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Fucking Embarassing


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roman your a dumbass...............geez us if she was a lesbian then she turned that way after dating you ..................lol......maury thinks your a pole smoker anyhow.............he said so hes here now talkin to me tellin me to type it. :D .........

I think she was a lesbian from the beginning but she just couldnt resist me... :lol:

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Heh.  People who compromise what they think/feel for the sake of fitting in are lost causes altogether, and are pretty much useless in society. 


This is a place to have fun and share thoughts with fellow Sox fans -- nothing less, nothing more.


If you think this is a haven to be cool or if you use this place to make yourself feel good, please seek professional help as soon as humanly possible.

Send 90 percent to the doc brotha........

Guess we'd better get a convoy of padded trucks filled with straight jackets to SoxNet's headquarters, eh?

Hey, if your implying I'm nuts then, then - ahh shucks, free padding, how could I refuse.


It could come in handy for that dumbass that tried pulling a jackass stunt jumping into the pool from a hundred or so feet high.

Hey you can send me to the doc for issues too, but fitting in is not one of them.....

99.9% of us have issues.


The fine line between being fine and needing help is KNOWING that you have them. Most people think they are "normal", when in fact they are in dire need of psychiactric attention.

*cough*sanctimonious prick*cough*


You guys are cowardly losers whose lack of intelligence is only overshadowed by sheer classlessness. From your posts it's easy to conclude that you only suspect the worst about other people, judging them by your own mold and model of thinking, a classic case of narrow-mindedness. What a pathetic display of self-involvement and subtle misanthropy.


Roman, bmr, Clu....why don't get over yourself for a change? If you prefer to hide behind your screen names and the fact that you will never get to meet people here, be my guest...but don't kid yourself- you are a tactless, tranparently anti-PC-for-the-sake-of-anti-PC, self-righteous bunch of hypocrites who think they know what's "good for society" and how "most people think they are normal, but they aren't" something that's amplified with every "philosophical" post you make. Don't make me laugh....you guys aren't ballsy or real or true as you prefer to think of yourselves ...nor are you men, I haven't seen so many cheap shots at women in my life.. why don't you solve your issues and insecurities first before jumping on other posters?


For people who claim to want to have fun on the boards, you sure as hell make a lot of heavy-handed, meta detours. Now I know why you have to "suppress" your views in "real life"- most people wouldn't put up with your whinny, self-entitled s*** for a second...You momos are the reason why Interent has such a notorious reputation, which you ironically use as an excuse to carry on with your pathetic, venting schtick. Quite laughable really.

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I think bmr pretty much covered it, but yet again, I do not care what people think of me on the internet. I can piss off as many people as I want on here because Ill never meet any of them...

You should always speak your mind -- but you MUST stick to what you say and not go back on it.


If the Sox start winning, I can EASILY see you saying "This is the best team ever!" or something to that effect, where as now, you are saying "This team sucks!".

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I think bmr pretty much covered it, but yet again, I do not care what people think of me on the internet. I can piss off as many people as I want on here because Ill never meet any of them...


There is the Baby Jerk we all know and love! :)

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You should always speak your mind -- but you MUST stick to what you say and not go back on it. 


If the Sox start winning, I can EASILY see you saying "This is the best team ever!" or something to that effect, where as now, you are saying "This team sucks!".

Right now I think this team sucks. But Credes homer (as much as I hate him for somethings, I must say hes the most clutch hitter Ive seen on this team in a long time) might possibly serve like Abbots 2000 heroics. Then again, I said this after Lees heroics the other day against Toronto and I was wrong, and this homer was against Detroit. Do this against the Yankees and maybe Ill believe this team still has some gas in the tank. Also, Im still a little pissed off that we lost a series to Detroit...

