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What Church Do You Attend?


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Catholic church. I didn't go to mass for about 10 years and started to go back last April. It has helped me a great deal in many ways. Of course there are things that I don't 100% agree with in Church doctrine, but for the most part I tried to incorporate the moral of Gospel (so to speak) weekly. It is helping me to deal with my father-in-law's death in several ways as well as stress. As I told my mom (jokingly), the year I go back to the Church, the White Sox win the World Series and I get married; there has to be something to it ;) .

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born into the baptist church, then the church of the nazarene, then methodist, then free church, then independent baptist, now Christian and Missionary Alliance.


I don't buy too deeply into any of those churches except the independent baptist one. (go TEXAS!) Kap, SS, and I could probaby go to the same church.

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