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Fucking Embarassing


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What it all comes down to is that the Sox aren't playing good FUNDAMENTALS.  Poor fielding + Poor fundamental hitting = piss-poor record.  We're VERY weak up the middle, and sometimes Carlos puts on a show out in LF that should be rated R.  Garland too just doesn't have it, and he hasn't had it all season long.  He's gotta get his act together and actually strike out batters for once.


There's no excuse to lose to the Tigers like this...this sucks...and it's gotta change before things get too late.

This team never has never been fundamentally sound.......in fact I wonder what the hell the Sox definitions of fundamentals are. f*** this god damn organization.



I agree with you that this team has never been fundamentally sound.... but this org still has a few good things.... we just need a shift in power..... towards some of those things... would love to see Fontaine made GM... Coaching at AA and below has been good if not great... and more importantly constant!



Its just the top two lvls that are kinda screwed up...

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What it all comes down to is that the Sox aren't playing good FUNDAMENTALS.  Poor fielding + Poor fundamental hitting = piss-poor record.  We're VERY weak up the middle, and sometimes Carlos puts on a show out in LF that should be rated R.  Garland too just doesn't have it, and he hasn't had it all season long.  He's gotta get his act together and actually strike out batters for once.


There's no excuse to lose to the Tigers like this...this sucks...and it's gotta change before things get too late.

This team never has never been fundamentally sound.......in fact I wonder what the hell the Sox definitions of fundamentals are. f*** this god damn organization.



I agree with you that this team has never been fundamentally sound.... but this org still has a few good things.... we just need a shift in power..... towards some of those things... would love to see Fontaine made GM... Coaching at AA and below has been good if not great... and more importantly constant!



Its just the top two lvls that are kinda screwed up...

That's true, but the organization won't do anything until it's too late. Look at Billy Beane, when his team is struggling he makes a trade and usually they rebound and go on 18 game win streaks and such. This organization is clueless.



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We'll get one.



Not with kenny at the helm.... if he's leading that ship too... then this is a greek tragedy.

After this season I doubt he will be leading the ship. According to HSC he hasn't been at the ballpark for awhile.



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Guest hotsoxchick1
We'll get one.



Not with kenny at the helm.... if he's leading that ship too... then this is a greek tragedy.

After this season I doubt he will be leading the ship. According to HSC he hasn't been at the ballpark for awhile.



2 weeks thus far and counting..........

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What it all comes down to is that the Sox aren't playing good FUNDAMENTALS.  Poor fielding + Poor fundamental hitting = piss-poor record.  We're VERY weak up the middle, and sometimes Carlos puts on a show out in LF that should be rated R.  Garland too just doesn't have it, and he hasn't had it all season long.  He's gotta get his act together and actually strike out batters for once.


There's no excuse to lose to the Tigers like this...this sucks...and it's gotta change before things get too late.

This team never has never been fundamentally sound.......in fact I wonder what the hell the Sox definitions of fundamentals are. f*** this god damn organization.



I agree with you that this team has never been fundamentally sound.... but this org still has a few good things.... we just need a shift in power..... towards some of those things... would love to see Fontaine made GM... Coaching at AA and below has been good if not great... and more importantly constant!



Its just the top two lvls that are kinda screwed up...

That's true, but the organization won't do anything until it's too late. Look at Billy Beane, when his team is struggling he makes a trade and usually they rebound and go on 18 game win streaks and such. This organization is clueless.





Took the words outta my mouth... I know i dont post here as much as over at WC.. but thats something that i should say :P



Beane isnt the only one... Angels had that charm too... we stole Fontaine... now lets make him GM!

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What it all comes down to is that the Sox aren't playing good FUNDAMENTALS.  Poor fielding + Poor fundamental hitting = piss-poor record.  We're VERY weak up the middle, and sometimes Carlos puts on a show out in LF that should be rated R.  Garland too just doesn't have it, and he hasn't had it all season long.  He's gotta get his act together and actually strike out batters for once.


There's no excuse to lose to the Tigers like this...this sucks...and it's gotta change before things get too late.

This team never has never been fundamentally sound.......in fact I wonder what the hell the Sox definitions of fundamentals are. f*** this god damn organization.



I agree with you that this team has never been fundamentally sound.... but this org still has a few good things.... we just need a shift in power..... towards some of those things... would love to see Fontaine made GM... Coaching at AA and below has been good if not great... and more importantly constant!



