too late. She hit me. Probably not hard enough to do any damage, but I guess we'll have to pull over to find out. We make the turn together and she passes up the entrance to Walgreens and drives right by the next turn off. I flash my brights to her and she sticks her arm out of the window and flips me off!


It's on now! I call 911 and tell the lady what happened. I'm hot on the "Perp's" trail and we're heading into a different town now. We get into the next town and get ready to turn south. There's two cops waiting for her! Hell yeah! We both pull over into a gas station and before I know it there are 4 squad cars in the lot with us. As I'm getting my drivers license, etc for one officer, another is talking with the lady. Next thing I know she's sitting in the back of a squad car. I thought that strange until "my cop" told me, "It looks like she's been drinking, so we're going to hang on to her." Whoa!


Now the kicker: She had a 2 1/2 year old in the front seat with her. She was Grandma.


A) small child in front seat - :headshake

B-) drinking and driving - :headshake

C) d & d with small child - :headshake

D) Hit & run with small child - :headshake

E) flipping someone off in front of small child - :headshake



The only damage to my Blazer was a cracked front license plate holder and my Sox plate in it had the corner chipped off. This chick's in a world of hurt now because she wouldn't pull over to let me see if there was any damage. At first I felt bad getting her in trouble for "Hit and run" when I figured there was little or no damage, but after finding out she was drinking and driving with a little one I felt good about what I did.

Edited by mreye
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QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 08:04 AM)
On the way home from work on Friday evening I was sitting 2nd in line at a stoplight. The S-10 in front of me started rolling back. I honked. Honked again, but it was too late. She hit me. Probably not hard enough to do any damage, but I guess we'll have to pull over to find out. We make the turn together and she passes up the entrance to Walgreens and drives right by the next turn off. I flash my brights to her and she sticks her arm out of the window and flips me off!


It's on now! I call 911 and tell the lady what happened. I'm hot on the "Perp's" trail and we're heading into a different town now. We get into the next town and get ready to turn south. There's two cops waiting for her! Hell yeah! We both pull over into a gas station and before I know it there are 4 squad cars in the lot with us. As I'm getting my drivers license, etc for one officer, another is talking with the lady. Next thing I know she's sitting in the back of a squad car. I thought that strange until "my cop" told me, "It looks like she's been drinking, so we're going to hang on to her." Whoa!


Now the kicker: She had a 2 1/2 year old in the front seat with her. She was Grandma.


A) small child in front seat -  :headshake

B) drinking and driving -  :headshake

C) d & d with small child -  :headshake

D) Hit & run with small child -  :headshake

E) flipping someone off in front of small child -  :headshake

The only damage to my Blazer was a cracked front license plate holder and my Sox plate in it had the corner chipped off. This chick's in a world of hurt now because she wouldn't pull over to let me see if there was any damage. At first I felt bad getting her in trouble for "Hit and run" when I figured there was little or no damage, but after finding out she was drinking and driving with a little one I felt good about what I did.


:headbang It probably saved her, maybe not that day, but later in life.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 08:06 AM)
:headbang It probably saved her, maybe not that day, but later in life.

That's how I felt too. Especially the little girl. That hit close to home, having two little girls myself.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 09:25 AM)
After how much prodding?


Seriously, congrats!  :cheers



it was funny, I felt like we were bartering over sheep.


Me: so I think 15 months is doable as a engagement time.

Him: well, it was tough for me to get through 9 months...how about sometime this summer?

Me: Well, I think we can do it. A year and a half works for us.

Him: I can see that, why not try 12 months?

Me: Well, what's the difference? 12 or 15? so I think 15 will work.

Him: well ok, just tell me a few days before you ask. Congrats.



:lol: I guess I win.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 09:32 AM)
it was funny, I felt like we were bartering over sheep.


Me: so I think 15 months is doable as a engagement time.

Him: well, it was tough for me to get through 9 months...how about sometime this summer?

Me: Well, I think we can do it.  A year and a half works for us.

Him: I can see that, why not try 12 months?

Me: Well, what's the difference? 12 or 15? so I think 15 will work.

Him: well ok, just tell me a few days before you ask. Congrats.

:lol: I guess I win.


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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 09:47 AM)


Don't feel a second of guilt, you might have just saved that kids life.

Oh, I don't. That's exactly what I told my buddy. He said, "That's a good way to start the weekend."

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Went out to dinner on Friday, got home and proceeded to have my daughter kick my wifes and my butt at Disney Scene It.


Went out shopping with the family on Saturday, looking for presents for my sons upcoming birthday (this Friday...the...13th...).


Ate at Famous Dave's for lunch. God bless BBQ.


Went home that night and the wife and I watched Wedding Crashers.


Got up Sunday, did a little household work, got some more of my old bands demos loaded to my Multiply site (see link below) and then proceeded to work on material I am writing for my sister-in-laws upcoming wedding. I'm writing a song for during the ceremony (to be sung by her grandma) and then I am playing during the dinner. That and I am also standing-up in the wedding. Should be a busy day I think.


My wife also booked tickets and hotel for a trip to Vegas this summer. My first time going.


Then I walked on the treadmill (Tex ain't the only one doing massive hiking...) and then I went to bed. Exciting life I lead...I know.


Critic, are you ever NOT sick???

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Sunday, 9.30 am. Blowing a gale, horizontal sleet, freezing cold. Waiting for my Under 15's edurance running group to turn up. 12 showed. After dragging them through 5 miles of mud, hills and cow crap two of them actually say thanks!

Who said the kids of today are lazy?

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 12:04 PM)
Critic, are you ever NOT sick???

Thanks for noticing!


Not lately, I'm not "never not sick". How many negatives are in THAT sentence? :lol:

I used to NEVER get sick. Seriously, I could shovel snow in a t-shirt and sweats and never get sick. Now I'm f***in' sick from October to May.

It blows ass.

I had to cancel my "late Christmas" with my cousin cuz I just couldn't put it together to drive to Mokena. So now we're not going to exchange Christmas gifts until January 21st. ( He works a railroad schedule of 11 days on, 3 days off )


...I do feel pretty good today, though.....I guess I'm "in between illnesses".... :angry:

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Friday, I went to the Bulls game in Milwaukee with a bunch of friends, good times. Saturday, I went out to dinner with my family for my step brothers graduation party, then came home and played White Sox monopoly, which I got my ass kicked in(quickest game of monopoly, ever). Yesterday, I just watched football and college basketball all day, then saw Hostel which sucked.

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