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My government teacher


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Today was the first day of the new semester at school. I'm in an A.P. governmet class and we talk about various topic likes abortion, civil liberties, federalism ect. Well I walk into class today and he puts a picture of a that gorilla (Coco?) next to a picture of George Bush. So I think okay he is going for shock value to make us listen on the first day. Well, the bell rings he walks in and looks at the board and says, "I can't tell which is more intelligent, can you?" The rest of the class bursts out laughing with the exception of a few of us. I felt that was really very unnecessary and out of place. I never had the urge to scream out in disgust in my life. Apparently from talking with some of my friends who have had him in the past he is a huge liberal who constantly pushes his political views on his students. Now I like Bush but, I'm not the biggest supporter but, that comment coming from a teacher made me lose instant respect for him. i'm thinking of changing the class. What should I do?

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QUOTE(G&T @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 03:52 AM)
Out of curiosity, what school? I went to Stagg and took that class so I'm wondering if it's the same guy.

What year did you graduate? His name is Mr. G I just thought that act was low

Edited by soxman352000
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QUOTE(G&T @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 03:54 AM)
2001, I had Mraz.

No, this is Mr. G (I don't know how to spell his actually name) My friend told me that he has been told by the administration to ease up little. Another friend told me he is retiring after this year to help his wife with her business.

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QUOTE(G&T @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 04:03 AM)
Or argue with him. Maybe he doesn't know anything and can only tell cheap jokes. Educate yourself on the issues.



QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 04:04 AM)
Stick it in his face.

Mabey I should pick my spot and tell him my side on the issues. Oh another thing he went on and on about how he has his masters in political science and how he is currently working on his doctorate. My thought is well act like an educated man

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Word to the wise on this one. Dont get into a debate with a teacher unless you want to see it in your grades. A healthy debate is good, however with politics and religion keep your views out of the teachers heads. Only if your view and the teachers view match will you survive without issue. I had a Christian Ethics class at St Xavier. You have to take two religion classes and my friend told me he was in this class and it was all girls, except for 2 guys. Stupid me didnt put two and two together so I signed up. I couldnt get over the fact that ratio of hot girls in the class, it seemed like a win win. The teacher was definately a man hater. To start the class of you had to say In the name of the creator, the redeamer and the holy spirt. I asked her why cant we say Father son holy spirt. She told me I was trained by a sexist society who trounces the views of women. I told myself, well keep your yap shut, memorize the material take good notes and you will be ok. Nothing could be further from the truth. There was a midterm and a final. I memorized the information for the midterm. I scored a nice D+ on my midterm, while the girl next to me who never showed up got an A. It was a essay test. Now I took my answers directly from the book and from the notes. However the girl, In her example of ethics issues and how they plague the bible. She stated, "Mary was a virgin, but they called her a prostitute later. How can the mother of Jesus be a prostitute. That is an ethics issue and sexist." Yup one grossly inaccurate line of crap, Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdallen the prostitute are two seperate people, however she got an A. I just asked her if I could borrow her test so I could see how she did so good, made a copy as we were beyond drop date and took it with my D+ final to the dean and oddly I got a B in the class. The other guy in the class who didnt drop it got his overturned also. Nice bottle of man hate to go with your catholic college.

Edited by southsideirish71
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Yeah, that's a tough call. I would say it's not worth the fight, switch classes and write a letter to the school board about why you switched. If you chose to switch, don't feel like you are caving in or anything, there's bigger battles to fight, and you won't be satisfied if you fight this one since he's probably a pretty entrenched teacher and a lot of your classmates will likely side with his views and you won't have much support.


Southsideirish71, man that story sucks, I went to Elmhurst, which is a very liberal school and I'm middle leaning towards the right, but at least they offered generic religious history classes with very fair professors. (As a side note, Elmhurst has something like a 6 to 1 girl to guy ratio, so every class had a gaggle of hot chicks :P )


Soxman, don't let this one teacher shape your opinion about these classes though. I have had many classes like this with very liberal or conservative people, but they were open to actual adult debates, didn't resort to name calling and didn't base grades on your political views. My contracts teacher at law school was one of the biggest liberals i have ever met in my life (she teaches at Berkley now!!), but she is one of the greatest teachers I have ever had, I can stress how much respect I have for her, even though our politics were very different.


These classes can be very satisfying and extremely informative, so when you move on to college, ask around and you'll get a read on professors. Teachers like this get off on the laughs they get for those simple jokes and aren't worth your time or effort.