Its just the top two lvls that are kinda screwed up...

That's true, but the organization won't do anything until it's too late. Look at Billy Beane, when his team is struggling he makes a trade and usually they rebound and go on 18 game win streaks and such. This organization is clueless.





Took the words outta my mouth... I know i dont post here as much as over at WC.. but thats something that i should say :P



Beane isnt the only one... Angels had that charm too... we stole Fontaine... now lets make him GM!

Hey that sounds good to me. I think a couple of kids in the Chicago area could make a better team than Williams could just cuz they own a baseball game on their PS2. Williams was always good with our minor leagues, but not as a professional GM.



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Dude....shut the f*** up. 


The team needs to pick Joe up there.  He made a mistake.  They also need to pick up Carlos.  They didn't.


Put this loss on a lack of team effort.  We f***ing sucked.  Plain and simple.  Don't blame this on one guy.

Why is Crede getting blamed. The guy plays awesome defense and makes one freaking mistake. Everyone is gonna botch a play here and there. It sucks that it happened with the game on the line but thats life. Fact is the offense should score more runs and if your serious about Walker getting canned already then I don't know what your thinking.


It takes quite a while before a hitting coach can make adjustments and even when the adjustments are made it takes quite a while until the player gets comfortable with them.

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Dude....shut the f*** up. 


The team needs to pick Joe up there.  He made a mistake.  They also need to pick up Carlos.  They didn't.


Put this loss on a lack of team effort.  We f***ing sucked.  Plain and simple.  Don't blame this on one guy.

He made the error that allowed them to score. Ill never support Crede again. Crede, PK, Manuel, KW, Einhorn, JR and Buehrle are on my permanent Sox blacklist...

How are they on your list yet Frank isn't. If all it takes is one freaking game then why the hell isn't every player on the majors on your list?

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I agree with witesoxfan. To blame one guy is ridiculous.

We were playing Detroit for Gosh-sakes.

We SUCK as a team.

To get four hits off Detroit at home is pathetic.

This upcoming road trip is going to bury us by the All Star break.

We are baseball's biggest disappointment by far and that ain't Crede's fault.

Agreed....except I am not positive that we will be out of it by the All-Star break. I realize KW is not in charge anymore....but he put the team together....and teams that KW has put together have, in the past, had 2 very terrible months, 2 months where they played decently, and 2 months where they played outstanding baseball.


This is our second month of terrible baseball. The only hope we have left is that the above holds true.

Thats teams that are managed by JM. You look at 2000 and really thats exactly how the Sox were.

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Like Hawk said tonight during the game "You win 60, you lose 60.  It's what you do with the other 42 that matters."


We are not going to win every single game.  Can't be flagellates all the f***ing time because the Sox lost a game.


Yes, we did play the Tigers and yes, we should have won.  4 hits was the most pathetic thing that I have seen in a while.


Remember, we tell the Cubbie fans to tone down their "We're doing well!" bulls*** with the fact that it's only May.  Remember....it's only May.  There is a whole f*** of a lot of baseball left to be played.


/prays for a fire to be lit under the ass of the Sox so they do something soon

The thing about this team is the players dont care about winning, win 60 and lose 60, it doesnt work with this team. They will be playing winning baseball when the twins will be 15 games ahead of us. The last 3 seasons is the same thing, a team without defense waiting for the hitters to win ball games.

I think every team in the majors cares about winning. A bit of it has to do with how they mesh, but all winning teams have good chemistry or at least 90% of them do. Just like all teams have problems when they lose or at least when they underachieve and everything is magnified.


Fact is the players aren't producing, nothing else to say. You can't point any of these blame on one person because its a team FREAKING sport.

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lighten up clu............its not the end of the world... and no its not the worst team i have had the pleasure of seeing in my lifetime.. im sure it wont be the last s***ty team either............it just kinda sucks because we looked so gosh damn great on paper this year and had a pretty productive spring training.. now it all falls to s*** so fast.. its kinda hard to chew down all at once ya know.................tomorrows another day though......

There Michelle you said it, we looked so gosh freaking great on paper. And PAPER is all the general manager can do. The rest is up to the manager and players and then if things fail then the GM has to make a change.


Thats my 2 cents at least.

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No, Michelle.


I just am getting sick and tired of 90% of people on this board acting like every Sox loss is the end of the world.