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Guest hotsoxchick1

roman the windsock and bmr the local pain in the ass.. granted you two may never meet anyone from here and are entitled to your opinions and all .... but most of us here have met in person, or hang out with eachother on a daily basis other than here and we do treat eachother with respect and know eachother enough to know who can handle what comments and such and who cant......so while your out venting your frustrations on here cause you fear to vent them in the real world just remember that there are real people behind the screenes.......not everyone is in the make believe worlds you two are in ................ :D

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The ball Carlos dropped prolly should have been played on the hop but I think he was trying to get Mark Buehrle out of some trouble there. I am madder at Graffanino doing his best (or worst) Jose Valentin impression on the bobbled double play ball. Then there's Joe Crede who's been making some great plays in the field but then somehow fails to touch the bag on a play in an important part of the game. If he touches that bag then there are 2 outs and no more runs would have scored that inning.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
That inning was absolutely discusting.  we should have been out of that without giving up anything.  Now I know why Graffy doesn't start and why Carlos is still the resident dumbass. :angry:

they should have given lee glasses before he entered the stadium.........

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Good point. Should I be offended by an idiot like steff (sorry I couldnt resist taking a shot at her) calling me an idiot? No. Ill never meet her and I have plenty of friends in the real world so I dont give a flyin flip if she likes me or not. And one reason I may appear rude at times is that I get mad at something like my girlfriend breaking up with me and then Ill come here and see that Buehrle was mediocre so Ill crucify him. I dont like him at all, but sometimes I admit I make him seem worse than he really is because Im just mad at something completely unrelated...

LOL.. you're not offended but FIVE days later you're STILL talking about it. You poor, poor, thing.



BTW.. Clujer, excellent post up there about people getting offended. :headbang

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You should always speak your mind -- but you MUST stick to what you say and not go back on it. 


If the Sox start winning, I can EASILY see you saying "This is the best team ever!" or something to that effect, where as now, you are saying "This team sucks!".

TWO excellent posts by Clujer!!! :headbang ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1
You should always speak your mind -- but you MUST stick to what you say and not go back on it. 


If the Sox start winning, I can EASILY see you saying "This is the best team ever!" or something to that effect, where as now, you are saying "This team sucks!".

TWO excellent posts by Clujer!!! :headbang ;)

hey you didnt like when i told ya what maury had to say all nite saturday nite... geez even my neighborhood heard about you and maurys fantasy steff lol........... ;)

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hey you didnt like when i told ya what maury had to say all nite saturday nite... geez even my neighborhood heard about you and maurys fantasy steff lol........... ;)

I heard it. :lol:


Steff was looking good though on Saturday, but I was a tad hotter. :headbang

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I heard it.  :lol:


Steff was looking good though on Saturday, but I was a tad hotter.  :headbang

of course you heard it dumbass you were there.. duh.........lol it must have been the blonde hair that made ya so hot................ :D

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of course you heard it dumbass you were there.. duh.........lol it must have been the blonde hair that made ya so hot................ :D

I heard certain parts of it, you know how I daze off after awhile.


No doubt, but now I look like I've got health problems. My hair is bright blonde, and my face is red all over. :ph34r:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I heard certain parts of it, you know how I daze off after awhile.


No doubt, but now I look like I've got health problems. My hair is bright blonde, and my face is red all over.  :ph34r:

lol we are all red all over... that sun was brutal yesterday.......now you know why i dont sit out there........ :D

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I was trying to come up with an example of when some moron insulted me. You were the one that stuck out in my head. And people who scold me over the internet and try to teach me a lesson, really dont teach me anything, except how to have a good laugh...

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roman the windsock and bmr the local pain in the ass.. granted you two may never meet anyone from here and are entitled to your opinions and all .... but most of us here have met in person, or hang out with eachother on a daily basis other than here and we do treat eachother with respect and know eachother enough to know who can handle what comments and such and who cant......so while your out venting your frustrations on here cause you fear to vent them in the real world just remember that there are real people behind the screenes.......not everyone is in the make believe worlds you two are in ................ :D

I realize that certain people here are good friends, but the thing is, I have my own friends and Ill never meet anybody here. So what I say isnt going to come back and haunt me. I come here to vent and to express my opinion. Not to make friends...

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