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Dunno -- I took a hs polisci class (a while ago now) with a very liberal teacher who wasn't shy w/ his views, and I was (then) very conservative, and it turned out great. It was fun, partisanship was encouraged -- Dems on one side of the room and Repubs on the other.


Feel the class out, don't drop it just b/c the teacher wears his heart on his sleeve. If nothing else, those two letters (AP) always improve a transcript.

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QUOTE(soxman352000 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 08:56 PM)
No, this is Mr. G (I don't know how to spell his actually name) My friend told me that he has been told by the administration to ease up little. Another friend told me he is retiring after this year to help his wife with her business.


I'd inform an administrator that he's still pulling this crap. Don't get into an argument with him about it.

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Ever thought about talking to the teacher outside of class and say that you aren't comfortable with insults towards people in government in your class? You might also wanna mention it to your principal's office. Chances are, if you aren't the only one pissed about it and who has said so, it won't affect your grade at all.


And honestly, what a lame attempt at political humor besides.

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I majored in Poli Sci back in undergrad, so I've seen my share of teachers. Many were clearly in one party's camp or the other, but most managed to try to keep off the soap box on partisan standing.


I had one great one, though, who taught my Presidency class. He came in the first day wearing a very expensive-looking business suit, tie and all (most Profs wore slacks and a button-down). But, he also had a completely shaved head and wore an earing. He stated the first day of class that he would feel he was successful if by the end of the semester, no one could tell where his allegiances lied. And sure enough, the class as a whole still had no idea by the end. THAT is the mark of an effectice, objective teacher of political science; teach the information, lead discussion and allow for the students to learn and build their own views.


As for your teacher, since it's high school and this guy is obviously a moron, you might just want to bite your tongue and make it to the end. The very fact that he would do what he did seems to indicate he isn't going to be terribly reasonable.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 09:19 AM)
I majored in Poli Sci back in undergrad, so I've seen my share of teachers.  Many were clearly in one party's camp or the other, but most managed to try to keep off the soap box on partisan standing.


I had one great one, though, who taught my Presidency class.  He came in the first day wearing a very expensive-looking business suit, tie and all (most Profs wore slacks and a button-down).  But, he also had a completely shaved head and wore an earing.  He stated the first day of class that he would feel he was successful if by the end of the semester, no one could tell where his allegiances lied.  And sure enough, the class as a whole still had no idea by the end.  THAT is the mark of an effectice, objective teacher of political science; teach the information, lead discussion and allow for the students to learn and build their own views.


As for your teacher, since it's high school and this guy is obviously a moron, you might just want to bite your tongue and make it to the end.  The very fact that he would do what he did seems to indicate he isn't going to be terribly reasonable.


Wow...now that is how a class should be taught. I bet maybe 1 out of every 100 political profs can ask that question and get the correct response.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 09:19 AM)
I majored in Poli Sci back in undergrad, so I've seen my share of teachers.  Many were clearly in one party's camp or the other, but most managed to try to keep off the soap box on partisan standing.


I had one great one, though, who taught my Presidency class.  He came in the first day wearing a very expensive-looking business suit, tie and all (most Profs wore slacks and a button-down).  But, he also had a completely shaved head and wore an earing.  He stated the first day of class that he would feel he was successful if by the end of the semester, no one could tell where his allegiances lied.  And sure enough, the class as a whole still had no idea by the end.  THAT is the mark of an effectice, objective teacher of political science; teach the information, lead discussion and allow for the students to learn and build their own views.


As for your teacher, since it's high school and this guy is obviously a moron, you might just want to bite your tongue and make it to the end.  The very fact that he would do what he did seems to indicate he isn't going to be terribly reasonable.


i was visual arts major so profs' political/religious/etc. views seldom came to the forefront. however i took a polisci class as elective and that was exactly how the prof was. at one moment he spoke of working with clinton in arkansas, the next he spoke of driving a few hours out of state to listen to a republican pres candidate speak at a church because he was "interested in his views." you could tell he leaned more democratic by his stories etc. but it rarely showed in class discussion/peoples' grades/etc. and when it did it never was a hack comment like soxman's teacher made but well thought out arguements and debates with those opposed in the class. he made it a really fun class for all involved...

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QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 09:26 AM)
You said this is an AP class. Will it hurt your diploma / transcripts to drop an AP class. Will that be on your record? Ask your counselor this before dropping it.


Excellent point. AP credit can save you A LOT of money. It saved me an entire semester of tuition.

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QUOTE(soxman352000 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 03:59 AM)
I'm thinking about just droping and taking regular government. I don't need to be subjected to that s***.




AP classes with some teachers are so easy to make a 5.0 on...

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