I'm not saying "it's just a game", because I realize that most of us love this team and want them to win VERY badly.  But to make comments like "I'm embarassed to be a Sox fan" and to put members of our team on their "permanent blacklist" after 1/3 of the season is just absurd.


:fyou if you think the sky is falling, because it's not.  Whether the Sox win or lose, just support your team, and if you think they're the worst team in the history of the game, find a new team to support.

The other 2/3 we will turn things around??? I dont think so, today this team showed how bad and no heart this players are.

There are games where the Yanks will lose the the Devil Rays or Tigers and they could lose bad, doesn't mean they suck. Everyone loses to the bad teams because you play so many games against them.


There have been a few times this year the team has looked great, but I'll be the first to admit 90% of the time they have looked pathetic.


This team needs some changes, imo, but I think the talent is there. By changes I just mean some guys that will bring a different style/tempo to the field.

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i dont i get drunk instead......... :D  its alot more fun that way..........

I was talking to JoshPR, not you. :P


On a side note, to all of you who will be on the road this Memorial Day weekend, be careful out there. There's a lot of drunk mo-fo's who have no regard for their life -- so by default they have no regard for yours.


:fyou drunk drivers

thats why i take ian.. he cant drink so i can and i dont have to drive......besides they have checkpoints up here everwhere and they just showed on the news tonite they are stopping every 5th car... so far they have made a great haul with no seat belt tickets and drunken drivers with cars gettin towed.........now about the drinking and game thing.. i figured that you and i could go get drunk after a bad loss tonite there clu and maybe run down to the local tattoo place and mark up a few body parts... maybe get something pierced???? wadda ya say there clu.. you game?????? lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D .....only jokin... i assume you know that though............had to lighten things up a bit around here before everyone jumps off the building............

I don't drink in public. :P


Although, I may start -- the Dodgers have won 8 in a row, and we can't beat Mike Maroth, :lol: -- June 6-8 is gonna be fun!!! :D

Clu, Dodgers pitching going up against our offense is going to be real scary.


The only thing scarier would be one of us beating up a player (and I do mean a Sox player; I swear if I'm at the game and Jose makes an error I may just run onto the field and give him a lesson on throwing accurately) wearing a Sox shirt (And you thought Sox fans repuations couldn't get worse, lol)

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What it all comes down to is that the Sox aren't playing good FUNDAMENTALS.  Poor fielding + Poor fundamental hitting = piss-poor record.  We're VERY weak up the middle, and sometimes Carlos puts on a show out in LF that should be rated R.  Garland too just doesn't have it, and he hasn't had it all season long.  He's gotta get his act together and actually strike out batters for once.


There's no excuse to lose to the Tigers like this...this sucks...and it's gotta change before things get too late.

This team never has never been fundamentally sound.......in fact I wonder what the hell the Sox definitions of fundamentals are. f*** this god damn organization.



I agree with you that this team has never been fundamentally sound.... but this org still has a few good things.... we just need a shift in power..... towards some of those things... would love to see Fontaine made GM... Coaching at AA and below has been good if not great... and more importantly constant!



Its just the top two lvls that are kinda screwed up...

That's true, but the organization won't do anything until it's too late. Look at Billy Beane, when his team is struggling he makes a trade and usually they rebound and go on 18 game win streaks and such. This organization is clueless.





Took the words outta my mouth... I know i dont post here as much as over at WC.. but thats something that i should say :P



Beane isnt the only one... Angels had that charm too... we stole Fontaine... now lets make him GM!

Hey that sounds good to me. I think a couple of kids in the Chicago area could make a better team than Williams could just cuz they own a baseball game on their PS2. Williams was always good with our minor leagues, but not as a professional GM.



And eventually I'm going to do it and if the Sox haven't won the series by then, I will find a way to get it done.

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You tell me why you are not more mad at the three crap at bats in the ninth??

What piss poor at bats by some of our best players.

We simply can't hit the ball and still have bad chemistry.

Let's face it we all thought Koch, Colon and Daubach would take care of the chemistry issues and we still have no life.

I don't know what the solution is. There's only one Lou Piniella in America and he don't work for us.

What the flip should we do????

We have no life.

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When you say that everyone wins 60 and loses 60, etc... You have to remember that the Tigers will probably win just about 60 games. They have to come against someone, and we got 2 against us. However, everyone is panicking because we lost to Maruth and he was 0-9. Well, folks, he's pitched well in several ballgames this year. He was bound to get one sooner or later. I predicted in another thread that this would happen tonight because that kind of stuff just seems to happen to the Sox.


Roman .... as far as I'm concerned, you are not a Sox fan. You don't know the meaning of the word. So be embarrassed about it, because you flat out do not qualify.

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Living out of the Chicago metro area, I only get to see national televised games, WGN games and Tigers/Sox games. It's not that we lost that bothers me. I have seen us lose heartbreakers which have made me proud to be a Sox fan because we didn't quit. The few games thatI've caught on TV tell a different story. We get a lead and blow it because we got complacent... because the Sox were very obviously treating the Tigers as you would that mentally touched kid that tries really hard. They rolled over and let the Tigs win.


Last year, the Tigers were a listless team. No talent, bad management and ownership, but no urge to compete. This year its a different story. They may be 24 games below .500 and they might have 100 plus losses this year, but they will come out a much better team next year, and may even have a shot at contending. Because they seem to care.


This time I saw signs of life in the first 6. JG pitched well, not making many mistakes, only giving up three hits. Jose made some solid moves and even allowed a hit to prevent an extra base error that you know would have happened if he threw the ball spinning up his arm. But in the last three, the infield didn't seem to move at all to get ground balls within their reach... the outfield didn't seem to pay attention. We made stupid baserunning errors. My team didn't seem to care much at all. And if they don't care? Why should I?


I'm still a Sox fan, but I'm a pissed off one tonight.

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Why the hell is everyone blaming Crede? As far as I've seen, hes been as good as anyone defensively. As some said, his bad play didnt cost us the game, our offense did. There should be no f***ing way our offense cant score more than 2 runs. And Garland pitched well, anyone notice that?


roman...we all know you'll be begging for your Sox fan ticket after we win 5 in a row. :P

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No, Michelle.


I just am getting sick and tired of 90% of people on this board acting like every Sox loss is the end of the world.


I'm not saying "it's just a game", because I realize that most of us love this team and want them to win VERY badly.  But to make comments like "I'm embarassed to be a Sox fan" and to put members of our team on their "permanent blacklist" after 1/3 of the season is just absurd.


:fyou if you think the sky is falling, because it's not.  Whether the Sox win or lose, just support your team, and if you think they're the worst team in the history of the game, find a new team to support.

Amen clu. I feel the same way. I can't stand watching them lose, but I will support them til the end and won't start throwing them all under the bus when they struggle. I was at the game the other night when they came back against Toronto and there were plenty of "fans" ripping them when it was 5-1. One guy was b****ing and moaning about Gordon when he came in. It almost seemed like he wanted him to fail. After Gordon got done mowing a few guys down, this guy shrugged it off saying "He is only doing well cuz he is throwing 97 mph". When C. Lee hit the homer this guy didn't even look excited.

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When you say that everyone wins 60 and loses 60, etc... You have to remember that the Tigers will probably win just about 60 games.  They have to come against someone, and we got 2 against us.  However, everyone is panicking because we lost to Maruth and he was 0-9.  Well, folks, he's pitched well in several ballgames this year.  He was bound to get one sooner or later.  I predicted in another thread that this would happen tonight because that kind of stuff just seems to happen to the Sox. 


Roman .... as far as I'm concerned, you are not a Sox fan.  You don't know the meaning of the word.  So be embarrassed about it, because you flat out do not qualify.

Whatever yas. Im a Sox fan and I dont care what some message board schmuck says. Im a Sox fan but I have a real short fuse... :angry:

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When you say that everyone wins 60 and loses 60, etc... You have to remember that the Tigers will probably win just about 60 games.  They have to come against someone, and we got 2 against us.  However, everyone is panicking because we lost to Maruth and he was 0-9.  Well, folks, he's pitched well in several ballgames this year.  He was bound to get one sooner or later.  I predicted in another thread that this would happen tonight because that kind of stuff just seems to happen to the Sox. 


Roman .... as far as I'm concerned, you are not a Sox fan.  You don't know the meaning of the word.  So be embarrassed about it, because you flat out do not qualify.

Whatever yas. Im a Sox fan and I dont care what some message board schmuck says. Im a Sox fan but I have a real short fuse... :angry:

:cheers wow someone with balls.............and a self esteem.

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